Katherine Heigl admits that even her husband stopped listening to her


Katherine Heigl sat down for an interview in Parade to promote her new film with Ashton Kutcher, The Killers. Dame Heigl insinuates for the millionth time that her husband Josh secretly hates her, and probably wants to shoot her in the face every time she opens her mouth, and yes, there are probably some relationship problems. Which made CB ask me, “Does Heigl get along with anyone?” My answer: Yes, her mom. That is the only person who Katherine really gets along with. My bet is even her baby is like “Jeez, will this crazy lady shut her trap?” Dame Heigl also kinf of uses the same excuse she used in Harper’s Bazaar for her diva antics: that she’s just being honest, people! As in, she’s honestly that big of a bitch. Oh, and she pissed off Ashton too! HA.

“I’d be a terrible secret agent. I can’t keep a secret and I’m not sneaky. Though I have to say I am very good at hiding. I can hide, and my husband’s just terrible at finding me. I do like to jump out from behind doors and scare him,” Heigl says.

Katherine Heigl surprised Grey’s Anatomy fans with a sudden departure from the hit series, but she’s keeping busy on the big screen. In Killers, Heigl takes on her first action role opposite Ashton Kutcher. After she discovers his secret life as a government assassin, she ends up joining him to take out some bad guys from his past.

In real-life, however, Heigl is much too upfront to go undercover.

“There are some things that if you say them out loud it will hurt the other person’s feelings,” Katherine says. “I tend to say them anyway because I think it’s better to be honest. I gave Josh [husband Josh Kelley] a really hard time recently because he got this new haircut for a photo on the country album he’s releasing. I really didn’t like it, even though everybody else loved it. I was like, ‘You don’t look like you. You’re really sexy, you’re a manly man and this is kind of a metrosexual look.’ Finally, he just stopped listening to me.”

Ashton was honest with her.
“He was really mad at me because I wouldn’t do my own stunts. He was only partly joking when he said that I probably even think running is a stunt. Actually, I do, because it’s dangerous. I have bad feet and I have weak ankles. If you have to do it over and over again, you can hurt yourself. Anyway, Ashton was always just rolling his eyes at me.”

At least she’s feeling confident as a mom.
“It could all turn to crap when my daughter turns 13 or something. But, I think as of right now, we are so into it and confident as parents like, ‘We’re in charge.’ We’re the cliche, typical couple who’s talking about poopie diapers and stuff. We’re always communicating about those more than we probably talk about anything else. I know we’ll eventually chill out.”

What she can’t get right.
“I keep kind of making certain mistakes in public appearances over and over again. I was on Letterman the other night, and I always choose a dress that’s impossible to sit in. It looks great standing, but then you sit and you are like, ‘Oh, my God. All my cellulite is showing.’ So you have to sit like a statue. I keep forgetting the lesson I learned: just wear pants.”

[From Parade]

Okay, so maybe I’ve gotten to the point where I really don’t Katherine to leave Hollywood just because it’s so funny to laugh at her. She’s really kind of a crazy, let-it-all-hang-out diva. But, like, a clumsy diva. A haphazard diva. A diva who cares, but not really, because it’s all about DAME HEIGL.

And can I just say something – for some celebrities, I have instant recall of certain photos of them, and often my memory bank has some of their better photos. Like with Kristen Stewart, whenever I read about her, my mind instantly flashes on these photos. But whenever I think of Dame Heigl, my mind instantly flashes to photos of her with her big mouth open, about to say some crazy sh-t. That’s my consistent image of her – and I hope it stays.

Katherine Heigl Does Letterman

Katherine Heigl stops to pose for photos in her yellow cinched dress as she makes her way to appear on the Late Show with David Letterman

Header: Katherine Heigl and her dog Apollo at the “Last Chance for Animals” event for The Jason Debus Heigl Foundation press conference to fight against animal cruelty at Renaissance Hollywood Hotel. LA, May 4, 2010. Credit: WENN.

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34 Responses to “Katherine Heigl admits that even her husband stopped listening to her”

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  1. RobN says:

    Why do bitchy women always pretend it’s just about honesty? Sometimes life is better when you shut your trap and don’t make others feel badly about themselves.

  2. Sumodo1 says:

    She thinks she’s Katharine Hepburn. Seriously.

  3. Leticia says:

    How perfect that she married a country western singer!! She will be an excellent source of inspiration for country western songs, i.e. evil woman drove me to drink and ruin, wrecked my pickup, now I’m in jail, etc.

  4. Leticia says:

    the first and second posters above are so right!

  5. lucy2 says:

    RobN – I agree. It’s one thing to be honest, but it’s another to keep at it until someone is hurt by it. Kindness, especially to those you love, goes a long way.

    The stuff about her stunts…she did know she was being hired for an action film, did she not? I’d think part of that job, for which I’m sure she was paid $$$, would be physical stuff. Of course she shouldn’t do really dangerous stuff, that should be left to professionals, but not even wanting to run? You hear about other actors training for months for roles, but it sounds like she just showed up on set as is and whined anytime she had to do something. I bet she was a pain in the butt on that set.

