Sarah Paulson: ‘I don’t shoot anything into my face at this particular juncture’

Sarah Paulson is a wonderful actress who has worked consistently for decades. She never really had an ingenue phase, probably because she’s always been more of a character actress. I didn’t realize that she’s 49 years old right now – I kind of thought she was younger? In any case, Sarah is committed to aging naturally. At least for now. She was recently profiled in Interview Mag by her BFF Pedro Pascal. They talked about growing older:

Sarah Paulson isn’t ready to dip her toes into the facial-filler conversation quite yet.

The actress, 49, got candid about her age — and how she’s aging — while speaking with close friend Pedro Pascal in a new interview for Interview Magazine published April 16.

She boldly stated her age mid-interview, and while Pascal — who is also 49 — skirted the mention (saying he’s “not” happy to mention his age), Paulson dove into her thoughts on aging.

“Well, since I don’t shoot anything into my face at this particular juncture, I imagine everyone knows I’m 49,” she said.

The Broadway star, who is currently headlining the play Appropriate, went on to say that her current role is probably what’s going to age her skin faster than anything. Despite Pascal telling her that theater will keep her young, she vehemently disagreed.

“If there’s anything that’s going to age me rapidly, it’s going back to the theater,” she said. “Sometimes I’m backstage doing this play, Appropriate, and I’m thinking, ‘Wow, I’m making these facial expressions multiple times a day all day for months on end. I’ve never had those lines in between my eyebrows.’ Well, I expect when I’m done with this play, they’ll be there permanently.”

[From People]

It actually sort of sounds like she’s open to the possibility of getting Botox or fillers at some point, which I understand. You never know how you’ll feel at a later date. Personally, I think Paulson looks great for her age (a compliment I dislike giving, but it’s true in this case). There’s so much talk about “Zoomers are aging like milk” or “Millennials are aging better,” but as we can see over the years in Hollywood… the women who barely touch their faces are the ones who look the best long-term. Also: Paulson is Gen X, and I feel like the “forgotten generation” is sort of aging the best out of everyone.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red.

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14 Responses to “Sarah Paulson: ‘I don’t shoot anything into my face at this particular juncture’”

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  1. JanetDR says:

    😂 Not fair having a post that mentions Pedro without a picture of him!

  2. Hannah says:

    I’m not trying to tear anyone down but…it does look like she’s had work done and the one thing that’s tough for women is when celebrities claim that they’ve not had anything done and that they are just naturally ageing so well. Yes, she has access to facials and a myriad of creams and serums…but those lips and cheeks are not ‘natural’. And that’s totally fine, but can we please admit it?

    • Kitten says:

      Yep. Love Paulson and she looks amazing but I am verrrry skeptical that she hasn’t at least had some botox. On one hand, no one is obligated to admit they’ve had work done. On the other hand, people are going to assume you did anyway so why not just come clean? It’s gotta suck to feel this intense pressure to look amazing but also an intense pressure to insist that it’s natural.

      • CocofromCanada says:

        She’s a liar and gross

      • Hannah says:

        Yes! Totally love her work and agree that no woman famous or not should ever feel pressured to reveal her weight, what she eats, what she does to her face BUT as someone with a platform she does have an obligation not to lie. Because it’s hard enough to be a woman. Hollywood puts an incredible amount of pressure on everyone to look unrealistically youthful, we get it. But a working celebrity they could choose to either talk about that pressure or just not say anything at all about what they’re “not” doing to their face.

      • Jackiejacks says:

        She’s not saying she’s never ever had any work done, injectables etc. She’s just saying that right now at this moment she has not had anything done (recently).
        Read what she says very closely – ‘at this particular juncture’.
        Basically she’s saying she hasn’t had work done at this particular point in time. She makes no mention of the past with that statement.
        She’s basically choosing words carefully in order to try to stick to what’s the most truthful even if not 100% the truth.

    • Lau says:

      Thank you ! She’s really one of these actors for who I always have a doubt “are they lying or is it all in my head ?”.

    • tealily says:

      “Well, since I don’t shoot anything into my face at this particular juncture” to me does not sound like she’s saying she never had any work done. It sounds like she isn’t using injectables currently.

      But also, she’s been acting since she was young and there are a ton of photos of her out there. She doesn’t look *that* different than she did when she was on American Gothic thirty years ago. She’s always had a weird smooth face, so I’m inclined to believe she’s not doing much.

  3. Amy Bee says:

    Her face is very smooth for a 50 year white woman.

  4. ClaireB says:

    This is literally unbelievable, given the smoothness of her brow and eyes in all the pictures. I wish celebrities would stop lying about the work they’ve had done. Just say, “yes, I’ve had work done, because in this industry and our culture, youth and smoothness are valued above everything.” Then maybe we can have more conversations about that, instead of being distracted by the conversation of “has s/he or hasn’t s/he”.

  5. Lisa says:

    To all the naysayers in the comments. I’m Syrian and French with a mix of others. Brown side of my family has this skin well into their 60’s or more, even then they still age well. Conversely white side is aging remarkably well. My mom uses retina a she gets a prescription from her dermatologist, has always worn sunscreen and looks way younger than she is, a few of her friends are insanely jealous it’s nuts. My grandpa passed away at 87, and aside from no hair, he had no wrinkles, my uncle is the same. Genetics are a wild thing. Also she didn’t say if she has laser treatments.
    All of this to say, I hate it when women pile on other women it’s definitely jealousy and we can do so much better. It also says a lot about you and nothing of her, let her live.

  6. Libra says:

    Sarah Paulson has a devoted much older partner who I’ll bet thinks Sarah looks great and isn’t pressuring her into doing anything to her face right now. (Holland was a real beauty back in the day.)

  7. Lisa says:

    im 56 and I dont have any wrinkles. I can see how the skin around my jaw is not as taught as it was but I am very smooth in the forehead, around the eyes etc. so is my mom. we have very round faces, which Sarah doesnt have, and we are a good 10 lb overweight for our height, definitely not Sarah’s situation. but people do age differently. now I am willing to get a facelift in 10 yrs or so when this around my chin continues to soften. but based on my mom, I dont think I will ever need botox.

  8. Kirsten says:

    She doesn’t look like she’s had any work done — you can see the lines across her forehead and around her eyes, plus she has the folds and dimples around her mouth that you’d lose with fillers. Her face looks pretty much the same as when she was younger — she just looks like she takes very good care of her skin and stays out of the sun.