Reality villian Omarosa enters a seminary

I watched that nasty piece of work Omarosa on her debut appearance on the first season of “The Apprentice” in 2004. She seemed to pick fights with people constantly and she once called it “racist” when another contestant (I looked it up and it was Ereka) used the common expression “pot calling the kettle black,” which of course has nothing to do with race at all. A quick look at the Wikipedia page for that season reminds me know that Omarosa also accused Ereka of calling her the “n” word when her original claim of racism didn’t stick. Ereka denied using that word and passed a lie detector test to back it up.

Omarosa then made a sort-of shameful career out of reality stints on shows like “The Surreal Life” and “Celebrity Apprentice” and bit appearances on TV shows as herself. I actively tried to ignore her, but she’d pop up now and then with news of the latest feud she was picking with whoever she decided she hated the most. Shortly after she came onto the scene she got an enormous boob job and flaunted it, and divorced her never-seen husband, dropping her hyphenated surname, Manigault-Stallworth. She wrote a book last year that no one seems to have read called The Bitch Switch: Knowing How to Turn It on and Off, which seems to be about succeeding in business by acting rude and alienating people.

Anyway that’s way too generous of an introduction for this wretched woman, who has now announced her plans to enter a seminary and pursue a doctorate in religion, and presumably a religious life. We just heard that she “apologizes” for all the nasty things she said about the other contestants on the various shows she was on, but it sounds like she never really took responsibility for her behavior, as we’ll explain in a moment. Here’s the news that Omarosa is going to seminary for whatever reason:

Omarosa Manigault-Stallworth, best known for her diva antics on NBC’s hit The Apprentice, is entering an Ohio seminary.

According to the Associated Press, she is slated to begin her ministry studies at United Theological Seminary in Dayton on Monday.

She will spend about two years pursuing a doctor of ministry degree, says Ivan Hicks, the school’s associate dean for African-American studies.

“She has expressed a calling in her life and it is our opportunity to provide leadership and guidance as she makes a transformation,” Hicks says. “We’re excited about her coming to school at UTS.”

He adds that she “has a heart for ministry” after doing work on behalf of the homeless and the poor in Haiti.

Omarosa’s feisty reputation will actually help her as a minister, says Hicks.

“Some of the good things and bad things we’ve done in our lives help us to actually relate and to be more widely accepted as a minister,” he says.

[From US Weekly]

So Omarosa is going to become a minister. Does she crave the power of Christ so that she has divine justification for being mean and belittling people? If she even completes her studies, and I highly doubt it’s possible for her given her issues with just about everyone, she’s going to use her title to lord it over people and excuse her terrible behavior. How convenient that Omarosa is doing this now, right when her last project, a dating show with Donald Trump that was announced last fall, has apparently fallen through. Is this a move of desperation or a genuine desire to become closer to God?

On Omarosa’s “apology” – she did it earlier this month while recounting some of the many inexcusable things she’s said about people she’s worked with, as if she was relishing her creativity in being cruel:

The new cable series “Life After” tells stories of people after they’ve found their fame. But Omarosa never quite went away.

“I have done 20-plus reality shows, and I enjoy doing it,” she said proudly during a session at press tour. “Clearly I’m good at it.”

I asked her what made her so good at reality TV.

“Whatever I’m feeling is authentic, she said. “Whatever I’m feeling at that moment is my authentic emotion. And I just let it go. And sometimes I have crossed the line. In fact, I’ve stepped over that line, and kicked the line, and walked past the line in every situation on realty television. But I own up to that. I take responsibility for the things that I have done.”

Given that, I asked whether there was anything she wanted to apologize for.

“I would like first to apologize for calling Janice Dickinson a crackhead,” she said. “And saying that she was cuckoo. And saying she was the oldest super model. I might want to apologize for talking about her jowls and her bad plastic surgery. I would also like to apologize for saying that she had a bad weave and that she was a terrible mother.

“I might also want to apologize to Piers Morgan for saying that he was a British idiot. And maybe to Wendy Williams for calling her a man…”

Somehow I wasn’t feeling her full regret.

[From TV Eye]

I googled that Omarosa and Wendy Williams fight, and it happened last summer. If you watch the video, below, Wendy just tries to find some common ground with Omarosa and she gets haughty, takes offense, and starts hurling insults. She also makes the obnoxious and uncalled for claims that “I give back more to my community than anybody that I know.” Oh yeah, she’s ready to devote her life to God.

Omarosa is shown on 6/28/09 at the BET Awards. Oh yeah she’s ready for a pious life. Credit:

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20 Responses to “Reality villian Omarosa enters a seminary”

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  1. Kevin says:

    What a Ho! ,,,,Oh never mind. I thought you said SEMENARY!

