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12 Responses to “Sex and the City’s Willie Garson adopts a son”

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  1. Bodhi says:

    Yay! Congrats to the new family! Stanford never fails to crack me up

  2. Enonymouse says:

    Good for him.

  3. Megan says:

    Is he gay in real life? He’s a fantastic actor, he was in Star Gate the series too for a while.

  4. anni says:

    that´s great. i am always when when someone chooses to give these kids a home…btw, i loved him on the x-files.

  5. stewart says:

    Nope … He’s straight — Thank God. No worries. He can adopt. (Breathe easy)

  6. Jaclyn says:

    Yay, good for him! He’ll be an excellent dad. And I agree with Anni, he was great on the x-files (he was on 2 episodes, actually). And I also liked him in “House of D” with David Duchovny. 🙂

  7. kate says:

    yay, stanny!

  8. Jaundice Machine says:

    He seems like he’d be a great father. Congrats!

  9. vdantev says:

    Good on him.

    So why is it when Angelina adopts a child, it’s some looked on as a vile plot by some folks ?

  10. TPVERO says:

    What make people unsure of the validity of celebrity adoptions? Could it be the celebrities seem notoriously unstable even though they have piles of money and a child needs love and attention not piles of money, and perhaps celebrities are known to be notoriously fickle in their relationships? No one wants to see a child go from the frying pan into the fire. Having known more than a few biological children of celebrities… I find myself worrying about all of them.

  11. Mairead says:

    Because vdantev, she’s always plotting, plotting, plotting to shackle Brad Pitt to her unfeasibly slender ankles and take over the world! 😈 😈 😈

    (feck knows why – to make all kids have a fauxhawk perhaps? 😕 )

    Does he have a partner? If not, a very brave man to undertake such a committment when presumably an already difficult process would be even more awkward – so… Congrats!

  12. Alexia says:

    Mairead, I know you. I wish everyone would open their eyes to your profound BS. Why do you think everyone likes you, is beyond me. You are the biggest load of S*IT out there on all boards. No one wants your opinion. No one cares what you think. We all laugh at you. You are a joke. Just go away or crawl back under that cat s*it that’s on your living room floor.