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23 Responses to “Lindsay Lohan and Samantha Ronson hold hands at Diddy’s party”

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  1. Blonde Ambition says:

    * left hand on stomach, right hand over mouth…wretching with dry heeves*

    No not because of the homosexuality….but because of Lindsey being nasty and her corpse-looking “platonic” friend.

    It makes my stomach turn just seeing this girl.

  2. Roma says:

    Oh but Celebitchy, I was sooo hoping that you’d make the lesbian / pink taco joke, because my friends and I have been making it for weeks!

  3. elisha says:

    I’d date Lindsey.

  4. Syko says:

    I just threw up in my mouth a little bit for the same reason that Blonde Ambition was heaving. I could care less how many pink tacos Lindsay eats (or serves), but she is such a tramp and so distasteful in everything she does! And somehow the whole relationship gets tawdrier by her mother’s denial of it.

    I really don’t understand why she felt the need to go to Cannes. Did she even work on any movies this past year?

  5. Henny Penny says:

    That’s one trashy couple- same sex or not.

  6. Bodhi says:

    She is such an attention whore!! I think that LL is really insecure & just has to have people focused on her. And she has no clue what the difference between sex & love is

  7. Kayla says:

    Loser! Lindsey is NOT a celebrity and should get to go to these celeb parties. MAKE HER AND HER DRUG DEALER/LOVER GO AWAAY!!!

  8. fluffyrabbit says:

    I think they look happy.

    If these two are best served by bumping uglies in the night – then so be it.

    Not sure hollyweird is going to accept this pairing – but I wish them the best.

  9. gg says:

    Sam looks like a 12-year-old boy caught doing something bad in the first pic.

  10. vdantev says:

    That’s no woman, it’s a man, baby !!

  11. MSat says:

    I have the occasional girlcrush myself, and I gotta say: Sam Ronson is fugly.

  12. tvf says:

    Is it possible Lindsay is just trying to poke at her mom?

    (I think they make a cute couple)

  13. sandy says:

    what are they a couple or what? ❗

  14. Whelkin says:

    I don’t know if they’re a lesbian couple in every sense of the word, I was in a relationship with another female which was possessive and destructive and we very much resembled a couple, she would kiss me and hold me but only in public and as it turned out, only to impress men, you can’t tell everything from a photo but there might be something similar going on here…

  15. Leah says:

    She’s so nasty-looking, and just nasty in general… both of them look borderline-demonic in that picture, too.

  16. kate-o says:

    oh c’mon, let them be. i think it’s cute that li-lo finally has sticked with the same person for a good time now. not that whorish as before.

    i like them<3


  17. yeah RIGHT says:

    this idiot is imitating angelina.

    BUT angelina’s waaaay smarter and she healed herself now — this little girl’s a mildly retarded person. so there’s a slim chance she can pull this off. I hope she doesn’t overdose.

  18. Jaundice Machine says:

    If they are legit, (2 legit. 2 legit 2 quit, even) I wish them the very best.
    But Lohan strikes me as strictly dickly and I wouldn’t put it past her that she’s using her BFF as tabloid fodder. I hope they both know the score – it’s cruel to lead someone along for this long with no real no intention of an off-camera intimate relationship. Then again, they are living together. . .

  19. elisa says:

    Samantha Ronson is NOT hot, girl or guy.
    That said, I love Lindsay’s hairstyle in these pics…and I haven’t liked anything of Lindsay’s in a looong time, so I’ll take what I can get, I suppose…

  20. Blondie says:

    I think they def are together, I mean when was the last time Lilo was w/o a man for this amount of time….I wish they’d just come out and admit it rather than playing it for the media by dropping hints to gte more publicity. They should be proud and stop trying to be tabloid fodder..Lindsay really needs a manager and someone to try and get her career back on track…Oscar by 25?! more like out of work nobody by then.

  21. Kira says:

    I think they are lovely together, i wish them luck, it´s a little sad though, because i want to marry lindsay<3

  22. marcela says:

    Se ven preciosas juntas, creo que lindsay es la mujer que se merece sam, yo estoy enamorada de sam y me da gusto que este con una chica tan linda, sam es preciosa y se merece esta historia para ella.

  23. Rose says:

    Well!!! I must say that there is no problem with both coz its there needs…If they make love to each other..its fine coz its there entirely personal matter….who are we to comment anything about them…After all, human beings are always in search of love n will always be whether the person is of same gender or even an animal….Got it???