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46 Responses to “Christina Aguilera has fan kicked out of bar for sending her a drink”

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  1. AC says:

    hey! at least she’s still breastfeeding! but i agree they look painful. oof.

  2. elisha says:

    That’s so rude, he probably wasn’t even hitting on her. Did she ever consider the guy thought it was COOL HE WAS NEAR A CELEBRITY and sent her champagne? I might do that if someone I was a fan of was in a bar with me, even if it was a girl. What a c@&t.

  3. Lick it, don't stick it says:

    Er, I always dressed pretty modestly. But once I became a mom (and got the big boobs, thanks breastfeeding:) I made a point to keep it under wraps. I just didn’t like the creepy men staring at them and didn’t want to deal with it.
    And wow, she looks bowlegged!

  4. poopie says:

    another overly hyped no talent beesh who surrounds herself with people who make believe she is SOMEBODY. These people make me VOMITTTTTTTTTTTTTT

  5. JennGush says:

    No wonder he sent her a drink…look at what she is wearing. You’re a mom biotch, dress like one. I love how in the second picture her face, chest and legs are all a different color…heh. She must go to the same tanning salon as LiLo. One more thing, QUIT DYING YOUR HAIR WHITE!

  6. headache says:

    I don’t think it had anything to do with him being a fan. You don’t send drinks to married women and married women don’t accept drinks from strange men.

    And is it just me or is her hubby looking a little on the chubby side lately? I thought he used to be like toothpick thin.

  7. Jude says:

    Oh please people send people drinks all the time and if she is sooo married what is doing hanging out in a bar without her husband? Is she LQQking??
    Fans send flowers champagne to the stars all the time. That hair is not dyed it is over bleached, he lips are plumped and shocking pink lipstick makes her look like some kind of a hooker who can’t sing.

  8. Jason says:

    To JennGush…

    So, just because she’s a Mom, means she can’t dress sexy when going out with her friends?! Are you kidding me??? That’s just RIDICULOUS. πŸ™„

  9. Codzilla says:

    I don’t think you have to turn into a librarian after motherhood, but a level of respectability is in order. Women can be sexy without having their tits hanging out like some street ho. And I’m not even going to start about the trashy makeup/hair combo.

  10. Ack! says:

    Wow – no grace at all, huh Xtina? Women get drinks sent to them all the time at clubs and usually either accept or deny them. Getting someone kicked out of the club for what is typically viewed as a gesture is such overload. Not impressive at all, Ms. X.

  11. JennGush says:

    Jason…typical male. Heh. So, you’re saying sexy is having your tits about ready to pop out of your dress? That isn’t sexy, that’s hooker-ish. The only reason you’d wear something THAT revealing is to get attention. I’m not saying she shouldn’t be able to dress sexy but, seriously. Contrary to popular belief you can be sexy w/o showing everything you have. There are A LOT of different types of sexy, this however isn’t one of them. She has a nice figure and is attractive, minus the lipstick, hair and odd colored skin. So, I’m not saying wear a turtleneck and sweats out to the club with your friends. She could have still shown some cleavage and looked a bit more tasteful.

  12. Kelly says:

    I agree with Jason that there is nothing wrong with a Mommy dressing sexy. Maybe to Christina her outfit isn’t too much. Who are you to judge’s not like her crotch is exposed like some other moms. And not to be mean, but I’m guessing you aren’t good looking enough to dress the way she’s usually those women that are soo judgemental. Oh and how is a mom supposed to dress like??!???It’s not like this is a photo of her at church!!

  13. MissMara says:

    Maybe she was offended bc she is still breastfeeding and cannot drink any alcohol? And regarded his insistance as an insult to her and as a threat to her babies health? I know I wasn’t completely rational the year after giving birth: lots of hormones still raging through your body!

  14. JennGush says:

    Kelly, how can you presume to know what I look like from an opinion? So, b/c you think she looks nice that means you are supposedly hot shit? You’re an idiot. I am a very open minded person. How old is Christina? I used to dress like that when I went out, when I was like 19! It’s funny b/c I knew as soon as I posted that comment that guy or someone else would come back and say something about me being ugly or whatever. You proved me right.

