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18 Responses to “Britney Spears rear ended another car – while she was applying makeup”

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  1. Mairead says:

    Always leave tyre-and-tar between you and the car in front when in slow traffic and stopping – if the eejit she hit did that, instead of gawping in the rear-view mirror, he wouldn’t have gone into the car in front. (presumably the bumper on the third car meant it was fine – his probably had some sort of a dent in the front though)

  2. Syko says:

    Being one of those people who uses public transit and actually has to get out and cross streets on foot, and being almost killed every damn morning because of people who talk on cell phones, savor their Starbucks, put on makeup, and sometimes even actually READ while driving, I’m finding it really hard to work up even a “that’s too bad” on Britney’s behalf.

    Both hands on the wheel, and look in all directions, people.

  3. Sam says:

    10 to 1 that guy has a sore neck and will be seeing his lawyer…ooops I mean doctor this morning.

  4. Sasha says:

    Doesn’t fucking learn does she? All that breeding screws up your head, I tell you.

  5. Sam says:

    BTW Syko I could not agree with you more. In San Antonio they are passing a law that will not allow you to use a cell phone, while driving, in a school zone during the morning or afternoon arrival and departure times.

  6. lena says:

    well they already passed it in NJ that it is now illegal to talk on your cell/text while driving, every state should have this law..i have on a couple of occasions applied makeup while in my car, but i usually do it at a red light

  7. Syko says:

    It’s illegal to talk on a cell phone while driving here too. It’s also illegal to blatantly run red lights (this morning’s brush with death), drive without seat belts, and a lot of other stuff, but they all do it.

  8. Kolby says:

    It’s illegal in New York to talk on your cell phone while driving, but they can’t really enforce the law very well. I see people on their phones all the time. Just last year there was a group of just -graduated high school girls driving to spend the weekend at a camp, when one of the carloads crashed into a tractor-trailer and burst into flames. Everyone in the car, as well as the truck driver, died. The worst part of the story is that the driver of the car was apparently texting her friends in the car behind her shortly before the accident happened. If that doesn’t scare you into putting the phone down while driving, nothing will.

    As far as Britney goes, have you seen how much mascara the girl cakes on? She probably starts applying at home, and then has to finish up in the car to get just the right amount. Idiot.

  9. geronimo says:

    Hands-free only in the UK while driving, punishable by points on your licence. Can’t see the harm in applying that one everywhere although you still can’t legislate for idiots.

  10. headache says:

    If they are going to make it illegal to be on the phone while driving, that should also include handsfree devices. I’m pretty sure it’s not the actual one less hand on the steering wheel so much as the distraction of a phone conversation.

    That being said, have some common sense with regards to it. If you’re booking down a straight highway on a sunny day, big woo but if it’s pouring rain in a school zone, the last thing you need is an added distraction.

  11. alarmjaguar says:

    Yup, illegal to talk on the cell phone and drive here in NM too, but there’s absolutely no enforcement. We also put in red light cameras (in Albuquerque) and tons of people actually complained because they were getting too many tickets — here’s a thought, how about not running red lights!

  12. Cindy Kennedy says:

    She seems to have a lot of fender benders.

  13. Codzilla says:

    So Brit didn’t even bother to apologize? What an asshole. Seriously, how many of you would run into someone’s car and then just walk away without saying a word? Hopefully there’s someone in her children’s lives who can instill a basic sense of human decency, because mommy’s useless in that department.

  14. Kayla says:

    Give it up! Happens to alot of people. Brtiney is doing well. Best wishes to Britney!!!!

  15. Rocco says:

    So the guy is driving AND checking who is driving the car behind him AND looking long enough and close enough to see that it is a girl who is doing her making-up…Hanhan. Sorry, but when i’m driving, i focus on what is in front of me and i’ve no idea of who’s is behind me. This is wether a bunch of lies to gain attention or a bunch of lies to get money. That’s all!

  16. nonentity says:

    You’re supposed to glance in the rear-view mirror every 5 to 7 seconds. in stop and go traffic during daytime, you can easily tell if the person behind you is on the phone or doing makeup etc. In stop and go traffic, you just leave your foot on the brake until you see the area in front of you is clear.

    A lot of crackberry addicts write e-mail while driving on the highway . . .

  17. Anonymous says:


  18. santacruz says:
