Avril Lavigne can’t sing; cancels tour

When I say that faux punk rocker/great humanitarian Avril Lavigne can’t sing, I’m talking literally and figuratively. The Canadian import, whose music makes anyone over the age of 12 want to shove sharp objects into their eardrums, has been forced to cancel six West coast dates on her tour due to a case of severe laryngitis.

Suffering from acute laryngitis, rocker Avril Lavigne has postponed six dates on her U.S. “Best Damn Tour.”

She had already canceled shows in Phoenix and San Diego this week.

“My sincerest apologies to all of my fans,” she said in a statement to Usmagazine.com. “My intention was to complete the rest of the tour, but tonight at sound check in Anaheim, [Ca.], I realized this wasn’t possible.

“Even though I have been resting my voice for days,” she continued, “when I tried to sing nothing came out.”

Refunds will be available at point of purchase on Monday.

[From Us Weekly]

Oh, come on, Avril, we all know you are lipsyncing on stage- who are you trying to kid? I would probably buy tickets to that sound check before I’d accept free tickets to see her perform. Now THAT would be the “Best Damn Thing.” Maybe I’m evil, but something about the thought of Avril, with her fake little punk rock sneer and pink hair, trying to squeak out one of her annoying songs in vain, brings me great pleasure. Pardon me while I commence cackling maniacally.

Avril Lavigne is shown In Chicago on stage for “The Best Damn Tour 2008” on 3/21/08, thanks to PRPhotos.

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24 Responses to “Avril Lavigne can’t sing; cancels tour”

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  1. gg says:

    Opens her mouth and no sound comes out … mm! sounds excellent!!!

    Bovril, when you get your voice back, check in immediately for singing lessons.

  2. blondie says:

    Avril can sing, she may be annoying etc, but she has a great voice. Just coz most people hate her doesn’t mean she can’t sing!

  3. Real Reason says:

    Real reason?

    Poor ticket sales. She’s hoping she’ll do better in Europe.

  4. Kevin says:

    That has never stopped her before. And no Blindie, she can not sing.

  5. Andrius says:

    I like Avril Lavigne, she is my favourite woman singer.

  6. headache says:

    Avril is an idiot. The pink hair has been done twice by women with more talent in their pinky toe.

    But I will admit that I love love love that song Girlfriend.

    But that’s it! I swear.

  7. Anna says:

    Awwww, and when I read the header I thought: “wow, maybe somebody finally came to their senses and did us all the great big favour we’ve all been hoping for: have Avril disappear from the singing world”. And then I saw it was only laryngitis. Not that I wish illness on anybody, but you know. But as Rory Gilmore once said “it’s Avril Lavigne’s world and we just get to live in it”. There’s no stopping the economic and psychological power of 12 year-olds. Alas.

  8. mamalicious says:

    I die laughing when I think of her chidish effort at being punk. Any photo of her sulking makes me crack up. I can’t help it. She’s the best damn thing for putting a smile on my wrinkly old face. Let me see her again… bwahahaha *falls over laughing*

  9. gekazoid:P says:

    Her songs are like bananna’s you can only eat so many before you get constipated.

  10. Blanche says:

    I saw a performance of hers on TV and I was very very very unimpressed.

  11. I choose me says:

    Can’t stand the chick but she can sing.

  12. Sasha says:

    Avril is to punk what Vespas are to Harley Davidson. Should have posted only half the headline, the rest is unneeded.

  13. mollination says:

    I seriously hate Avril more than Paris, Lindsay, Heidi Montag, and Spencer Pratt all combined! At least the others are known to be desperate flavors of the year, but Avril somehow keeps appearing even though she is the most detestable person in Hollywood (Besides Rumor Willis)! It’s not even the faux-punk thing. It’s the self-important-snobby-uninformed-ungrateful-little-c*nt thing that bothers me!

  14. Bodhi says:

    Ditto mollination!

  15. sweetzy says:

    seriously, she CAN’T sing at all! and yet, she’s kind of arrogant of her true talent. Apart from her live creepy voice, her songs are catchy n good though. Still she’s a terrible live singer!

  16. gg says:

    No, Blondie, she can’t sing. That is not singing; that is yelling. Anybody can fucking yell into a mic. I’m a musician. Don’t sully the act of singing by claiming she can do it. Xtina can sing (though I can’t stand the sight of her). Bovril canNOT sing.

  17. Alison says:

    Avril can sing I think you will find!

    There are not many people who can sing,play guitar,piano,drums and write songs really well but she can!

    She speaks her mind and that’s what makes her so strong as a person.

    I went to her recent concert in June
    and it was the best concert I have seen this year!

    Stupid comments about her don’t matter because Avril knows who her true fans are and she respects them by showing her appreciation when she has finished a performance.

    Keep up the good work Avril

  18. Lis says:

    She sucks!!

  19. Robert says:

    People who say she can ´t sing have bad ears. She is one of the best singers in the world. I bet you re listen to crap like paramore or Disney channel-singers. Oh and gg6 you are not the only musician in this world.

  20. please says:

    please, shut the fuck up. she can’t FUCKING SING

  21. Robin says:

    Do you know what are you talking about? She can sing very well.

  22. Thomas195 says:

    She can sing just fine. She’s not the best, but she is definitely better than most female singers who are more famous than her (with no good reason).

    She was better as punk/grunge, or whatever that was. Since her conversion to her “girly” songs, her songs are very uninteresting. However, she CAN sing. At least she doesn’t use electronic enhancements to boost a plain voice (again, like most popular female singers).

  23. GMan says:

    everyone should have a different sound – Avril has hers. FACT she can sing becuase she opens her mouth and sound comes out. Can she well – well people who like her like her voice and like errors in the song. Who the hell wants to listen to perfect singers you get bored. Arvil has 50% of stuff which is good and the 50% is not as good. LIke any artist – she has Talent and won’t need to listen to sofa experts who can’t even sing two notes – express their hate for anyone who makes it big. Respect other people and people will do the same with you. Diss other people because millions of people bought her records and you never win an argument. LOL one final point when you write your songs you can sing them how you want, that’s the whole point isn’t she a song writing artist – did some of the strupid anti-avril replies miss that fact. 🙂 Bring it now sofa experts

  24. Sammy Rippe says:

    Avril will regret getting an obscene tatoo when she “grows up”. I can’t imagine why anyone would get the f word tatooed on their body.