RHONJ’s Danielle Staub: “I wasn’t a prostitute, I was paid for relationships”

Danielle Staub at the 15th Gen Art Film Festival premiere of 'Happythankyoumoreplease' at the Ziegfeld Theatre in New York City

I can’t really tell who you people care about in the Real Housewife world, so I’m sorry if you find this one boring. Real Housewife of New Jersey Danielle Staub has already been outed as a former hooker in league with some kind of major Miami coke dealer back in the 1980s (sidenote: rumor is that the coke dealer was part of the Medellín cartel). In 1986, Danielle, who then went by the name Beverly Merrill in life (her hooker name was “Angela Minelli”), was arrested on federal charges of extortion and cocaine possession. She had six kilos of coke! Anyway, long story short, she cut a deal with the prosecution, pleading guilty to the extortion charge and cooperating fully. If you want to read about her arrest and her plea deal, Gawker has a really good summary, including some of the old court documents.

Anyway, parts of this story came out on the first season of RHONJ, in a hilarious dinner scene. Something about a “prostitution whore”. So Danielle/Beverly/Angela wants to set the record straight. So she’s written a book about her adventures, The Naked Truth. People Magazine has some excerpts from the book, as well as a short interview. Here are some of the highlights:

On writing the book: “I don’t want acceptance anymore. It’s my journey, I wasn’t afraid to put it out there.”

On her 1986 arrest: “I was 20, I didn’t have morals!”

On the on-air confrontation: “Reliving it all was gut-wrenching. But it was also the most incredible rebirth. I am blessed to have survived.”

Book excerpt, on her sexual abuse at the hands of members of her adoptive family: “Sexual abuse entered my life I was extremely young. My bedroom door would open in the middle of the night, and in would come a relative or family friend – one of my abusers – who’d climb into bed with me and treat me with no regard.”

Star-f-cking: “I was young, hustling and doing quite well. I dated an Olympic athlete. I met Don Johnson in an elevator and we ended up kissing for what felt like ages. I was at a party and I met Prince. All I am going to say is that he was the best kisser out of all the celebrities I have ever been with.

On being a prostitute: A friend introduced her to a “call service” and she began going on dates for money. Until now she denied having been a call girl. “Was I going to admit it before I’d been paid to admit it? No. What I was doing was not illegal. On the other hand, soliciting sex is. I wasn’t a prostitute! I was paid to establish relationships. I ended up having physical relationships with two men. I was attracted to them and they were attracted to me.”

[From People Magazine, print edition]

There’s more from her book, something about how she gave birth to a son who died of SIDS when he was 11 days old, which is sad. I mean, I get it. This woman has lived a very full and diverse life, and only part of it involved being a hooker. But it’s funny to me that even now she can’t just say “yes, I was a hooker.” All of this hedging with “I was paid to establish relationships.” Goodness.

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51 Responses to “RHONJ’s Danielle Staub: “I wasn’t a prostitute, I was paid for relationships””

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  1. bros says:

    i dont care about this trash, but NOTHING compares to Kelly bensimon’s freakout on RHONY last night OMG-that was priceless. she has been freaking out over the course of 2 episodes. last night was some of the best reality TV ever on that show. my husband normally hates this show, but we were dying last night watching her have her schizoid meltdown.

  2. Just a Poster says:

    Is she trying to “class up” the word hooker like we do with Target.. Tarjay?

  3. meme says:

    a ho is a ho is a ho PROSTITUTION WHORE

  4. Kayla says:

    “I was 20, I didn’t have morals”? Uh?

  5. This chica has crazy in the eyes! CRAY-ZAY! BTW, my lil’bros girlfriend (19 – looks 52) looks JUST like this woman and she is a nut ball too!

  6. original kate says:

    if i paid for a “relationship” with this botoxed ho-bag i think i’d ask for my money back.

  7. lem says:

    i watch all RH religiously. this woman is f*cking insane. i don’t believe a word out of her crazy freaking mouth.

  8. guilty pleasures says:

    Way to rename that rose!!

  9. Eileen Yover says:

    Holy crap I have no idea who this person is but can she jack up her eyebrows any higher? Or is she just in a state of surprise every where she goes?

  10. grace says:

    Yesterday was the best episode of RHONY!!
    I was amazed by how Kelly is crazy and paranoid!! lmao

  11. Bee says:

    @bros I used to think Kelly was just a numbingly stupid famewhore. But, now I think that woman is just looney toones crazy. Her freak out started funny, it got a little scary about halfway through, and by the end I was waiting for the men in white coats to cart her off to an insane asylum. The “satchels of gold” remark was priceless. As Bethenny said last night “she’s coocoo for coco puffs.” I just hope she doesn’t have an actual mental disorder, because than I’ll feel bad for mocking her. But homegirl is capital c CRAZY.

