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48 Responses to “Jamie Lynn Spears afraid of childbirth”

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  1. Syko says:

    Of course she’s afraid, it’s an unknown thing. We’re all a little afraid.

    I don’t think a c-section is the answer. These days they’ll shoot you the epidural about the time it actually gets painful anyway. But with a c-section you have to not only recover from birth, but you have to recover from major surgery. Much better to deliver vaginally if you can.

  2. Sasha says:

    No epidurals, no pain-killers, no c-section. Let her understand the nature of her mistakes.

  3. Penelope says:

    If you don’t want to be pushing a kid out of you, don’t let sperm mingle with your eggs.

    Sounds simple enough to me.

  4. summertime921 says:

    As Michael K said over at Dlisted, don’t you think she should have thought of that before?

  5. Kolby says:

    Sasha – you took the words right out of my mouth. If more kids knew exactly what actually went along with getting pregnant, they’d think twice about having unprotected sex.

  6. Cindy Kennedy says:

    I am sure she will have an epidural or c-section if she wants to. Many people elect these nowadays, especially epidurals.

  7. Cindy Kennedy says:

    Besides, I don’t know what century some people are living in, but its not horrible to be 17, unmarried and pregnant. She shouldn’t have to go around wearing a scarlet letter, nor should she have to think of her baby as a “mistake”.

  8. Anni says:

    she´ll have a c-section. she´ll have her body back in a week.

  9. KateNonymous says:

    If she follows in her sister’s footsteps at all, she’ll have a c-section.

    You know, I’ve seen those videos, too, both in high school and in college. And I don’t know anyone who looks at that process on video and thinks it’s beautiful. I can fully understand why having a baby naturally is transformative. But as an observer, not so much.

  10. Sasha says:

    Cindy Kennedy Besides, I don’t know what century some people are living in, but its not horrible to be 17, unmarried and pregnant. She shouldn’t have to go around wearing a scarlet letter, nor should she have to think of her baby as a “mistake”.

    😯 When did standing idly by while unprepared children have babies become a virtue? Did I miss that meeting ? 😡

  11. RhymesWithSilver says:

    Doesn’t everyone know where babies come from by the time they’re pregnant? Really- the film shouldn’t have been that surprising. You should already know how it works, and it looks a lot like you’d expect.

  12. Ack! says:

    My friend’s future mom-in-law took her to a midwife assisted home birth (no drugs,c-section,or epidural there!)when she was but 14. The screams and blood did the job. My friend and her boyfriend didn’t marry or have their first child till 7 years later. Until that day, my friend had zero concept of the reality of childbirth. You know, the hot poker twisting in your gut feeling? That Bible verse that promises the pain of childbirth to be visited upon women as payback for Eve’s transgression wasn’t just whistlin’ Dixie.

  13. summertime921 says:

    Sasha, I completely agree. The truth isn’t always nice, and the truth is that she was careless enough to get pregnant at 16 and now she has to deal with the consequences. That involves pushing a baby out of one’s vagina, and although I’ve never had children, I’m assuming it is no fun. As RhymesWith said above, she knows where babies come from, and knew this when she decided to have the baby.

  14. Kara says:

    Who tells women that a C-section does not hurt?Why do all the stars get them?I have had three and the first one is a MAJOR pain to recover from.Coming out of of being put under is no fun!

  15. Cindy Kennedy says:

    Its not a crime to get pregnant as a teenager. And no one can say she will be a bad parent, either. Some teenaged moms can be great parents – some adult moms can be horrible parents.

    Not everyone wants to go to college, go to grad school, get established in a career – then by the time they are in their 30s, wonder if they can even get pregnant anymore.

    Let’s face it folks, the “school track” is not for everyone. Look at all these celebrities – most of them never went to college and are raking in more money than we will ever see in our lifetimes. And did it all without college, imagine that.

    I think a lot of women (and men) are just tired of having “you must go to college, you must start a career first” crammed down their throat.

    It is possible to have babies young, get married young and still be successful in a career and in life.

