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11 Responses to “Another whackjob with a Jodie Foster obsession arrested”

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  1. Phil McCracken says:

    I guess someone forgot to tell that stalker that Foster is gaygaygay…

  2. cc says:

    Your last paragraph…lmfao


  3. Kate says:

    Yes, Phil, because stalkers really care about the person they’re stalking, and that person’s sexual orientation really matters to the stalker.

  4. geronimo says:

    Never mind the stalker, it’s Phil with the sexual orientation fascination.

    Jodie Foster is just gay, by the way, not gaygaygay. Your gaygaygay tag makes you sound very camp. I’m picturing you singing – possibly dancing – as you wrote your comment.

  5. Phil McCracken says:

    Gee, how did you ever guess?

  6. cc says:

    By the way, the last part of my comment should have been “I

  7. headache says:

    I’m picturing something choreographed like the bye bye bye hops in that nsync video. I wonder if Phil looks anything like Lance Bass

  8. geronimo says:

    I’m preferring not to picture Phil but I imagined it as a quick skip around his chair, followed by a little shimmy and a high five to his reflection in the mirror.

    Off topic, I’m a bit concerned about cc. She’s trying to have her say but the gremlins seem to be eating her words…?

  9. Bodhi says:

    Dued, its the gnomes…

  10. cc says:

    I’ll let you guys know if it is the gnomes or the gremlins.

    Let’s see how much of this comment posts. lol