  12. Jeri says:

    Ha Ha! What a distinction, hoing for relationships as opposed to dates!

    I guess you grow morals with adulthood.

  13. buckley says:

    Kelly Bensimon, Kaiser!
    I was hoping there would be a thread on her meltdown last night.
    It was tv gold!

  14. Cinderella says:

    That is one shady bitch. She is going to ruin her oldest daughter’s modeling career (and life) if she becomes her manager. It’s like Dina Lohan 2.0

  15. bros says:

    I know! I think that she seriously either forgot her medication at home (likely) or was doing some sort of hallucinogens on the trip…..I’ve never seen anything like that-I kept thinking, how can this woman be in charge of 2 young lives-she was completely disturbed and it did keep getting progressively worse.

  16. anon says:

    I never judge teh hookers b/c a lot of them were molested.. so that’s just sad period.

    OK. She looks like David Gest (Liza Minnelli’s ex) in the FACE.

  17. Eileen Yover says:

    Oh maaaaaaaan now I’m watching this crap from OnDemand. Thanks alot people! ;P

  18. Tess says:

    Still thinking about the epi last night!!!

    Last night on RHNY was the best, most jaw-dropping, semi-uncomfortable, but rivetting thing I’ve seen on TV in a long long time.

    Kelly is, as Bethanny said, a real Kook-a-doodle-do.

    Hope she’s not on drugs. But it’s got to be drugs or insanity. Either one is pushing the limits of what it’s ok to show.

    Same with Danielle. Like a slo mo car wreck, impossible to turn away from, but that gal’s got some major league mental issues.

    Love Sonia. A true ditz, but smart and unafraid of showing her insecurities. But best of all she’s got a heart.

    Unlike the truly despiccable Jill Zarin and her Best Female Boyfriend, Countess Lulubelle.

  19. RHONYC says:

    i’m soooo curious to see what her ex-husband looks like.

    her gorgeous daughters both look like the hemingway girls, and dodged a major bullet genetically. sorry dani.

    i’m sorry for her past troubles, tho’…i hope she becomes
    less needy for acceptance. i mean, screw those broads if they don’t want her in their circle. they’re all total bores.

    on one hand, it would be nice for her to put a sock in it tho’, for her girls’ sake.

    then again, she seems like a good mom (she didn’t c-block her daughter’s modeling career), and maybe she wants to be honest with her kids and say, ‘hey, i f$#ked up’ and now i’m gonna be better & stronger. she’s just not very eloquent or elegant about the whole thing.


  20. Eileen Yover says:

    Ok watching it now-she told a chick she was channeling the devil and made a complaint fishbowl? Oh boy-this is going to be interesting.

  21. NayNay says:

    If you get paid for relationships, that means you are a WHORE, a HOOKER, or a CALL GIRL/ESCORT. Either way, she is a PIG.

  22. Kaiser says:

    I’m so sorry I missed Kelly’s meltdown. I saw a small little part where she was crying on the bed after Bethenny gave her a gift bag and I was like “WTF?” and I switched the channel.

    If it repeats over the weekend (I’m sure it will) maybe I’ll write something about it!

  23. Katyusha says:

    It’s funny Danielle and Kelly come up in the same thread. Danielle is crazy, too. Did anyone see the episode where she was going to do a drive-by of Caroline’s house? Her daughters had to talk her out of it. And holy hell, is she unnattractive.

    @ bros, Bee and Tess
    Sonia is my new favorite! Everything you said about her is right.
    And as Sonia said, I’m no doctor, but I seriously think Kelly is on some sort of crazy-maintenance meds, and she forgot to take them. There is really something wrong with her, clinically, I think. You can always tell crazy people because they don’t know their crazy. Kelly has no idea.

  24. Eileen Yover says:

    OMG-seriously??? I’m not even half way through this and how are these girls STILL hanging around all this? No yacht or mansion in the world could put me around THAT!

  25. Ming says:

    Her face is so jacked up, it hurts just to look at it!
    Whenever I see her, it reminds me of Michael Jackson (RIP). . . damn!

  26. shutyourpieholeprincess says:

    Meh, how is Theresa any less of a prostitution whore? Would she be with her neanderthal husband if he weren’t handing over loads of cash all the time? Not likely.

  27. Bella Bella says:

    Don’t misunderstand me, this Danielle housewife is one crazy prostitution whore BUT the real deal hotness last night was Kelly Bensimon going freaking nut job on RHONY last night. Best night of television EVER!!! Must watch even if you aren’t into the housewife shows.

