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3 Responses to ““Foxy Brown goes to church” links”

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  1. Bellatrix says:

    The link to the Ashlee Simpson’s Tee line has a video of her “performance” (cough, cough) on Jay Leno.

    I watched it to see if we could see a growing bump.
    My bet is that there’s a baby on the way. Flowy black dress, bigger boops (which you could notice since her hair was trying to cover it but only ended up emphasizing) and she has gained some essential pregnancy weight in the arms and legs.

    There you go.

  2. Herman B says:

    foxy, you look so familiar. didn’t i see you chill’n in the park with your mother and i guess that was her friend this weekend. i know i saw tyra banks, on my walk home. you ladies don’t need to be embarrassed, no one else is . . . i’ll speak if you speak. and if i’ve got nothing to say, i’ll probably just sit there looking stupid.

  3. Sasha says:

    Prayer, the last resort of a scoundrel.