Courtney Love: “Homely girls” try harder in bed


Oh, Lord. Here’s Courtney Love, out and about in London yesterday. Is it just me, or does Courtney look particularly corpsey in this photo? The strange thing is that she also looks sober! Weird. Could it be that Courtney actually looks better when she’s under the influence of something?

Speaking of Courtney’s looks, she recently sat down for an interview with someone (something?) called a “Toure”. No, I think I know that guy! He once worked for Rolling Stone I believe. So Courtney talked to Toure, and she told him some uncomfortable information about how she is in bed, and why:

Courtney Love says she’s good in bed because she’s unattractive. After claiming on “The Howard Stern Show” she had an affair with Gavin Rossdale after he married No Doubt singer Gwen Stefani, Love tells music journalist Toure she’s a love goddess “because I was never pretty. Pretty girls just lie there. Us girls who grew up a little more homely have to try a lot harder. That’s why pretty girls never threaten me — it’s like, yeah, you want to take me on? Take me on. Go for it.”

Toure interviewed Love for Fuse’s “On the Record” show.

[From Page Six]

If this was said in the context of a joke, I would just roll my eyes. But I think Courtney actually thinks she’s telling some great truth. And that’s what disgusts me. Can you imagine if it was a man who said this about women? That “homely” girls are better in bed? He would be ripped a new one, and Courtney should too. Besides that… ugh. I don’t even want to think about what Courtney does in bed. NO. STOP IT.

Courtney Love Shows Her Years As She Leaves David Letterman!

Courtney Love Does Letterman

Header: Courtney Love in London on May 5, 2010. Credit:

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33 Responses to “Courtney Love: “Homely girls” try harder in bed”

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  1. LindyLou says:

    Nothing this woman farts out of her mouth surprises me anymore. Years of drug abuse has killed her brain. Sad really….

  2. Shannon says:

    You know what pisses me off? When celebrities use their skewed life anecdotes to make blanket statements as if they’re based on scientific studies.

    What does Courtney Love know about pretty girls and homely girls? She’s spent half her life in a heroin daze!

  3. Tessa says:

    In the bottom picture she looks like Shelley Long circa Cheers.

  4. sickofit says:

    oh my god she is sooo crazy, and by the way, she must have big self-esteem issues, i never thought of her as being ugly. with all that surgery, my opinion has changed a bit…

  5. Taya says:

    Courtney Love reminds me of a type of girl that always has dirty underwear on.

  6. Praise St. Angie! says:

    don’t shoot the messenger, but…

    I have heard plenty of men say the same thing. famous and non-famous.

    don’t think there’s much truth to it, though. I think it totally depends on the person, and whether she likes sex or not…also depends on how she feels about the man she’s with.

  7. Emily says:

    Of the girls I’ve slept with, I haven’t noticed any difference based on their attractiveness. Maybe I’ve just been lucky, but I’m taking my word for it over hers.

  8. glitsha says:

    she favors heidi fleiss (anorexic bad plastic surgery trainwreck mess)

  9. Lisa says:

    Girls that feel that they are homely may try harder to be better in bed, that may be true. But it doesn’t matter if you are pretty or not, if you love sex and the person you are having sex with… then you will be good at it.

  10. Bonfire Beach says:

    The above comments are hilarious! Especially the Shelley Long comment and the one about dirty underwear. They are spot on.

    In the header photo she looks like GaGa, which is a shame because I like GaGa.

  11. The Bobster says:

    ~~~If you wanna be happy for the rest of your life
    Never make a pretty woman your wife~~~

  12. jessica says:

    She reminds me of Madonna so much! lol

  13. bubbles says:

    oh dear god, I’d much rather have something attractive just laying there than have that thing riding me like a wild monkey! but that’s just me.

  14. NayNay says:

    Pretty or not, I do not think anyone has to try hard in bed. You are either good in bed, or you are not good in bed! It has nothing to do with how you look.

  15. Lala11_7 says:

    I don’t have a problem with anything she said here…

    But then again…I DO like Courtney…always have…probably always will….(don’t tell anybody)…

  16. MingMing says:

    She could a be a Homely Girl spokes person nowadays-what’s going on w/her face?

  17. lrm says:

    I hate that I am reading this post,but even mor ethan that,I hate how she is always interviewed,written about,p hotographed…for what?
    I just hate it-i wish we could stop giving her any attention or notice at all….uugh.

