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10 Responses to “Hayden Panettiere goes to great lengths to hide, calls going out “a nightmare””

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  1. Ur A Loser says:

    i agree w/CB. You wanna give her props for not being out there so much but I think its just a matter of time until she falls into bad habits. Hopefully she’ll prove me wrong!

  2. Bodhi says:

    I can’t imagine how much it really must suck to not be able to go out with your friends without being mobbed by paps trying to shove a camera up your skirt when you get out of a car.

    Buut I guess it is part of the business these days

  3. headache says:

    Her “problem” is that she is trying so hard not to be another Lohan. Notice how hard she tries to be seen as mature and level headed.

  4. ADD says:

    She’s 18, the places she could (legally) go beyond Starbucks and Orso to be photographed are limited. Once she hits 21, I’ll look for her in the bars and at the after-hours parties. Until then, she should be chill.

  5. Anonymous says:

    but add, she’s been going to clubs since she was like 15-16.

  6. Kait says:

    You have to wonder though, how much of it is people who are supposed to be helping direct her career telling her that she needs to be spotted. It’s all publicity and maybe she didn’t realize the kind of impact it would have.

    That being said, I kind of think she’s annoying. But that’s just me.

  7. nonentity says:

    I don’t think she minds being photographed in “fair game” places like red carpet events or “The Ivy”, but it was pretty creepy when you see shots of her going to the movies (which happened multiple times). There are very few celebrities they follow around to quite that extent. I don’t think she tipped the paparazzi off–she looked pretty surprised and a little annoyed.

  8. Sasha says:

    Ahhhh…… poor thing 🙁

    Why don’t you come with Auntie Sasha and she’ll make you feel all better.

  9. Anonymous says:


  10. Alex says:

    I hate overplucked eyebrows. Good for her for staying natural, at least in that department.