  6. meme says:

    yeah, well, she must be doing something right because her movies make buckets of bucks.

  7. Jeri says:

    She is the Kate Gosselin of actresses. She signed on for the Stephanie Plumb role. Why?? Stephanie is a bounty hunter and Heigl can’t even run, how will she nab the bad guys??!! Not to mention Stephanie is hot, Heigl is not.

  8. aury says:

    i had no opinion of her before. now i think she’s a pain in the ass.

  9. original kate says:

    katherine isn’t honest, she’s just under the delusion that her every feeling must be announced to everyone as soon as she feels it. IMO, our society has become way too fucking “honest” (meaninig narcissistic), except when it comes to taking responsibility for our actions. then people are oddly dishonest and silent.

    on a good note, she has a sweet doggie.

  10. andrea says:

    robN – right on. “if you have nothing nice to say, don’t say anything.”

    “im just being honest”, when you know you’re hurting someone, and probably often over inconsequential crap, is just an excuse for being a biznatch.

  11. coucou says:

    Completely on the fence when it comes to this one…as well as on the other side of the ocean, so am less exposed to her…having said that, she was so much better as a blonde…when i read her comments, it’s obvious she’s enjoying her life and her career, but she also seems to have just the right amount of self-effacing humor…and man was she right when she clocked her choice of dress for Letterman! It’s weird…i don’t want to hate her…but she so has the face you just can’t help but…hate…Get thee to a colorist, woman, time for some Heigl-lights!

  12. soon2Btripmom says:

    I used to find her really annoying, but this is the first time I’ve seen her complain not just about others, but herself as well. I’m OK with people telling it like it is, as long as they’re willing to subject themselves to the same honest treatment, and I think she is at this point.

    I don’t understand why people prize dishonesty and deceit. I don’t think a “Gone With the Wind” type society where we all pretend to be polite to each other’s faces is necessarily desirable. That kind of environment allows bad behavior to slink by unpunished. I respect those who are not afraid to call people out and demand that people accept accountability for their actions.

    Katherine Heigl has certainly acted like a spoiled, ungrateful bitch at times, but I think at this point in her life she’s willing to turn the microscope on herself as well, and I for one, find her candor refreshing. Let’s not forget that her bitchiness resulted in her publicly upbraiding a homophobic co-worker that really deserved it. Perhaps motherhood has mellowed her, but right now I find her to be self-depricating and to have a great sense of humor about herself.

  13. Maritza says:

    I don’t think anything she said in the interview is annoying. I’m sure her husband is honest with her too when he doesn’t like something she is wearing. Why lie? I like her.

  14. original kate says:

    “I don’t understand why people prize dishonesty and deceit. I don’t think a “Gone With the Wind” type society where we all pretend to be polite to each other’s faces is necessarily desirable.”

    there is nothing wrong with being polite. polite doesn’t equal dishonest. if i don’t like you and we run into each other at a party, wouldn’t you prefer if i just made polite small talk and then go on my way or would you rather i corner you in the kitchen and tell you that i don’t like you. or i could go around and tell all the other guests how much i dislike you, but why? what’s the point? this type of “honesty” is pure narcissism and helps no one. obviously, calling someone out on something like sexual harassment is one thing, but just making people feel bad in the guise of honesty is bullshit. kids say mean (but honest) things like “you’re ugly” or “your mom is fat” but it’s because they are children and haven’t learned manners or self control. we are adults, and should behave better, shouldn’t we?

  15. soon2Btripmom says:

    Why should you stand there making polite small talk if you hate me? I’m not saying we have to have it out then and there, but isn’t it acceptable to completely ignore me? You act like your only options are being a bitch or being a phony.

  16. original kate says:

    so if kathreine heigel tells someone how much she dislikes them she’s being honest, but if i tell you how much i dislike you then i’m being a bitch? i’m confused. to clarify, when i see someone at aparty i dislsike i and they say “hello” i simply say “hello” and move on. in your world is that bitchy or phony?

  17. Miranda Ann says:

    I like her!! I like her movies; I like her interviews; and I like that she speaks her mind. I can’t understand why she is called a “bitch” for simply being honest. I can’t think of any actor who gets put down for being honest, can you?

    Heigl is not a doper or an alcoholic; she doesn’t fall out of nightclubs every night; she hasn’t been arrested for a DUI. She’s a hard working actress and a caring wife and mother. She has nothing to apologize for. Also, she must be loved by more people than those who dislike her since her movies earn barrels of money and she’s paid many millions. That’s all that matters in Hollywood.

  18. Amy says:

    I’m pretty sure that you’re allowed to tell your husband you don’t like his haircut and not be considered bitchy. Husbands do it to their wives all the time.

    @kate – Bad example. Phony would be letting something slide that should be mentioned, not simply saying hello at a party to someone you dislike. But, if disliked person at said party made an underhanded, rude comment about someone behind their back and you hear it – laughing along would be phony or bitchy, calling them out on it would be honest.

  19. TaylorB says:

    I agree with Original Kate. Being polite trumps walking up to someone and being rude. If you do not care for a person, simply say ‘hello’ and walk away or avoid them to begin with that isn’t being dishonest.