  16. SeVen says:

    Nothing wrong with getting pregnant.. as someone above said.. teen moms can be good moms… but i DO think that if youre going to let on a charade about being some ” wholesome teenager” that kids can look up too.. being 16 and pregnant isnt really ideal 😛 but what the hell

  17. headache says:

    I think Lynn went overboard with the graphic video. There is preparing a woman for childbirth and then there is scaring the bejeebus out of them. This is the kind of movie she should have shown BEFORE homegirl got pregnant.

    Now that she is, a copy of what to expect when you are expecting, a childbirth course and a couple of epis of Maternity Ward on TLC should have done the trick.

  18. summertime921 says:

    I’m not saying it is a crime, and I don’t think anyone else here is saying that either. Nor am I insinuating that she will be a bad parent, or that should be in school. What I am saying is that while I think that it is great that she is doing what she truly believes is the right thing, she made that decision knowing the consequences. Although,I guess someone who was admittedly “shocked” to become pregnant after having sex isn’t exactly the sharpest tool in the shed, so who knows.

  19. cc says:

    A TLC childbirth show doesn’t show what really happens. When she goes in to have that baby, she needs to be prepared for what is going to happen. There is “goop” and tons of it. It also continues for an average of 6 weeks. If my daughter were her age and (ick) got pregnant, I would def show a video that would give the truth. Maybe now, she’ll be a hell of a lot more careful in the future. Although, where my daughter is concerned, if there was even a hint that she were sexually active, she will be on birth control and I may even show her a graphic video so she can see the ramifications of her actions. 🙁

  20. Ashley says:

    although I agree with some of what you said. I disagree that it’s so hard to get pregnant in your thirties. I know lots of women that had no problem getting pregnant in that time. It’s forties where there are risk factors involved and even still, alot of women don’t have trouble getting pregnant at that age or from delivering healthy babies. It really depends on the women. There are complications at any age and with teenagers too.

    Jamie Lyn is very young to get pregnant in today’s society. Lucky for her that she has alot of money. She really does not have to face the same conseqences that the average knocked up teenager would have. I doubt she’ll even have to take care of it ..In tabloids she’s already saying she’s going to have her mom deal with it. What she did was an attention seeking act. I doubt she’s learned anything from this ordeal because just like her big sis, she doesn’t have to take responsibilty for anything. Thats probably why Lyn showed her that video. Because that’s the only responsibilty that girl is going to face. Giving birth is a bitch.

  21. Syko says:

    While I think it’s sad that this little girl ended her childhood so abruptly and permanently, it’s not that unusual for girls that age to become pregnant and some make great mothers. On the other hand, many 30 year olds are not ready to have children. I don’t think she needs to be punished, or denied anesthetic. Can we just give her a chance?

    When I was pregnant with my third, my husband wanted to be in the delivery room, and the hospital required that he watch a video of a birth so he’d have an idea of what’s going on. I’ll tell you, I was ready to back out of the whole deal after watching that video, and I’d already had two. It looks much worse from that end – from where the mom watches, you don’t see nearly as much, and you’re busy anyway.

    I think the twins by c-section was the worst part. I still shudder to think about that one.

  22. chia says:

    fukin dumb cunt, she shouldnt have had sex in the first place then. i feel bad for that baby

  23. ADD says:

    JLS is an irresponsible ignoramus, loose as diarrhea and dumber than dirt. She takes after her mom and her sister. You just wait– that kid isn’t his…

  24. Bellatrix says:

    I’m with the (very ?) few here who have spoken wise words of hope and encouragement regarding Jamie Lynn’s future childbirth, such as Syko and Cindy Kennedy.

    Accidents and mistakes happen. However, a child is not the fault itself and I find it horrible to think you could consider it like that.

    The girl is young and has been low key and rather mature about her accidental pregnancy. She’s definitely trying to make the best out of it and seems determined to become a good mother.
    She does not need to suffer a childbirth without any medication. Giving life to a child is not a crime you ought to be punished for. As far as I’m concerned, this should be as enjoyable as possible for her. I have never wished anyone any pain… Especially not when they’re about to meet their baby and bond with him/her.

