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9 Responses to “Heidi Montag no long welcome at White House Correspondents gala”

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  1. ADD says:

    He’s got a mongoloid Chucky-on-the-Varsity-Squad thing going on there.

    What a couple of of ma-ROONS!

  2. Sasha says:

    Call me literal, but isn’t the Washington Correspondents Gala meant for reporters, not MTV’s high-dollar ho-bag of the month ?

  3. Jody says:

    Good call Sasha, I’m sure she was thinking a trip to Washington State anyway, so the White House gala would’ve been safe.

  4. Megan says:

    Spencer Pratt is exactly what his name suggests… a prat.

  5. Lola Lola says:

    I’m sorry but I just cannot believe this story is true. This nobody and her sidekick less-than-nobody would not get invited to a White House dinner. And the “A-listy” quote just shows these two are shockingly delusional. This must be a joke.

  6. Jaclyn says:

    The fact that she was even invited is flattering enough for her, even if she couldn’t make it.
    On another note, I like her outfit! His, though…not so much. Nothing about him is punk!

  7. CandyKay says:

    Media outlets often invite the “joke celebrity of the year” to the White House Correspondents dinner. I can see why MSNBC is denying it now – it’s a little embarrassing to be turned down by someone you invited in order to make fun of them – but I can completely buy the fact she was invited in the first place.

  8. Persistent Cat says:

    CandyKay, what other celebrities have been invited before? Because if that’s true, then I believe she was invited but if not, I don’t believe they were invited.

    I’m Canadian so I don’t pay attention to the White House Correspondents dinner (just in case my question sounds bitchy, it’s not intended to be, I genuinely want to know).

  9. DivaStar says:

    They are to full of themselves.