Tori Spelling complains about press coverage of feud with her mom

Tori Spelling was interviewed on the Ryan Seacrest radio show yesterday. She’s promoting her new book, Uncharted TerriTORI. She initially talked about the “farm” she has on her property, explaining that she wants to be “asked anything besides ‘marriage,’ ‘mother’ and ‘weight’.’ She said they have chickens, dogs, bunnies and a goat along with a small vineyard. The conversation soon turned to the well worn topics that Spelling claimed she wanted to avoid, of course.

On worrying that Dean would cheat – it was taken out of context
I did say that, in context. It’s part of my book. People Magazine had an excerpt from my book. I said ‘I’m a normal girl, we worry about that stuff.’ You know how girls are, girls get jealous.

When you take it out of context and say ‘I think my husband’s gonna cheat on me,’ it sounds horrible.”

[Dean] doesn’t get jealous [of me]… I feel like an oddball being jealous all the time.”

On her illness and weight loss
I was in the hospital for… two weeks. [with Swine Flu] Then I was sick after that for months because of it.

I literally didn’t have the energy to get out of bed to care for [my kids]

On her “hard year”
I had a hard year. It’s kind of this journey I went on… emotionally with having the flu and then my marriage – you know we had some problems, then having my mom come back in my life. It’s kind of this emotional journey that I went on. It makes my book a little bit different than the other two I think.

It’s a little bit deeper

On how all the 90210 cast members “hate her”
All my [90210] cast members hate me.”

[Tiffani Amber Thiessen] doesn’t talk to me anymore.”

“Jenni [Garth] and I are still friends.”

We were all great friends… after 90210. They all came to my first wedding. Then all of a sudden I marry Dean, I don’t know what happened. I lost all my cast members.”

What Tori neglected to mention is that she dumped her first husband for also-married Dean after less than a year of marriage. She also had a ridiculously lavish $1 million wedding at her father’s estate to her first husband, Charlie Shanian. Now she’s complaining that her friends don’t talk to her anymore, but did she even reach out to them when she hooked up with Dean? I bet a lot of them were wondering what the hell she was thinking.

On burying the hatchet with her Mom – “hype from the press” made it harder
We both had to agree to disagree and put the past behind us, because there was so much baggage…

The hype from the press made it extremely [inaudible]. We had to say… ‘From this day forward, we’re just moving on with our relationship.‘”

Tori also fielded a question from Ryan about her psychic encounter with Farrah Fawcett, explaining that she wasn’t crazy because a celebrity medium shafted her for big bucks, not just an everyday medium. “It was with John Edwards, it’s not like I just walked down the street and paid $5 bucks to get a psychic reading.”

There’s Tori, using a feud with her mom and her low weight to promote her books and reality show – then complaining when the press actually covers the trivial details in a life that she keeps trying to package and sell us.

Tori is shown signing copies of her book on 6/22/10 in LA. Credit:



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26 Responses to “Tori Spelling complains about press coverage of feud with her mom”

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  1. YT says:

    She is her own little publicity machine, so it is odd she would complain about the press she generates. Oops, sorry … the complaints generate even more publicity.

    I bet that her old 90210 friends/cast mates seldom think of her. That was so long ago, and they have moved on with their lives. She is the center of her own universe, not theirs.

  2. SammyHammy says:

    I don’t watch her show, but I admit I’ve read her other books and found them to be quite entertaining. I’ll probably read this one as well.

    *hanging my head in shame…*

  3. Siren6 says:

    So can I complain about all the press coverage of Tori Spelling?

    I am so sick of seeing her face! I mourn the loss of braincells that are now indelibly etched with the fact she has a book coming out soon, that eating three pieces of pizza is a newsworthy accomplishment, and that leveraging the birth news of Tiffany Amber’s daughter to create a pretend 90210 feud for an extra headline is OK as long as it sells her book. Yuck.

  4. Bonfire Beach says:

    Omigosh – her daughter looks EXACTLY like Dean.

  5. Blaster says:

    I don’t know what she’s got done to her face, but it looks so….harsh? Is that a good enough word?

    Just, not attractive, at all.

  6. Maritza says:

    Stella looks just like her father. I like Tori but she should get her wonky nose fixed, its so distracting!

  7. serena says:

    @Bonfire beach: yeah, thank god XD

  8. Fluffy Kitten Tail says:

    She has such an old lady dress on.

  9. spooge says:

    God would you please stop posting pictures of her hideous face… blech..

  10. Victoria says:

    I think the nose your looking at IS the FIXED nose.

  11. andrea says:

    i seriously doubt she actually writes these books. ghostwriters. and yeah, spare me with the bitching about press coverage about your “personal” stuff when you write books about it, allow a freaking reality show to tape your life and have no “real” acting projects that anyone would ask you about anyway.

  12. Theresa says:

    Of all the people to write best selling books about her life, I don’t understand her popularity. She’s accomplished very little of worth, her affair and remarriage are hardly salacious enough to generate much interest, and her current life is so boring and mundane (by Hollywood standards) with a bland husband, and two young kids.

    Seriously, what is the appeal here???

  13. lucy2 says:

    She and her mother both happily rode that feud publicity train, as they were both promoting books at the time. Classy.

    My guess is her 90210 buddies were appalled that she dumped her new hubby so fast and for a married guy with kids, and her whole life seems to revolve around him, so her friends were shut out and walked away.

    I can’t tell if she’s stupid, desperate, or both.

  14. denise says:

    Am I the only one who thinks that Tori And Dean are genuinely in love? At least they seem to be on their show. They have adorable children.

  15. Brittney says:

    @Bonfire Beach…
    What a relief for Stella.

  16. NayNay says:

    Unfortunately, when you’re in the public eye, everything is fair game. Nothing is sacred when you are on TV, and make it a point of airing your dirty laundry.

  17. NayNay says:


    I think she is both.

  18. Gwen says:

    Ha ha ha, John Edwards, Tori? Didn’t you know he was ‘the biggest douche in the universe’? She’s such a bonehead…

  19. bellaluna says:

    Where do people who put everything out there on reality shows get off complaining about the invasion of their privacy? There’s a real easy fix for that: don’t have a reality show, learn to keep your mouth shut, and don’t live anywhere near LA or Hollywood. DUH.

    @ Maritza – I do believe her nose has been done more than once or twice and can no longer undergo surgery, if memory serves correctly. Same with her wonky boobs, though I’m not sure I understand why with the boobs.

  20. debbie says:

    I had Swine Flu last year…and it didn’t make me anorexic!

  21. original kate says:

    why is she constantly moaning about having the flu? jesus, when the rest of us get sick we still have to take care of our kids, dogs, houses, etc. and some of us only get a few days off work. not all of us have nannies/mannies/housekeepers/unemployed husbands who can feed the kids, walk the dog and go to the drugstore for nyquil. shut up, tori.

  22. Taya says:

    original kate…

    Well said.

  23. Jo 'Mama' Besser says:

    Mmm. Just can it, you adulterous self-pitying old nit.

  24. Kim says:

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! Her mother and her both AR Eso public about EVERYTHING in their lives. Tori you have written books and have a realty show where you openly talk about problems with your mother & husband. Candy has written books as well and publicly on radio, tv, etc talked openly about her problems with her daughter and this is all in recent history. Tori and Candy are vapid.

  25. Wiley says:

    Her reality show has always been fake anyways so who cares? She’s lucky she gets any publicity. Daddy put her in a show and it ran its course so know she should just give it up and go on with her life. She has had everything handed to her throughout her life because of daddy and it just continues. She could probably tour with P. T. Barnum if he was still alive.

  26. shhhhhhhhhhhhhh says:

    her face is really ugly.

    she looks exactly like her daddy/