  18. Zelda says:

    How is this an offensive statement? Because of the “homely girls” generalisation?

    Levels of attractiveness DO exist. And they CAN afect a person’s behaviour. I feel like anytime anyone makes general statements about attractiveness, there is a knee jerk reaction, as if we can’t even mention that some people, somewhere, are ugly. It’s PC gone too far.

    Some people are not attractive. Some women are pudgy and not “curvy”. Sometimes, yeah dude, your dick is too small. And sometimes it’s not ADD, it’s just your parenting.

    Can’t we just admit reality sometimes, if we don’t point fingers?

    That said, my buddy says this same thing about fat chicks.

    I don’t believe it personally. I think it’s a totally unfounded gerealisation to say the least, but not offensive. I think it’s all about enthusiasm. It’ about how much you like sex and not being self-conscious (nothing kills it faster than a self-conscious lover)

  19. freckles says:

    I wasn’t even gonna comment, but I just have to say that I SO agree with #2’s comment, it pisses me off too!!

  20. Annie says:

    Ohhhhh Zelda…you’re my hero. Brilliant!

    “Some people are not attractive. Some women are pudgy and not “curvy”. Sometimes, yeah dude, your dick is too small. And sometimes it’s not ADD, it’s just your parenting.”

  21. bella says:

    idk, I’m pretty hot and I’m awesome in bed.

  22. kim says:

    i really don’t think a guy saying the same quote would be ripped a new one.

    I’ve heard guys say that modeleque women are bad in bed because they don’t even try or can’t let loose. I’ve also heard women say god-like men are bad in bed because they are selfish lovers.

    it goes both ways.

  23. Alexa says:

    Well – hurray for me! I’m no beauty – AND — I’M FAT! lol

    p.m. me for my phone number fellas 😉

  24. Iggles says:

    Speaking of Courtney’s looks, she recently sat down for an interview with someone (something?) called a “Toure”

    LOL! Kaiser, you rock!

    Can’t stand him. He was the dude who tweeted that slaves who were raped were using their bodies for “liberation”. What. A. Douche!

  25. teehee says:

    No, ANY girl with no saelf esteem will try too hard or feel the need to try.
    Women with a head on her shoulders will think of what she wants and likes instead.

  26. Melinda says:

    She looks corpse like in that black lace dress. Kinda like she died a while ago and no one told her, so she is still walking around going about her business.

  27. Constance says:

    She would know about homely girls… She was NEVER good looking at all.

  28. Ken says:

    Okay, lets define good sex to bad sex – cums right down to the orgasm, yes? lol Miz love is full of shit – obviously she doesn’t know how to rip one off properly, otherwise she wouldn’t make a comment like that – stupid cow!!

  29. prissa says:

    This woman is so icky to me. Sometimes I think she has something medically wrong with her – besides anorexia. She definately has mental issues.

  30. emilyb says:

    I don’t know. Guys tend to think I’m pretty and I think most of the people I’ve been with consider me good and also generous. However!! I would bet that a couple thought I just lied there. It’s because I did. I was hesitant about sex with them, my feelings for them and wasn’t really attracted to them. As a result, I was not into it and it directly effected everything.

    It happens. It sucks but it happens. I just can’t go all wild with someone if I’m really ambivalent or super nervous. Oh well. On the other hand, if I’m comfortable with them and us, it’s a great time for them because I work my ass off. Because I want to.

  31. Missfit says:

    I don’t know, ugly or not, I have heard some women have just lied there, even If they were ugly. So it goes both ways on that too. And that doesn’t mean because you’re fat, you’re automatically “ugly”, and just because you’re not fat, you’re automatically “hot.” It’s pretty sad for the people who think that way. And just because a guy has a small dick, doesn’t mean they can’t bring it. Obviously, if you really love someone, you will enjoy sex with that person, it’s about the passion, emotions, connection, all of that, not just doing it like porn stars. Then if you don’t and you feel like you need to get your f*ck on elsewhere, then that person shouldn’t have ever gotten with that other person to begin with and wasted their time. Then again, some people don’t like relationships, they just like to have their bootie calls.

  32. Trillion says:

    I just can’t get past that nose. It’s one of the worst plastic surgery noses I’ve seen.

  33. Slymm27 says:

    Some people just lay there? Really? Doing what?