Madonna looks like her grandson forgot to wipe in the new D&G ad


We’ve finally gotten the formal Dolce & Gabbana ad from Madonna’s grandmotherly photo shoot from April. If you will remember, a photo agencies got some lovely photos of Madonna stepping out with this very young Jonas-brother-looking boy. The photos from April are actually a lot nicer than this ad, which is taken from a further distance, and in which they still had to Photoshop Madge’s face to look somewhat youthful and not scary. Also, she looks like she smelled something. Like her grandson forgot to wipe.

Speaking of looking like she smelled something, a few weeks ago The Daily Mail ran an un-retouched photo of Madonna from last year’s Louis Vuitton ad campaign. I believe this is pre-chicken-cutlet cheek implants, FYI. You can tell because Madge isn’t wincing in pain.


And here are some of the paparazzi photos from the D&G photo shoot… they’re so much prettier and more striking than the image D&G chose.




D&G ad courtesy of FabSugar, Louis Vuitton ad courtesy of The Daily Mail. Additional pics from Bauer-Griffin, Madonna films an ad campaign in Harlem on April 21, 2010

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68 Responses to “Madonna looks like her grandson forgot to wipe in the new D&G ad”

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  1. denise says:

    Wow, she must be greatful for that photoshop.

  2. denise says:

    or is it grateful?

  3. Iggles says:

    Wow. I cringed at the unaltered picture!

    Why do some folks refuse to age gracefully? Meg Ryan and Melanie Griffiths paid dearly for trying to halt father time..

  4. LOVE ANGELINA says:

    I hope I am that f*cking fabulous when I am old. I think she looks pretty good for her age. Don’t know why they had her pose with that boy though, Madonna should have done it by herself. He looks like he is helping her cross the street or something. However Madge is fab.

  5. a says:

    in that close up shot, she has a good amount of downy facial hair. i hope she’s eating enough, as that’s a common side effect of an anorexic diet.

  6. mr. stinky fishface says:

    her legs look awful in those shoes!

  7. bosc says:

    Last photo: “Granny, stop clutching my arm with your withered claws, you’re cutting off the circulation!”

  8. Sookie says:

    Eeks! Her crazy macrobiotic diet isnt helping her hairy face and bloated chin. Just goes to show you aging is aging, no matter how much money and stupid diets you attempt to stop it.

  9. Leek says:

    Is the photo supposed to be a boy and his mother coming home from church and the market? That’s what it looks like. I hope it’s not supposed to be some crack-nativity walk of shame.

  10. Victoria says:

    I wish she would just “let go” and allow herself to age.

  11. Larissa says:

    @4 – it´s mainly a sign of menopause , not anorexy. She looks pretty good for a 50 something year old, without botox/photoshop and all

  12. Kaboom says:


  13. Kait says:

    Look at how much they photoshopped her legs! That’s insane!

  14. Lisa says:

    That boy looks like Megan Fox in drag.

  15. Andre says:

    Looks like Plump,plucked chicken, what about the jowls she has, she should go on a strict diet to get rid of that double chin..

  16. guesty says:

    that is one very furry face.

  17. prissa says:

    I like the un-photoshopped pics and I think she looks very good with the age on her. It makes her look more matronly and even stately if that makes any sense.

    Although the photoshopped pic is nice too and looks like her ’80’s self. I like the weight on her (or is that just a great bra??)

  18. Me says:

    God knows what the world would say if a high resolution, up-close photo of my 30-something skin showed up on the internet.

    I can only hope I’m in such good shape at 50.

  19. lucy2 says:

    They need to stop pairing her with these young boys, it only makes her seem older.

    It’s a shame she just didn’t grow older gracefully.

  20. Lindsay says:

    The pretty close up after the scary close up I agree is more striking than the add. But it doesn’t show the clothes so it defeats the purpose. I like the ad better than the other two. Maybe it is the black and white and photoshop but her hair looks better and the photo is more polished.

    @Larissa- It can be caused by an eating disorder and if she is still following her trainers extreme diet I would think that is more likely the case. She almost certainly is taking horomones to minimize the effects and that helps in most women.

  21. mmf says:

    Fuzz on the face is also a sign of anorexia……
    belive me, i know.

  22. SolitaryAngel says:

    In the second-to-last photo, what are those weird creases across her shins?

  23. RastaPasta says:

    She doesn’t have that much fuzz for an Italian woman!!! You all must be Nordic.

  24. Catherine says:

    All people involved in doing these photoshoots need to start realizing that this lady is totally showing her age now. She is past botox and strategic makeup tricks. She just looks like a fool put up against these young guys.

  25. Sumodo1 says:

    I’m one year older (same birthday) as Madge and that unretouched pic looks like me last year at at that age. I though I looked good!

    No extreme diets (or any diet last year), no macrobiotic Kabbalah shit, and no plastic surgery.

    Bit pores, got em. Wrinkles? Check.

    Go to my website, by clicking on my name, and see.

    Madge, don’t mess with any more P.S. BTW, your ankles and neck a re a big give-away that you’re gonna be 53.

