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12 Responses to “Lindsay Lohan in tears over fight with girlfriend; flies her to Paris”

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  1. Shannon says:

    Man, I know this sounds strange, but I actually feel kind of bad for her :/ Her life is really going down the tubes.

  2. Jody says:

    Shannon, I agree.

    I mean, anytime you spend more than 10% of your daily life in leggings, I think it’s fair to question your current success.

  3. sammie says:

    so you’d risk a herpes outbreak just for a free trip to europe? classy

  4. Bodhi says:

    I don’t feel sorry for her one bit! She had THREE stints in rehab & countless other giant flashing red warning lights that she was headed in the wrong direction.

    She flat out CHOSE to throw away her career. She is nearly nrecognizable in those Fornarina photos

  5. Sasha says:

    Knowing LaHohan thinks she’s a lesbian is almost enough to make me think about going straight- almost.

  6. bewilderbeastie says:

    …that was sarcasm about trusting Ryan Seacrest’s opinion, right?

  7. kate says:

    lo-whore’s in paris? good. now the french get to deal with her.

  8. Gracie says:

    Those pix at the bottom showing her weird hair… ugh… they had better styles in the 70s for heaven’s sake.

  9. insidescoop says:

    Check it out. Her girl friend’s got a hickey in the header image.

    Thats class right there

  10. Trashaddict says:

    I get the feeling that Sam is just no good for her at all.
    Find another girl, honey….

  11. paris herpes says:

    Man why the leggings all the time? I mean you’re at a fashion show for chrissakes, the last thing you want to see is her tree trunk legs in leggings!

  12. mary says:

    Wait im so confused..

    Is Linsay a lesbian?? 😯