  15. Kelly says:

    Real call someone an idiot. Get some class. Never said I was hot shit..nor did I say she looked “nice.” I merely said it’s okay for mom’s to dress sexy. If trying to it accurately!! You “idiot!”

  16. Bodhi says:

    πŸ™„ “not to be mean, but”

    Please, like anyone is going to take a statement like that well. I think its a pretty idiotic one as well

  17. Other Karen says:

    Both dresses are quite nice, although definitely designed for someone more flat-chested.

    Maybe she wore them so it’d be easy to whip out her breast to feed the baby? I see a leopard print bra under the green dress, and Agent Provacateur’s leopard print maternity bra was one of the only interesting maternity bras out there (Gwen Stefani was always wearing those right after Kingston was born). Just speculating.

  18. ayatolla_of_rocken_rolla says:

    She looks like he twin of Dog the bounty hunters wife…..pure cheap white trash!

  19. J9 says:

    Does this woman look in a mirror? She looks trashier than a hooker. All the money in the world can not bring respectability. You can take her out of the gutter but you cant take the gutter out of her. Have some respect for yourself lady!

  20. Sasha says:

    A ‘thanks but no thanks’ would have been more tactful, Christina. And try wearing something cut to fit your new mommybags. 😳

  21. Cindy Kennedy says:

    I agree with her, it sounds like that fan was being too aggressive. If someone says “no thanks” then respect that.

  22. McKenna says:

    I’ve seen her before and she is a bitch. She was in an elevator with us and had a cap on and whorish makeup (that’s how I recognized her) and kept pulling her cap down as if trying not to get noticed. Please bitch, you’re just asking for attention. No normal person stands in an elevator and keeps pulling their cap down and being so OBVIOUS about not wanting to be recognized. Then the door opened and she sprinted to her car. WTF? Who cares about you bitch, I’m just taking the elevator.

  23. KateNonymous says:

    She already turned it down and the guy persisted, right? He should have gotten the message the first time–although I do think that having him escorted out seems excessive, particularly if that’s all he was doing. Why not just tell the bartender not to have any more drinks sent to you, and see if you need to do anything else based on the guy’s behavior?

  24. Jason says:

    Oh Jenn…..

    “Typical male”

    Bwahahaha… you crack me up sweetie. TOO funny. Love to see how you judge without even knowing me. That’s AWESOME!


    As a gay man, I think that what she is wearing is sexy indeed. So what if she’s showing lots of cleavage?! BIG DEAL. She’s not flashing her vagina or showing nipple…..She’s not like all the other little Hollywood starlet sl*ts out there, showing off their goodies to everyone.

    Her arms are covered and the length of her dress is at her knees…. perfect for when you wanna vamp it up & show off the “upper section.”

    YES, you can look VERY sexy and be WAY more covered up, but that’s justnot her. So what if she dresses sexy & over-the-top?!? BIG DEAL

    WOW….. she showed major cleavage… *GASP* SHE CAN’T DRESS THAT WAY BECAUSE SHE’S A MOM!!! OMG

    CHEERS Christina…. you look sexy, sultry & gorgeous. Now if only you could wear better shades of lip-stick.



  25. Enonymouse says:

    I also agree with Kelly and Jason. People really need to stop calling other people hookers and sluts, none of you have the right to do that because it is her business what she wears and how she wears it and as long she is a good mother to her child then mommy can wear what ever she wants (why would she stop wearing what she likes just because of some pervy men, they are the ones who should stop looking). Also, the guy kept sending her drinks even after she refused the first time, so if I was in her position then I would do exactly the same thing as she did. As for her talent, she has a better voice then any other artists that is out there at the moment.

  26. Tammy says:

    The outfit is the least of her problems. At least she isn’t showing sagging gross nipple like Britney. I really see nothing wrong with the dress, just the rest of the presentation, hair, makeup, orange glow… She used to be a pretty girl.

  27. OXA says:

    Ungrateful COW dresses like a cheap hooker.

  28. Lesley says:

    Christina has always dressed over the top, whether on stage or off….so I don’t think the outfit matters.
    What matters is the unfairness of it all! Myself and every girl I know has had some creepy dude repeatedly hit on them and send them drinks at a bar. The rest of us just have to deal with it ourselves. It sucks that she has this much power.
    As for her appearance….I wish that I could pull off wearing dresses like this. She has a great body. πŸ˜€

  29. Harper says:

    She should have gotten thrown out for wearing that lipstick..sheeeesh

  30. I choose me says:

    Christina you are a talented lady. I love your singing, I do, but put those frickin things away dear and while your at it WASH YOUR GODDAMN FACE!