  26. Feebee says:

    peach fuzz on the face may be caused by anorexia (don’t know, too fat for that) or menopause (don’t know, too young for that) but it’s also simply genetic. I’ve had peach fuzz all my life and I come from irish stock not italian. That Madge has it means nothing in particular. Her untouched photo is a little scary, then again it’s very close up and she is in her 50s.

  27. RobN says:

    It would be a pretty cool picture if they had paired her with some Cary Grant looking 50 year old man. Not so much when it looks like he’s walking his mom home from the grocery store.

  28. RhymesWithSilver says:

    Hell she looks great for 53. How many 53 year olds do you know who look like that?

  29. ESDTGF says:

    God, I’d bet it stinks in there. Poor boy.

  30. Mentok the Mind Taker says:

    @Sumodo —

    Seriously, you look better than Madonna. Much.

    She’s just gross on too many levels these days. She should start dating Clooney. They seem to match in the “Ew” factor.

  31. mary jane says:

    Yeah sumo…you look younger and very “fresh”! Good job.

  32. Tia C says:

    When women start going through menopause, peach fuzz is the least of the side effects, and you’re lucky if that’s all the facial hair you get, LOL! I haven’t started yet myself, but I know women who complain about the increase in facial hair. Peach fuzz ain’t nothin’. Also, come on, anorexia? She does extreme and weird diets, but she is obviously not anorexic. Chill. Sheesh.

    These pix look like a boy walking his mom home from the market after having just been at a funeral. Are they supposed to make us want to buy these clothes? It’s not working for me… just sayin’…

  33. vi says:

    @ the touchy girls. i don’t think that larissa was saying it isn’t a symptom of anorexia, simply that is more likely a symptom of menopause! and i don’t even know what y’all are talking about anyway because she’s not that fuzzy. everyone has fine hair on their skin and it’s probably just more noticeable the older you get or in a high res photo. having said that she looks ridiculous in the touched up photos getting helped across the street by a boyscout

  34. Nancy says:

    I think Madonna looks great I bet if this someone other then Madonna people woudn’t be as negative but because it’s her people automatically are negative. I don’t know why people have this instant hate for her like they know her or she personally offended them in some way.

  35. mary jane says:

    Actually I agree with you Nancy…. I think Madonna looks terrific in that unretouched photo. And people are ridiculously harsh about her looks. Just because it’s nice to feel superior. I’ve been lifting weights routinely for years and Madonna long ago inspired me to keep at it. I just hope she keeps aging as well…I want to see if she’s still lifting in her sixties and seventies!

    But sumo does look younger.

  36. RHONYC says:

    ahhh…look rocco’s all grow up and turned brunette.

    isn’t it sweet how he helps his mama with her groceries? lol

    on another note…wtf did madonna get KANKLES!!!

    ahhhh the horror!

    whyyyyyyyy!!! 🙁

  37. She-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named says:

    Personally, I think she looks great. I’m getting very tired of women being so harsh about other women’s looks. Especially for *gasp* daring to age (eeewww, she has wrinkles and pores!!!)

    I agree she’d look great in this ad with a Cary Grant type, but that’s not the criticism I’m talking about.

    Like her or not, she was a pioneer and made herself into a very powerful woman. I respect her, and yes, I wish she’d lay off the plastic surgery, as I think it’s disgusting and vain, but how can she? Listen to the comments in here.

    Women are constantly being held back by our biology/looks and WE’RE the main reason and it sucks.

  38. Novaraen says:

    Well she does look good for her age…but holy heck…the posing with young boys does not help her one bit.

    Oh and how is it she can look like grizzled meat all over except for her doughy chest and boobs?? weird!

  39. skibunny says:

    I think she looks great! Some of the comments are so nasty. Shame on you!

  40. gen says:

    It looks like a picture that was taken in the 40s of a mom & son coming home from church after picking some things up from the market. And if that’s what they were going for, then it came out great 🙂

  41. ligeia says:

    if she didn’t look threatening she would not get so much hate from fellow females. rock on madge, you still got it. oh and thumbs up on the boytoy, rawr,

  42. Toe says:

    Girls, she looks awesome for her age. Look at that body….i have to start going to the gym.

  43. Mrs Odie 2 says:

    I swear, all of us women who aren’t young and sexually desirable should put burqas on so men don’t have to have their boners wilt when they look at us. Or better yet, we shouldn’t leave the house.

  44. snowball says:

    She looks fine for her age. It makes this pitiful attempt by her to pretend she’s in her 30’s all the more ridiculous. She doesn’t need to writhe around in corsets and hot pants, she looks just fine in hot curvy little suits and sexy dresses.

    It’s just getting sad with her. Is she going to be in AARP and still in hot pants? In a Hoveround with thigh-high boots and a satin corset with a rosary hanging down into her crotch?

    Threatening? What is this, National Geographic? Is her ruff up?

  45. L says:

    Her untouched photo-good. Photoshopped and D&G pics-bad. They actually make her look older and more fake.

  46. Lushus L. says:

    It’s true this ad campaign is hard to read but maybe that is what makes it mysterious. I don’t think Madonna looks bad at all. Could the advertisers be going for a Catherine Deneuve aura? Doesn’t she have a son that is her escort sometimes? Don’t hate on me I’m just sayin….

