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21 Responses to “Jude Law spotted making out with Kimberly Stewart at a club”

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  1. nena says:

    she looks like the bad version of Sienna Miller

  2. Mairead says:

    Essex? What on earth was Law doing in Essex? (I think Rod Stewart lives there though? yes? no? I’m not a fan, so I haven’t a clue)

    Now CB – why are you so willing to “gift” the nationality of these famous-for-their-daddies celebrities like Kim Stewart and Calum Best to Britain (and in Best’s case “Norn Iron”)?

    They’re both American, born in America to American mothers and British/ Irish fathers.

    Nah, you’re grand thanks, we’ve enough of them lushes as it is. ๐Ÿ˜†

  3. Cindy Kennedy says:

    Kimberly Stewart is one of the ugliest women I’ve ever seen. She only got to model because her dad is – correction, WAS – a famous rock star.

  4. Jessie says:

    I don’t know whather it’s morning sickness or the thought of these two skanks making out that is making me feel queasy. I think it might be the latter.

  5. geronimo says:

    Skank city. At least their being together prevents others from being defiled by either one of them. Kimberly Stewart is akin to Paris Hilton but without Paris’s money-making abilities.

    lol, Mairead, it’s true. We really don’t want these two! Particularly as Kimberly Stewart just made me say something positive about Paris Hilton!! Slippery slope ๐Ÿ˜ฏ

  6. Celebitchy says:

    Sorry Mairead and geronimo! No offense is meant, but I see how it be taken that way. ๐Ÿ˜† I have corrected the post. It just goes to show how much I know about Kimbo Stewart.

  7. saintdevil says:

    Blech…that guy will stop at nothing!

  8. elisha says:

    She looks like she’s TRYING to be Sienna (who’s [is/was] trying to be Kate Moss).

    Just in case anyone forgot, Kim Stewart is the one who gave Jack Osborne her implants after she took them out.

  9. Cici says:

    i still will love jude law til the day i die.

  10. Diva says:

    Ick, I have nothing against either of these people, but for some reason, them kissing kinda makes me ill. lol

    Awww, Essex *sigh*, cb, you’re making me all sorts of homesick this morning… fish and chips and Essex all in the same page??? I wish I was home. ๐Ÿ™


  11. bc says:

    from the header pic, i thought the guy was making out with a man… huh. kimberly stewart, eh? same thing.

  12. Syko says:

    I need to wash my eyes with bleach after looking at this.

  13. chamalla says:

    I had such high hopes for Jude.

  14. amyc says:

    She is an ugly beyotch. She’s the one who called Jennifer Aniston “homely” in some interview and made Jen cry. I don’t think I liked Aniston until that happened.

    Oh, and Jude Law’s career is dead. He lost his hair, his looks, etc. Karma, bitch! Don’t cheat on your ladies. Hahahaha. ๐Ÿ˜†

  15. Other Karen says:

    He’s still nice to look at. But man he used to be gorgeous. And guys in movies usually don’t do anything for me. Except Matt Damon in Bourne Identity.

  16. kate says:

    he looks like crap, like a middle aged loser. wow – i’m really surprised, he used to be hot. i’m not at all surprised that kimmy looks like crap. weasel faced skank.

  17. I choose me says:

    Best I’ve ever seen her look. I kinda like the hair in these pics. I’m meh about this story. What Jude Law his tongue and his tiny penis do is his business.

  18. Mairead says:

    Jaysis!!! Jennifer Aniston and her soggy tissues turn up in the most random of posts ๐Ÿ˜•

    God Jude is such a slut – Kimbo, run as fast as your tottering heels will let you!

  19. Orangejulius says:

    Let me get this straight. SHE called Jennifer Aniston homely? These are definitely the best pictures of her I’ve ever seen. Too bad she looks more like her father than her mother…

  20. Bodhi says:

    She looks sooo much better these days! Jude… not so much

  21. Fillup says:

    Kim has great leggs.