    As for the childbirth videos: yes, they are horrible. I remember not being able to watch the entire birthing episode. However, when I was in the delivery room with one of my best friends, I didn’t have any problems with it.
    When it’s happening and you’re a part of it, it is completely different.
    Of course, that doesn’t make it all beautiful with little flowers swirling through the air and lambs singing at the bed.

  25. mamalicious says:

    How many of you have ever had unprotected sex? Haven’t most of us been totally dumb at some point in our lives? Just once? There are so many people wagging their sanctimonious fingers here saying she shouldn’t have got pregnant in the first place. Give the kid a bit of a break.
    Good luck to her. I wish her the best for the birth and after.
    And you know what? Childbirth can be a great and rare experience. Not an easy one, but it can be positive and make you feel like you’ve really achieved something very important – you’ve given life to someone. I can vouch for the natural way. If any of you are pregnant right now, get informed… C-style isn’t as simple as doctors try to make you think. It just simplifies their task.

  26. Ack! says:

    Teen pregnancy is such a rare and wonderful thing, isn’t it? More and more women,I mean GIRLS, should choose to have babies whenever they feel like doing something wild and crazy. After all, it’s only 9 months,lots of attention, gifts, a short little stay in the hospital, and ta-daa! You’re a brave and wonderful girl because you CHOSE to have that baby – you’re “mature”. Never mind that baby will need your attention 24/7 for years and years, and your own life is henceforth put on a back burner and your heart will never belong to you again. And for a bonus, no matter how screwed up that child may become as an adult, it’s ALWAYS YOUR FAULT! Just a win-win all the way around. For somebody.

  27. Ack! says:

    I would just like to know how brave and mature Miss Spears would be if she had no income, which is the case for teens who are not ‘famous’, lived in public housing & had to sign up for any kind of public assistance available, had to go to whatever free clinic would have her, and nobody on earth gave a rat’s ass about her or her baby. That is the scenario for teen pregnancy, not this ridiculous ego-stroking bullshit. Next time a pregnant teen from lesser means crosses the path of everyone who thinks this is such a wonderful thing, be sure and tell her how brave and mature she must be. I’m sure it will make her day – or she may just knock your teeth out.

  28. headache says:

    I’m not talking about a baby story where everything is warm and fuzzy. I’m talking about Maternity Ward and a bunch of shows on Discovery Health where women have crash c sections, premature babies, and preeclamsya (sp?)

    You don’t have to see all the crap fall out and the vagina stretched to hell and back to be prepared to have a baby. I never saw any of that either time I pushed out my two and neither did the non-hospital personnel with me in the delivery room.

    I still stand by my assertation that Jamie Lynn does not need to be terrified of childbirth but educated on what will happen, how it will happen and what her options are for pain management. Scaring her will only put stress on her baby. And I cannot believe there are people out there wishing the worst of it on her just because like about 10% of teens out there, she made a stupid mistake. She’ll e paying for it in one way or another for the next 18 years. Why should her labor be any worse than anyone else’s?

    And why do so many people consider c-sections the cure all? Really, an operation, scaring and extra healing time is preferrable than labor?

  29. gg says:

    poor child made a big mistake, and now she is going to have to step up to the plate and take the pain like an adult. My heart does go out to her.

  30. AC says:

    When I first saw childbirth i was traumatized too. Luckily I wasn’t pregnant at the time. I had to watch the video again before I realized it wasn’t so so bad. Then watching my sister give birth naturally (although TERRIFYING for a while) was one of the most amazing things ever. Now thats what I want to do. It takes time to come to terms with it. I hope she can. I also find it odd that a 17 year old had never seen someone give birth. But i guess she didn’t go to public school or have a natural curiosity about it.

    I agree she shouldn’t be chastized. It is what it is and I hope everyone around her is positive and supportive. She made a mistake now lets get on with it. I hope people aren’t constantly shoving it in her face.