  47. Kelaa Khaa says:

    The young man look like a cross between Wilmer Vilderama and Nick Jonas, Madonna looks constipated.

  48. Lillian says:

    In her unretouched photo she’s still wearing a ton of makeup, her eyes are much smaller which is a sign of eyelift, and she should start wearing a chin strap. She looks her age.

  49. Mrs Odie 2 says:

    I think the boy is supposed to be her son, not her lover.

  50. Me says:

    I also think she looks good for her age. But I do agree that she should get a reality check. All this crap with boys young engouh to be her kids (and looking like her grandsons) is getting ridiculous.

  51. Mia says:

    She looks beautiful in the unretouched photos.

    Everyone knows her age — what a snooze to hear people harp on that since I’m sure it’s part of the point in hiring the comically young guy. As always, the photo is interesting because Madonna knows how to put on a show. It’s not unlike the Youtube of her kissing baby Britney at the VMA’s. That was a hilarious performance if you watch the whole thing.

    Extra points for covering up her ams, because those do need some womanly plumping back, like yesterday.

    But Madge you and the youngun’ look beautiful here. Two lovely Boy Toys out for a stroll.

  52. Mia says:

    In fact, on second look I’m sure the kid’s age is part of the winking joke.

    He’s actually shorter than 5 foot 4 inch Madonna. Among male models who usually stand around six feet tall minimum, that’s something they had to cast for outside the modeling world. So it’s a joke. She’s got a good sense of humor. Visually anyway, and always has.

  53. Kylie says:

    Im not even going to read the bitchy, nasty comments above but I want to say I hope to hell that I look as good and as healthy as she does when I am her age. She is rocking it! She has style and looks amazing.

    What always gets me with these kinds of stories is: What do you expect MADONNA to look like? What just like you? How boring! Just because she is getting older should not mean she should tame down. I hope I never!!!!

  54. Cirque28 says:

    I’m not a fan of her music, but wow, she sure has some gorgeous eyes in the closeup shot. Too much makeup on her skin, but older skin rarely looks good with makeup caked onto it.

    I hope I look that beautiful at 53. (Although I’d skip the cheek implants and gain 10 lbs and try not to take myself so seriously.)

  55. endoplasmic ridiculum says:

    At least she tries unlike 90% of women who friggin’ GIVE UP later in life. Forget about her face and her gristle…
    most women that age DO NOT commit to work out regiments, eat well and care about putting their best face forward..

    I appreciate her trying to hold it together and maybe when we all get to her age we’ll be forgiving for her “overdoing” i sometimes.

    Geez women are rough on each other. I sometimes think people should be obliged to post pictures of themselves up (FULL BODY PLEASE) when posting rude copmments about other women’s physiques.

    Why are we so evil to each other?

  56. gg says:

    Wow, what’s with the huge pores- is that from wearing too much makeup or acid peels?

    I was in Camden a few months ago and saw Sienna Miller on the street. She had huge pores like that too, which are pretty obvious if you wear lots of foundation, because it pools up in your pores and makes them very obvious.

  57. Alexa says:

    I wish I looked as good as Madonna at any age! She’s extremely captivating! I can’t stop believing that any negative comments about her stem from extreme jealousy. Whatever . . . I could look at pics of her all day!

  58. Bill Hicks is God says:

    What’s with her complexion in picture 2? Her skin looks like an orange peel.

  59. DiMi says:

    Sorry, haters, I think she looks like a beautiful 50-year old woman. She doesn’t look like she’s 25. She’s not supposed to; she’s 50. She looks beautiful and her body is amazing. And I’m not a big fan. I just think she looks really pretty, and we need to stop attacking women for aging.

  60. daisy424 says:

    Her breasts look bigger than normal. I she nursing that kid?

  61. british bitch says:

    She´s well past her shag by date.

  62. Skippy says:

    Wow, no wonder Photoshop is already up to version CS FIVE! They’re racing to keep ahead of Madonna.

  63. Darolo says:

    Instead of bitching about her looks have the courage and take the time to go to the link below. You will learn about the substance of this remarkable woman and the contribution she is making to make this world a better place!

  64. witty post, good work.

  65. Cindy says:

    I dislike Madonna, but, that said, I think the last three pictures are really nice.

    She’s looking really good…and to bash her or call her a hag may feel like a good idea, but one has to say, “If Madonna looks that good at 50, and so many people make fun of her, what will they say when I’m 50?” True, I don’t have her team of people helping me look good, but still.

    Let’s try not to raise the bar so that normal people can’t reach it. It’s why we have so many health problems and self esteem problems today. People’s expectations are much, much higher than reality can allow.

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  67. Joy says:

    M looks fine, considering. The only thing is, short women should never, under any circumstances, wear ankle-strap shoes. M can’t afford to give up any length on her short legs. She would have been perfect in a pair of high heeled pumps. That said, her figure looks terrific in that dress, slim yet curvy. Her face, as always, is a bit harsh, but that’s her normal face. She does personify cougarism…