  2. Ramona says:

    Well this is right where this “Crazy Bitchzilla” belongs, in a seminary, right…..I wonder how long its gonna take before someone pisses off Miss Queen of Nothing and dares to tread on her “Me Time”. I’m sure it won’t take long before she decides to open a major can of”Whup Ass” on her fellow seminarians and teach them all a new language with her nasty,vulgar foul mouth…I can just see the halo over her head now….Where is Janice Dickinson when you need her….I would love to see those two left alone in a room for about an hour….Hmmm…Do I smell a reality show in the making???

  3. Firestarter says:

    I think both are horrible bitches. I would have thought they would have gotten along better given they are so similar.

  4. fbeats says:

    i like her smiling mouth she is looks very attractive models i like it
    thanks for sharing

  5. Ramona says:

    fbeats……I like her smiling mouth too, as well as her face , it kinda reminds me of Regan on the ‘Excorcist’,and I’m waiting for her head to spin around and vomit up her green spew all over everything…I also think I see a little pee pee on the floor under her pretty pink dress….

  6. gg says:

    Dang, O got a giant boobjob looks like.

    fbeats, the very reason she is so offensive is because she smiles while she is verbally stabbing and gutting people with her Giant Ego, and she talks complete NONSENSE. This woman has the heaviest case of narcissism I have ever witnessed. It’s mind blowing.

    I’d like to see the other tv crazy, Tiffany Pollard, and Omarosa, get into the ring and rip each other’s fool wigs off since they’re both outrageously insane @$$h0les.

    I never watch Wendy Williams and don’t even know who she is, but I applaud anybody with balls enough to take on the delusional Omarosa on television and put up with her artificial smiling rantings of pure crazy.

    Ladies, just because you can out-shout and out-ego other people does NOT make you attractive or right – it just makes you a great, big argumentative Gorgon. I weep for the bad she’s going to do to religion with this new moneymaking scam she’s got going to enter seminary. I would be willing to bet she argues with all her professors and calls them names like a spoilt little child, “trust meee 🙂 , trust meee 🙂 … Been there done thaaaat …” I can’t imagine a man wanting to listen to his cow on a date, let alone live with it.

    I have strong opinions about Omarosa in particular because she is a liar and damages people with lesser self-esteem than she, and she lives to argue. This is not a positive role model or a well-chosen life to emulate, contrary to her bolstered image of herself. She has no idea.


  7. alibeebee says:

    bitch is too nice of a word she a total utter cow.. and could even go as far as another word that starts with…

  8. Ramona says:

    And what is her name again??? I’M A Roast Manguts-StalledOut-N-Worthless??

  9. e-non says:

    i’m just guessing this has less to do with a calling from ‘god’ than seeing a future opportunity to lead a ‘flock’ of gullible people drawn to a former reality teevee star. much less.

  10. gg says:

    Ask L. Ron Hubbard – the best way to make money is to start a religion. She wants in on that action. Lots of suckers to be had.

    Investigation into her DC jobs has reportedly revealed a lot of trumped up Bullshite. She’s still not making money off of her so-called “intellect” because intellectual careers are beyond her capacity.

    And I want to see a listing of the either 17 or 20 (the amount changes to suit her whims) “shows” she’s been on. Does that include the one called “Biggest Television Bitches” with recycled clips of her yelling at Janice Dickinson on the same TWO z-lister shows? That must include reruns.

    She and Flavor Flav should hook up.

  11. Alison says:

    Her apology is hilarious. She just used it as a way to say horrible things about the people she hates again.

  12. K McFarlane says:

    I guess when you run out of reality shows this is a new way to get attention.

  13. Jano says:

    Wait till she spends a winter in Ohio… hee hee

  14. jaundicemachine says:

    With her “religious” ambitions – she’d fit in well in Colorado Springs.

  15. Bina says:

    She should be entering an insane asylum!

  16. RaraAvis says:

    The progression from “know-it-all bitch” to “know-it-all and Jesus is on my side” is a natural one, isn’t it? That’s why I don’t go to church.

  17. Ggirl says:

    This creature is so completely gross. She and Heather Mills must be secret evil twins separated at birth. Omarosa wants powers over others plain and simple. Now she is going to use one of the oldest tricks in the book; attempt to use religion as a way to control and manipulate others. I think Satan better get busy reserving her spot in hell. She may even try to take that over eventually!

  18. K says:

    LOL….the only place on earth that would accept her skanky self.

  19. Hieronymus Grex says:

    You have to actually have a soul to get into the clergy.

  20. Katyusha says:

    That dress is a tragedy.