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24 Responses to “Celebrity blogger Perez Hilton turns 30; people pretend to care”

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  1. cc says:


    lol…just a little joke, guys.

  2. geronimo says:

    Perez is one step up from being a troll. And only a very small step. Fat repulsive fool.

  3. geronimo says:

    lol cc!

  4. cc says:

    I do agree with you, geronimo. He is a boil on mankind’s ass.


  5. Roma says:

    Absolute kudos for the picture of Perez and his dog… it was perfect!

  6. e. says:

    terrible terrible but still….so funny. i odn’t really care for him but love that his site gets so much gossip. constant new stories and he’s a dick but makes no show of hiding it.

  7. Daisy says:

    but ..did you see the photos of the *celebritys that show up?
    dickheads all of them

  8. marisa says:

    Although I agree that he loves to self promote, I met him twice in Austin, Tx. and he is actually very nice to us non-celebs. I think almost all famous or not famous has beens in hollywood or just the spotlight are jerks, but the way they treat an individual who won’t help their career says so much.

  9. m.a. says:

    “Supposedly, Perez has been on a diet with the goal of looking svelte and fierce for his birthday. Mission not accomplished.”

    ^^^ Lol! ^^^
    Good one! 🙂

  10. Mo says:

    This guy’s site has become all about HIM. I find myself going there less and less to get my gossip. He now considers himself a BRAND. That’s why he has so many commercials about Perez on his blog. His realm of influence does not reach to me.

  11. neelyo says:

    Geez, he makes 30 look like the new 50.

  12. Ashley says:

    I like him…sue me! He’s funny as hell & has good gossip. I think the shit he draws on pics is hilarious, if you don’t like him, don’t go to his site! I’m sure he had a lot more people at his party than other bloggers could get-he does his job & he does it well! 🙂

  13. headache says:

    He was my jumping board to better celeb snark.

  14. monica says:

    i agree with you ashley. other bloggers hate him because he’s so popular. i mean….come on, they write about his b-day on their own sites for lack of better…gossip. what’s funny is that people do care. i for one would have love to have been there if only to see marc jacobs! he’s funny and business smart. he is a “brand” onto himself and good for him, making so much money over nothing.

  15. Kait says:

    Love him or hate him, you have to give the guy credit for making it happen. He brought gossip blogs way more mainstream and has become incredibly successful for being mean and self promoting. He deserves some credit.

  16. Lola says:

    He is such a low-life that any star I see standing next to him becomes Dlist like him.

    Did any one see that disgusting acne on his face? Ewwwwwwwwwwwwww!

  17. Syko says:

    I kind of enjoy him. He’s scummy but he’s an honest scummy. And I saw a couple of interviews on TV where he seemed like a nice guy. After all, we can’t all be classy like CB!

  18. monica says:

    oh my god…not acne! he is a low life….

  19. Rianna says:

    the only blogs i read are cb and dlisted. they are honest, quirky in their own way and the writers do not take themselves seriously.

    that is a sign of a good blog. the writers are impartial because they never meet or interact with celebs and therefore write equally nasty and honest things about the lot of them. perez has stepped over the line from blogger to celeb-wannabe.

    yes perez gets a lot of hits but the majority are from preteen girls who do the drawing nasty messages on peoples faces at school. i remember my cousin and her friend writing whore and bitch on peoples faces in a year book once. she was only 14. that is the target age of his blog.

  20. Monalicious says:

    I’m a minority here. I’m a 34-year-old housewife in Texas, and I love the P man!!!! Matter-of-fact, one of my biggest thrills here lately was getting my own Perez t-shirt, and getting my pic on his site! Perez is just one of those people you feel strongly about. You either love him or you hate him. If you love him, great, but if not, there are plenty of bloggers around to read. But, you got to admit, he gets people talking!

  21. sam says:

    He’s a self hating ass. He plays to the lowest common denominator of society. Just because he does it well, makes money at it, and manages to actually convince people he is relevant doesn’t make what he does acceptable. The more the kind of bullshit he pulls on people becomes ho hum, what the hell, etc., the more this culture is blase about the loss of people’s privacy, dignity, personal space…until it happens to them. Yeah, then it matters. Too fucking late.

    He’s the worst kind of famewhore…a whore with a modicum of false “power”. The sooner he falls the better. And I’ll laugh my ass off when he does.

  22. bustoff says:

    Happy Birthday, Lardass!

  23. plopculture says:

    i worked on the deal for him and for heidiwood

    check out my blog for more info

  24. Fredo says:

    I saw the photos of his party over on another blog, + I must say, he looked the best I’ve ever seen him.

    The best shot (that I saw there) was probably one of him + Harvey Levin. Cute. Happy 30th, Perez.