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11 Responses to “Matt Damon & Thandie Newton draw attention to Global Day for Darfur”

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  1. brent says:

    I think they should send a snappy letter.
    If your not willing to kill the bad people, nothing will change, grow up.
    “I’m so up set!”
    Yea what does that do?
    “it shows how much I care!”
    Wow! that’s some fine work there Lue.

  2. headache says:

    I cannot utter words about Darfur without the veins in my neck twitching.

  3. iheartlasagne says:

    I know this sounds shallow, but can anyone ID the pregnant woman in pic #4? She’s the only one I can’t ID.

    I’m sure all these people are just doing it for the publicity.

  4. celebitchy says:

    iheart it is Laura Bailey, she is a British model:

  5. headache says:

    iheart, I’m sure some of them genuinely do care but my issue is that it’s all lipservice. People don’t really want to actually do anything aside from throw some money around. It’s Rwanda part two but God forbid we do something decisive to stop it.

    And google says she is Laura Bailey, a British Model.

  6. Ur A Loser says:

    the pictures are supposed to make us say, “Wow” and “these celebrities are doing their part.” But for me it just eclipses the situation. Just look at my comment. Im commenting on them & not the situation. Maybe its just me.

  7. Sasha says:

    To hell with Darfur, I got homeless, jobless sick people living hand to mouth in my own town- where’s their day of world-wide attention ? I keep forgetting if you’re unable to support yourself in America, regardless of the circumstances it’s somehow your fault

  8. geronimo says:

    Instead of an expensive, self-indulgent (sorry, but it is for some of those celebs) photoshoot to mark the anniversary, why not use pics of the actual Sudanese children in their actual dire circumstances. Would that not focus people’s attention on the issue? Instead, I looked at these pics and the first thing I thought was, Jemima Khan’s jacket is awful. A lost opportunity.

  9. I choose me says:

    I am not gonna sit here and pass judgment on which celebs are really dedicated to doing something and who’s only there for the publicity but I do agree that these photos are too stylized and not even close to effective. I’m thinking wow, I didn’t know the situation in dafur was so terrible, that’s so sad and in the next moment I’m thinking, Matt Damon looks hot.

    Anyway I’m gonna go check out the link and find out more.

  10. headache says:

    The situation in Darfur is horrendous and no amount of diplomacy is going to change it. Women are being raped as acts of war and people are being murdered. Taking pics of celebs destroying toys that Sudanese children have probably never seen before won’t change shit.

    I know it’s not a popular option but only military action will change anything but God forbid anyone support something like that. Make love, not war or whatever.

  11. FF says:

    I always feel that more headway would be made if we could stop the weaponry being supplied to these countries. That does so much damage and until a lot of that is curtailed then it’s kind of hard to do anything other than damage control.

    Sure, you can argue that people can make simpler weapons if they really want to but you’re more likely outrun spears, modified farm weapons, and so on than automatic weapons and land mines.