  28. Obvious says:

    I hate doing this but…

    @NayNay there is a difference. you could arguably say i get paid for relationships because my boyfriend pays for everything. being paid to have sex is completely different. however it is the oldest profession in the world.

  29. Soldtheirlivesforcash says:

    Danielle’s girls have more sense than she does. Especially the episode when the kids were trying to stop her from crashing the party at a housewife’s house that she was not invited to.

    The girls look miserable.

  30. Ming says:

    Prostitution ho!

    Whether you call it c@nt, slit, or ‘vadge’, it still has the same old stink.

    She’s nasty enough to have done Tiger.

  31. Cartman says:

    Dried up old cokeprostitute is all she is.

  32. Danielle says:

    At least I wasn’t raped by my own father like Dina or Caroline! Those sick c****

  33. Snarf says:


  34. mary jones says:

    No way she was 20 in 1986 that would make her 44? She looks 50! Her face is so gross. Where did she get her kids from they are lucky they dont look like this beast.

  35. tess says:

    her poor face.

  36. Ashley says:

    Who cares if she was a hooker. This isn’t 1852. People are such hypocrites. It’s okay for them to go out and have a one night stand but this chick is condemed because she once was a hooker? Who gives a toss. I don’t sleep around but I’m not going to judge her because she does.

    Danielle may be a very damaged individual but people throw the hooker thing around like ‘oh she wasn’t just a cokehead she also had sex with men for money, she’s something akin to a pedophile’. Go f yourselves.I swear the world is still full of Puritans.

  37. bros says:

    kaiser, at least watch the last two episodes so you can see how it unfolds. it is amazing. ive never seen anything like it.

  38. Twez says:

    Just because you give the girlfriend experience, doesn’t mean you aren’t still a prostitute.

  39. Once you get paid for it, girl, you is a ho.

  40. guesty says:

    watched the last 2 epis of rhny last nite!!!! o.m.g.

  41. Sardines says:


  42. CB Rawks says:

    You’ll love this RHONY cartoon art and review, guys!

  43. kaligula says:

    a sane person can have nothing but compassion for this woman. she obviously has very little self-respect and she’s the scapegoat of her reality show, like kim is the scapegoat of the atlanta one. those other women just tear her apart and she is too emotionally weak to take them on and give them a taste of their own medicine. it’s adult bullying in action and i wish the networks would acknowledge it because it’s not healthy to represent such behavior without any kind of professional analysis. and to snarf and naynay and all others in your camp– i’m willing to bet my fortune that you call yourselves christians?

  44. fugs-r-us says:

    what’s wrong with prostitution?
    somebody gotta do it …..
    she should be worried about the colombians released from prison that she ratted out ….
    or the slander against italians
    & lies of rape ….
    her ex is suing her & so he should …

  45. jan says:

    Someone paid HER?

  46. Trashaddict says:

    Two things:
    Danielle, some of us did have morals when we were 20, age has nothing to do with it (I think you are thinking of judgment).
    Prostitution is wrong when it isn’t voluntary, which is quite often around the world. The illusion of “choice” is put out there by the pimps. Read up on sexual exploitation, in fact maybe she fell into that mess because of the sexual abuse.

  47. Poppy Fields says:

    @kaligula – I agree, this woman is the scrpted scapegoat. As far as morality is concerned, prostitution is morally neutral if both parties are consenting adults, period. The other women on RHONJ do have questionalble morals, imo. I’d freak out if my son opened a strip club, for instance. So funny that Caroline defends him yet rips into Dani for stripping professionally.

  48. Thia says:

    I think the past becomes relevant when it dictates the present!The fact she was involved in drug trafficking,kidnapping and prostitution yet continues to live a life style she can’t afford leads her morally back to where she started. The sex tapes, Ex con confidants and pole dancing tell you her thought process is the same.It’s very sad this is entertainment and that her children are along for the ride. I would think that personal attacks on her looks and her age are beyond us. She has problems that shouldn’t have the exposure it does making the viewer believe this is normal.

  49. Heather says:

    Danielle/Beverly didn’t have morals at 20 and she doesn’t seem to have any now either. Also, she’s paranoid, narcissistic, and seems to have a borderline personality disorder. Almost seems unfair to film a woman who can’t distinguish what’s real from her imaginary world where everything – even a fundraiser for a sick baby – revolves around her.

  50. Klaudia says:

    She looks like the Joker in drag!!!!!!!
    SCARY PSYCHO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  51. Paul says:

    Danielle, you are definitely a demonic entity. Nothing that comes out of your mouth is the truth and you twist everything to your sick needs. You are playing with eternal fire old lady. Please turn from your sick evil ways.