  31. gg says:

    ha! I agree with I choose me. She ain’t built for that dress. fugly-wugly. And it’s not “sexy”, it’s “cheap looking”! — in more ways than one. Not to mention (but I will anyway!), the skin dye is so orange it looks green. She’s always looked like she has hepatitis.

    She only dresses that way because she quite obviously is very insecure. Which gives people reasons to cut her down, and so it continues …

    If comments like these bother you so bad, please don’t visit CeleBITCHY. We bitch here. Get used to it.

  32. lola lola says:

    If this story is true, it just confirms what I’ve been thinking ever since she got pregnant–she looks miserable and now, clearly, acts miserable too. And, yeah, she looks really cheap with her boobs hanging out like that. Poor girl is going downhill fast.

  33. Devilgirl says:

    Frankly, she can wear what she wants and just because it isn’t what a lot of the posters here would wear, it doesn’t mean that she is a slut. She is married and from what I have read, happily so, so the idea that she is a slut based on what kind of an outfit she is wearing is plain silly. People can dress the way they want and live their lives the way they want, in or out of the public eye. Unless you are directly responsible for taking care of that person or paying their bills, who are any of us to judge what they wear and what it looks like. I have seen Angelina Jolie in some questionable outfits, but God forbid if I commented on her, everyone would be all over me, can’t understand why some celebs get a pass for their tastes and actions and others are always ridiculed. Xtina is a singer, she dresses like the pop singer that she is. She isn’t out working the corners, running around on her husband, banging drugs up her arms or breaking up marriages, she’s just out and about in a low cut dress. SO WHAT?! πŸ˜‰ πŸ˜‰

  34. Other Karen says:

    I don’t think it’s the amount of breast showing that’s the problem, I think that her breasts have a shape that’s not suited for those types of dresses.

    I really, really want the green dress, but my chest would fall out of it.

  35. Emily says:

    Not very tastefully dressed is she, I’m sure she could look better than that!

  36. Alex says:

    her husband is another great example of kids born into wealth and power who are ugly who get to nail hot celebs

  37. jess says:

    Ok all I have to say is the neon pink lipstick has got to Phuggin go lol πŸ˜†

  38. Kasey says:

    Shes at bars more than Britney.

  39. GB says:

    I agree with Jason completely she looks sexy and pulls it off without showing everything, a little bit of cleavage and covered arms and dress above the knees isnt over the top and can be pulled off, but minus the lipstick. You can still be a sexy mom and wear sexy clothes, you dont have to be a typical mom who wears big henley shirts and size 10 jeans with tennis shoes, and no makeup, ouch sorry.

  40. stellapurdy says:

    I don’t know what’s more hideous, Christina or that blue and white dress πŸ˜†

  41. Clem-lino says:

    Miss C at least you are a mom and a married woman too . So you should at least mind the way too sexy you dress to avoid guys sending you drink next time when you are out with friends .

    And what a mess you ‘d made that poor young man look in the pub , it’s not faire .

  42. Rianna says:

    i dont care if she is a mother or not. that isnt my issue with her. namely, what the f*#k is she breastfeeding her son? liquid plastic?
    bitch looks like a malibu barbie gone wrong.

  43. sahara says:

    Some interesting remarks, but really, she is not an over hyped no talent. Say what you want, the woman is talented! Saying otherwise is more a reflection on you poopie!

  44. carol says:

    those boobs aren’t sexy with the large veins popping out. And her little stomach pouch…she needs a new wardrobe!

  45. smack says:

    yes, boobs are huge. anyone else see the blue veins developing there?

    i have to say something about her husband/bitch. does he look like the biggest douche in the world or what? How does a guy that looks like that get a hottie like her?

    seriously, I say she’ll divorce his ass in less than 5 years.

  46. Syssi says:

    I don’t blame Ms. Xtina. I would do the same thing if I were her. Never accept a drink from someone random. For all we know the drink could of had exticy.Which = the date drug.