  20. Iggles says:

    Katherine Heigl annoys me.

    But I LOVE her as Izzie. The woman can act! (Lexie can’t hold a candle to her). I want her to come back to Greys!!!

    She was also great in Knocked Up. Though, I think this new movie is going to be a bomb.

    @ soon2Btripmom:
    “Let’s not forget that her bitchiness resulted in her publicly upbraiding a homophobic co-worker that really deserved it.”

    Let’s stop with the blacklisting of Isaiah Washington! Even Perez Hilton apologized for the way he went after him and acknowledged Isaiah isn’t homophobic!

    That said, I would like both he and Heigl to come back to Grey! Sure those actors are difficult to work with, but their characters are AWESOME and they are both very talented.

  21. anon says:

    There’s being honest and there’s being brutally honest. The first is done with tact and thought and the latter is done without the first two.

  22. Fire says:

    I too don’t find anything annoying about her comments in this story at all. She is mostly talking bad about herself here – her bad choices in outfits showing her cellulite, her getting crap from Ashton about how she doesn’t do her own stunts, her not being able to keep a secret. I think she does “have a right” to tell her husband whether or not she likes his haircut. What he does with that info is up to him. Sounds like she told him in a nice way (telling him he is sexy and manly and this makes him look more metrosexual) rather than just “I hate it.” I totally expect my husband to tell me if he doesn’t like an outfit or hairdo. We’re supposed to watch each other’s backs like that! He always does it in a nice way – “That’s not my favorite” and stuff like that. Which is how it sounds like she told him.

    It just doesn’t sound like any of this is abrasive or bitchy to me. Maybe I skipped reading other articles about her where she was a complete bitch and all the posters who hate her are holding grudges from then ?? I dunno.

    I do like her better as a blonde though…

  23. original kate says:

    @ amy – i wasn’t the one who divided everything into “phony” or “honest” – that was another poster. i was saying that honesty doesn’t always need to be expressed. why do some people think everyone needs to hear their every thought and opinion, no matter how hurtful it may be? if my friend got a new haircut that made her ears stick out, there is nothing she can do about it now, so why tell her? why not just say something like, “it really brings out your eyes.” that’s not the same as being phony – it’s called being tactful. big difference. i just think alot of people in our society can’t tell them apart.

  24. Brayden says:

    Eh, I’m pretty much over the Heigl-hate. Give the woman a break.

  25. Ally says:

    I have no problem with her outspokenness. With stylists and PR people, Hollywood has gotten too vanilla.

    I dropped out of Grey’s around episode 3, season 1, but 27 Dresses was surprisingly not-cartoon-like and she did a great job of finding and feeling the vulnerabilities of the part, and not just acting like a star-impersonating-a-pleb (see JAniston, JRoberts).

    However, Heigl seems like she might want to cut the apron strings a bit. She’s a mother now. It seems like her momager is too much of a presence. It’s funny that kind of thing is usually an issue with the guy’s mater.

  26. mslewis says:

    Fire, I agree with you. That interview sounds funny and not bitchy at all. I think too much is being made of it and this woman isn’t nearly as bad as some want her to be. I hope she never changes. I’ve liked her since I saw her in that awful movie with that fat French guy. She was an adorable teen.

  27. archiepelago says:

    Looks like she needs lady rogaine in that first photo. She suits blond hair better.

  28. p3rp3tu4 says:

    Hopefully she will become active & her daughter will not become afraid to move like her… (comment about running just ODD). LEARN , KH , learn to run and move!

  29. oh hey says:

    “it really brings out your eyes.” that’s not the same as being phony – it’s called being tactful. big difference. i just think alot of people in our society can’t tell them apart.

    While I agree with the last statement, you put out a bad example, and some points are being missed here. If you tell a friend with a bad hair cut that “it brings out you eyes”, that’s not being tactful, that’s LYING. As anon said, there’s a difference between honesty and brutal honesty. A person can be honest with tact and diplomacy. A real friend would tell their other friend that the hairstyle didn’t flatter them, just in a tactful way.

    Also, if I ran into someone I didn’t like at a party, I ignore them.

  30. Lway says:

    My husband also jumps out from behind doors to scare me …….

    I kinda like her. She’s full of shit and very rude when she has the time – but i think she can be cool when she wants to be.

  31. kaligula says:

    mercy she is so pretty. and that dog looks awesome, too. something about her reminds me of sarah palin and it’s something that makes for an annoying screen presence– her performances are unwatchable in my opinion. but as for her personality actually i think it’s pretty cool (although very stupid, career-wise) for her to shoot her mouth of the way she does. it’s rare to find someone with the balls or even the naievete to do that nowadays.

  32. crab says:

    Haha, I hide and jump out and scare me husband too!!

  33. GoodScout says:

    As an author, I can never forgive her for throwing the Grey’s writers under the bus. She’s clearly the most self-centered celebrity in a city stocked to overflowing with them. Her movie career can’t crash and burn fast enough to suit me.

  34. Ally says:

    She seems very direct. I don’t think there is anything wrong with that.