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25 Responses to “Tom and Katie keep Suri under wraps”

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  1. Bodhi says:

    😆 I like BWE’s #2!

    Now I’m all for TinyTom & Kat(i)e conspiracy theories, but the paparazzi ambush idea is pretty plausible. It would sure scare the hell out of me, I can’t imagine how it would be for a kiddo.

    But it could well be some bizzaro $cientology thing. They consider kids to be tiny adults so maybe she is in school already. But wouldn’t tiny adults be too old for a bottle?

  2. dancingnancie81 says:

    I’ve got 2 theories – A) she’s at Scientology Brainwash Camp, or B) well… really there is no B. And a sidenote: my kid is 17 mos and hasn’t seen a bottle since he was 8, Suri is waaaaay too old to be clinging to that thing. As she’s a grownup and all, they need to stage an intervention, have some of her sandbox playmates talk her down and get her off the nip.

  3. Syko says:

    So true, dancingnancie – especially since Suri is actually about 8 years old.

  4. Bodhi says:

    Baby intervention!

  5. Kate says:

    Eh, some kids cling to their bottles–particularly at night–longer than others. It doesn’t mean they grow up to be dysfunctional. The restaurant incident sounds pretty plausible. It’s also a good illustration of why kids aren’t really tiny adults. They’re not prepared to deal with that kind of situation, and it’s not fair to ask them to.

  6. nopeno says:

    I think Suri is doing some sort of scientology thin were at 2 years old you have to reflect on your life in seclusion. We all know she was born a lot earlier than they say. So the timing is about right. Aldo she is a very indulged spoiled child and is starting to throw serious temper trantums and the perfic narcissistic father can’t have that. He wouldn’t want the world to know even scientologist don’t have the ability to control over indulged bratty 2 year olds. Take the darn bottle away from her. And he did not treat his other 2 so indulgently. Guess Nicole wouldn’t go for it. I can’t stand Katie when she talks about her daughter. ” Suri is a strong women” STFU

  7. Syko says:

    Kids clinging to their bottles is not a good thing. It can lead to tooth decay, malformation of the teeth, lots of problems. Speaking as one who let her kid have a bottle until he was 3, then had to cough up the money for all the dental work.

  8. geronimo says:

    I’d be clinging to my bottle if I were her and had T&K as parents and nothing but Scientology to look forward to. Poor kid.

  9. tvf says:

    There’s another possibility – enough heat has been put on Scientology recently from Anonymous that it’s possible that they’re concerned for Suri’s safety, whether from a kidnapping or just from exposure to the idea that someone disagrees with Scientology.

    (If you have no idea what I’m talking about, there’ a pretty good article at Radar about the Anonymous/Scientology dustup)

  10. geronimo says:

    tvf, what a very interesting article! Thanks for the link.

  11. Anony says:

    Since Suri is really Chris Klein’s baby they had to lock her away while she hit the Terrible Two’s in January…Can’t have people catching on to the real story…right?

  12. Syko says:

    Excellent article, tvf, thanks for the link.

  13. KC says:

    tvf – great article. Very interesting – thanks for posting here. I hope the story of Miscavige’s niece is the nail in the coffin of the cult that is Scientology. It makes me sick that these people are basically running prison camps and yet are recognized by our government as a tax-exempt Church. Disgusting.

  14. KC says:

    Forgot to mention, in the shot of Tom getting out of the car, is that a little red alien pee-pee sticking out of his pants? LOL

  15. Syko says:

    Judging from the one nude picture I’ve seen of Tom, KC, it’s about the right size, but the color is off.

  16. journey says:

    suri probably got old enough to think for herself and her sci-minders couldn’t have that!

  17. Emma says:

    Poor little Suri. I wish that she could have a normal life. Katie should never have broken up with Chris Klein.

  18. ER says:

    KC – I wondered about that little red thing too – what is it?

  19. Arwen says:

    I’d not be surprised if they are worried about Anonymous. The Co$ is said to be on high alert at the moment because of all the activsm.

  20. judi says:

    I also think she is at the scientology center, locked up, and being brainwashed…

  21. check it. says:

    I miss her, I want to see her. How come no one ever asks about Shiloh who is pimped out a lot. No one cares about her I guess.

  22. Therese says:

    Take that damn bottle away from her already.

  23. Anonymous says:

    Great article! Thanks for posting the link!

  24. wif says:

    What happened to David Miscaviges neice?

  25. Fee says:

    I’d be clinging to a bottle too if those where my parents – a bottle of Jack Daniels…….

    She has served her purpose for now -she’ll be left and the “kid ranch” (his sisters house)until shes required for a photo op to pimp out another film.

    Those people scare me and Katie seems like shes had a lobotomy or is on some wicked drugs….