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12 Responses to “Amy Winehouse’s husband selling naked honeymoon photos for heroin in jail”

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  1. AC says:

    pot’s better than heroin at least.

  2. Scott F. says:

    OK, let me ask a stupid question: How the holy fuck does this guy keep getting heroin in JAIL!? Yes, yes, I know how people sneak things in and out (so there’s no reason to get graphic people) – but how in the hell does he keep getting this shit?

    Every report I read on the guy says he’s doing heroin all the time in there, does not one person in the entire justice system read the news? They can’t screen anyone who comes in contact with him? Throw his ass in solitary where no one can get to him?

    Jesus, doesn’t heroin always require a needle? How would you like to be the guy who has to sneak the syringe through security? Ouch.

  3. Crockettisle says:

    If you look closely at the picture Amy is carrying around, “Bad” Blake is apparently tying off to shoot up some heroin. There is a really good shot of the picture in the Daily Mail. Scary….

  4. Lola Lola says:

    Who would want to buy pics of Amy topless? Eeeek.

  5. xiaoecho says:

    Crockettisle……….he’s kissing Amys’ arm.
    Have another look

  6. Crockettisle says:

    Yes, he is kissing her… with a something tied around the top of his arm; hence, “tying off”

  7. xiaoecho says:

    Crockettisle………had another look. It’s hard to tell but the way he is holding his arm is suspicious, so could be…..?

  8. lady garden says:

    Scott-he might be chasing the dragon-he’d just need some tin foil-but i hear u!

  9. gg says:

    Scott darlin, you can snort it, smoke it or stuff it up your bum, it’s all the same. And junkies junk right up in prison and it’s impossible to stop it. Prison authorities are not going to use their incarcerating pounds just to put all junkies in solitary. They got more pressing needs.

  10. breederina says:

    Love that header, pretty much says it all doesn’t it?

  11. paris herpes says:

    Must be a major turn on for her huh? Blaaake selling her half naked cracked out body shots…mmm…so sexy…uhm…NOT!

  12. paris herpes says:

    That’s nothing, I’ve known people who sneaked in heroin and oxycontin while in rehab. Not sure how that went down, because I thought it was about cleaning up. In jail I imagine they just don’t care because they think you’re scum anyway…