    Yeah C-Sections are scary as hell. I don’t know why its a more attractive option. Well I guess i know does seem like the easier way out. You still have to deliver the placenta though… which im sure is no picnic. In this day in age we accept surgery as cleaner, and fast and easy. It aint!

  31. headache says:

    I didn’t know you still had to deliver the placenta. Ewww That part hurt more than the pushing if you ask me.

  32. Bodhi says:

    *shudder* Ya’ll are making me rethinking having kids! GAH!

    I don’t really think you can get your perfect body back a week after a c-section. Its pretty major surgery after all

  33. Bodhi says:


  34. hollz says:

    this is kinda off topic, but JLS made me think of it again. A while back, CNN had a show/talked about giving girls birth control in school. Personally i think it’s a good idea, if done right… IE, the girl comes and ASKS for it and is given information about abstaninse(sp?)as an alternative. I don’t think it should be just in High school either…know why? when i was in middle school (grades 6-8) there were at least four girls who got pregnant. Not having birth control readily available doesn’t stop kids from having sex.

  35. cc says:

    I just want to point out that have been supportive of this young girl and her choice to have this baby. I don’t wish her pain, which others may have suggested. I had a friend in high school who got pregnant and that was my big wake up call…Stay on the pill and always use a condom. I hope her experience will affect other girls and they will see it isn’t flowers and lambs (:P) When I was in birthing class, which many hospitals request you take, they show the more graphic videos. To be honest, I turned to my husband asked him how badly did he want to have a baby (LOL…I was around 8 month pregnant already.) I just feel that she needs to see what happens real time, so to speak.

  36. Larissa says:

    if ya are old enough to “make it”, you are old enough to have it.

  37. momma says:

    Kay so i’ve been reading all of your replies about this and i just want to say you’re all a bunch of assholes. I got pregnant when i was 16 no one really made a big deal out of it. If you go some where you’ll see alot of pregnant teenagers. The only reason you’re all making a big deal out of this is because she’s a celebrity who gives a shit? Everyone has fucked up at some point and time in their life it’s human nature nobody’s fucking perfect. stop critizing her. And who cares if she’s not married. Let her make her own decisions.

  38. cc says:

    Momma, I resent you grouping the lot of us together. You may have gotten pregnant at 16, but how many teenagers looked up to you? Were you a national role model? Yes, everyone has fucked up and some of us appropriately addressed the issue of her mother showing a video, while the ones you are ranting at, deserve your fury. I think she will be a good mom, especially after seeing her sister mess up. I know what high school was like, I know how cruel, and on the flip side, how charitable and kind and caring they were to my friend. If you want to call someone out, do it. Just don’t assume we are all assholes. Only some of them are.

  39. Trashaddict says:

    Aside from whether a teenager should have a baby or not, I’m really saddened by how everyone freaks themselves out about childbirth. I’ve had three kids, NO epidurals, no nothing. Guess what, I’m still here and I’m not scarred. I did some hypnosis therapy for my last child and the videos they had, had women giving birth quietly, calmly and with focus – without all the screaming. That is not to say there is no pain. But if you conceptualize the whole thing as how powerful your body is, and it is bringing this new person into your life, it puts it in a new light. American society is so into sex but in reality is actually uncomfortable with sex and the consequences of it, to a level that’s pathetic.
    I’m not trying to downplay women who have a really tough time with labor and end up going to c/section, in any way. But an awful lot of deliveries could go through with less fuss, if everybody could work on their attitudes about it.

  40. headache says:

    Trash, I have to agree with you. Although I did have my children with IV meds. I just told myself that it would be the worse pain imaginable and that it would eentually end. Lucky for me, I must have an active imagination for pain because even though it hurt like hell, it did not hurt as badly as I thought. Maybe it was the stadol.

  41. mollination says:

    “She shouldn’t have gotten pregnant in the first place”

    What helpful, and original advice! I hope JL reads this blog, that should be very beneficial to her!

