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25 Responses to “Jennifer Aniston and John Mayer photographed cuddling poolside again”

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  1. Sasha says:

    Listen closely and you can almost hear her career tail-spinning.

  2. saintdevil says:

    Does she do anything besides hanging out at a pool in a bikini?

    And why do women like Mayer? *shudder*

    He’s a douche and his music almost sucks as bad as James Blunt’s.

  3. Megan says:

    Who is John Mayer? What is he famous for?

  4. Kevin says:

    Megan,,,I think he’s Oscar’s brother. the famous wiener brothers. My sister in law adores this guy,,,so I always have fun infuriating her making fun of him. Hey Sasha,,,is he one of those people,,,in your opinion,, that should have that tat sleeve? Just curious.

  5. Melanie says:

    HE is a musician. I still think their PR teams are doing this to reverse those Kissing Perez Hilton stories which no one cared for anyway.

  6. Mr. T says:

    Divorce #2 in the works?

  7. snappyfish says:

    The photo of her arm around him is interesting…he is looking off and not touching her at all.

    This is either an ill advised plan for publicity, or a really bad choice in men. But then look at her career, other than torpedoing her roommate to get the part of Rachel in Friends from her, every thing else has been ill advised and awful….’rumor has it’ anyone?

  8. Carol says:

    I think that must be Mandarin Oriental not Mandarian. They need to get someone out there and fix that rusty railing. The place looks like a dump.

  9. Other Karen says:

    He keeps on looking like he’s looking over her shoulder.

    I suspect John Mayer would be a great boyfriend to the right girl, even though he will always be somewhat douchbaggy.

    Marley & Me might be great for her career if it does well. It has Owen Wilson in it and the book was a smash hit.

  10. Anni says:

    didn´t john mayer boink jessica simpson?

  11. Kevin says:

    Anni I don’t know if he boinked Chestica but I’m pretty sure he slammed her.

  12. someone says:

    I think they look cute together..Even if its only for a couple what..they are having fun and not hurting anyone..I think her career is fine, if she never wanted to work again in her entire life, she has the money to do just that..I think this movie will do well!

  13. DogRunner says:

    Interesting body language in one of the pool pictures. He is turned away from her and she is hanging on with both arms.

  14. Granger says:

    It’s interesting how some people believe that having enough money to never work again must mean you have a successful career. But the majority of actors are very insecure people who are constantly seeking acceptance and adoration. So I would think that success for an actor is more about impressing audiences, peers and critics with your talent and range, and the best of them do that by choosing interesting roles in thought-provoking films. JA, on the other hand, is best known for playing the slightly ditzy love interest in generic romantic comedies. Maybe that’s success to her, but personally, I find her pretty nauseating.

  15. h says:

    Look, she is 39, rich and healthy, dumped by her famous husband PUBLICLY. Sure she is getting some jobs but obviously she is not next Meryl Streep. So she thinks to herself, what the hell, let’s enjoy the moment.

    Other than sitting at home and feeling miseable for yourself, watching news about how many kids Brangelina are brooming, girlfriend is enjoying herself.

    Bad taste in man? Probably. So what? She always has bad taste in man, including Brad Pitt.

  16. daisyfly says:

    Jen can have any man she wants. Poor thing can’t keep any, but she can still have them.

  17. Orangejulius says:

    I read an interview with him and he sounds like a self-absorbed twerp. Sigh. Too bad, he looks so good.

  18. question says:

    Was Jen ever this demonstrative with Brad? I don’t remember ever seeing them like this.

  19. CeeJay says:

    The guy knows how to make fun of himself and enjoy the success he has found. The girl is financially secure, enjoys her work and is surrounded by good friends. Sounds to me like both of them are doing fine. I begrudge them nothing. If they enjoy each other’s company — go for it.
    However, from my perspective these pics aren’t portraying a “couple” vibe, more like friends — maybe with benefits.

  20. insidescoop says:

    I vote publicity stunt. A boring one at best.

  21. wha? says:

    this woman is living a lie and obviously hiding stuff from her fans. god knows what!

  22. someone says:

    wha????what lie exactly is Jennifer living??and what “stuff” is she suppose to be hiding???you don’t have to like her, but try making sense when you put her down.

  23. Lola Loya says:

    Recently,he’s been with Jessica Simpson, Cameron Diaz, girl from TV show Friday Night Lights, and now Jennifer Aniston.Wow! He is obviously just playing the Hollywood field. I hope these women know going in not to expect more than just “having a good time”.

  24. I choose me says:

    Sniff. Sniff. I smell a publicity stunt. If it isn’t and they are really into each other and having a good time then I’m all for that. I’m not sure why John Mayer is considered a douche. Is it because he talks too much sometimes or the emo vibe he give off? Anywho I still think he’s kinda hot, at least in these pics. And Jen’s bikini bod looks Mmm-mmm good as usual.

  25. headache says:

    Both of them have over-inflated senses of their own talent so I guess that makes them perfect for each other.