    You’ve got to be fucking kidding me? And she was “shocked” because anybody would be shocked at the notion of an unplanned pregnancy at 16 years old! I don’t think she meant “I was shocked to find out that I could get pregnant from unprotected sex”. I’m sure I’ve had a handful of times where I didn’t take my pill PRECISELY as directed, and if i got pregnant, um yeah… I’d be SHOCKED!

  42. happyapple says:

    Let’s face it folks, the “school track” is not for everyone. Look at all these celebrities – most of them never went to college and are raking in more money than we will ever see in our lifetimes. And did it all without college, imagine that.

    Yes, and celebrities are also in a very special position that the vast majority of people are not and will never be in. MOST people aren’t going to be raking in millions for a couple days of work (at least, not legally, anyway). It isn’t wise to tell high-schoolers that the best way to lead a comfortable lifestyle is to hope for Hollywood big bucks. You might as well be telling people that it’s cool not to use birth control because some people are infertile and won’t have to deal with unwanted pregnancy. Hey, they did it all without bitch control, imagine that.

    You’re right in that everyone doesn’t want to go to college. But the lifestyle of a celebrity is hardly the common end result of skipping college (or high school).

  43. Ashley says:

    I agree with everything you said happyapple,
    I also just want to say,

    I might have gotten pregnant at 16 if I knew I could afford round the clock nanny service to help take care of my baby like Jamie Lyn Spears will. jk..
    I think it should be made clear to most young teenagers that they are not privaledged and rich living off their famous sister’s coatails. Nor do most teens have persistant stage mothers getting them connections in Hollywood (where they can make a fortune). So it’s a totally different situation for that family. Not the usual.

  44. Anee says:

    You never know what will happen during childbirth – stuff happens – it’s unpredictable. Of course she’s scared, she’s young and has an idot mother and sister which means she has no real support. Her baby daddy doesn’t seem supportive or smart either.

  45. Nicole says:

    People should give the girl a break. I’m currently in high school. In grade nine we hade to watch a birthing video. It was not fun. To be honest it freaked me out a bit.
    She had sex, she made a mistake. She’s a humanbeing. I have a lot of friends who are activly having sex and not even thinking about the consequences. I also have friedns who are teenage moms. They decided to have sex and now have to deal with the consequences for a very, very long time. Everyday teens decide to have sex. There are thousands, if not millions of teen mothers out there so why are you giving JLS such a hard time?
    She’s rich and famous. Does that mean she isn’t a person? She is a scared 17 yeard old about to have a baby. No one gives a damn that the 16 year old girl down the street is preagnate because she isn’t a celebrity. Why do people care so much? Why can’t they just leave her alone?

  46. ADD says:

    “No one gives a damn that the 16 year old girl down the street is preagnate because she isn’t a celebrity.”

    Not true, Nicole, neighbors, schoolmates and co-workers are VERY chatty about those girls, it’s just that there is no huge debate as to whether the 16 year old down the street was stupid and irresponsible. For some reason, JLS’ celebrity is imbuing her with the illusion of responsibility and bravery. She’s just a brainless, easy girl who will find she has no fiance once the DNA results are in. I hope they reveal them on Jerry Springer.

  47. Anna says:

    I prefer the sanitized TV versions to be honest. I’m 22 and have never really been fond of having kids. I would only do it if I were with the absolutely right person. I have not had very kind words or thoughts for JLS, but I totally sympathize with her on this one. Those graphic, real tapings of natural births frighten the living daylights out of me. I never understood how they could be put into TV shows and how people can stomach watching them and even ooing and aaah-ing over them. Me? They just make me NOT want children, ever. I understand Lynne was only trying to be helpful but really, how well does she know her daughter if she couldn’t anticipate the poor girl getting freaked out and sick? Poor judgement in my humble opinion.
    I’m not for scheduled cesaerians at all, especially not those posh Hollywood ones, but I do hope Jamie gets her wish. And then dumps her moron fiancé (who, I am convinced, isn’t the father, remember those rumours?).

  48. tasha says:

    i think that if jamie is so scared she shouldnt have even gotten knocked up in the first place..USE CONDOMS next time round casey!