Is Kate Middleton making another public push for marriage?


Life & Style’s cover story this week is kind of putting the cart before the horse. They seem to take it as a given that Prince William and Kate Middleton will marry, and now we’re on to discussing the guest list. L&S speaks to entertainment journalist Katie Nicholl, who writes gossip pieces for The Daily Mail. I recognize her name because I’ve always enjoyed her Mail stories, and she has some suspiciously good sources in Kate Middleton’s camp. I’ve always suspected that Nicholl has probably even interviewed Middleton (off the record, or as an unnamed source) for some of her stories, and I think Nicholl probably also has spoken to members of Middleton’s family. So that makes this Life & Style story very interesting… is Kate making another public push to marry Prince William?

When Prince William finally weds longtime girlfriend Kate Middleton in June 2012, only a select group of VIP’s will make the guest list! The location they’re eyeing, St. George’s Chapel in Windsor, seats only 1,300 people—compared to father, Prince Charles and mother, Diana’s massive ceremony of more than 3,500 guests. So which famous faces made the cut?

Life & Style has learned that likely VIP’s on the guest list include first lady Michelle Obama, Diddy and Rod Stewart!

“Elton John, who was extremely close to Diana, will most certainly be at the wedding,” adds an insider. Meanwhile, scandal-ridden Sarah Ferguson, who was caught on tape negotiating a bribe in exchange for access to her ex, Prince Andrew, “is banned,” a palace insider tells Life & Style.

And Both Prince Charles and Queen Elizabeth will have a strong say as to who makes the cut.

“It will be the job of aides at Clarence House, which is the Prince’s London residence, as well as Buckingham Palace, where the queen lives, to compile the guest list,” royal correspondent Katie Nicholl, author of William and Harry, a book about the royal brothers, tells Life & Style. “There’s a lot of protocol involved — many heads of state and European royal families must be accounted for and included.”

[From Life & Style]

Yeah… if there is a wedding, the only one inviting everyone they want will be the Queen. Everybody else’s guest list will take a back seat. After all, the Queen is probably going to end up paying for it (and by that, I mean the British taxpayers).

Anyway, this comes at an interesting time. A few weeks ago, the Enquirer and British tabloids were reporting a minor scandal involving Kate’s brother. Kate’s brother James Middleton was involved in some kind of financial scheme (it sounds like a Ponzi scheme) that lost a lot of people’s money, and James is now under investigation. A source told the Enquirer: “The last thing the royal family wants is to have Wills’ future brother-in-law arrested during the wedding festivities. By 2012 the investigation should be over, and James Middleton will have been cleared, or not. Kate is very upset about the delay. It just gets worse and worse for her. She’s been waiting seven years to marry Wills – and now she thinks the royals are just looking for any excuse to freeze her out.”

Also – yesterday, Prince William saved someone’s life. He’s working as a rescue helicopter pilot, and he saved a man who was injured on an oil rig during an emergency mission. It was pretty good – although Prince William has been in his military and flight training for five years, and this is pretty much the first thing he’s done with it. Still, good job.

Here are some newish photos of Will last week at a charity event. Those Windsor genes really kicked in, didn’t they?



Life & Style cover courtesy of CoverAwards. Additional photos of Prince William on Sept. 30, 2010. Credit: Fame.

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27 Responses to “Is Kate Middleton making another public push for marriage?”

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  1. Shanzy says:


  2. Honey B says:

    “Those Windsor genes really kicked in, didn’t they?”
    Lol.. The receding hairline was the first give-away.

    Also, why would anyone want to marry into the royal family. I’d rather be Lindsey Lohan.

  3. mln says:

    @ Honey B I agree her family should be trying to talk her out of this.

  4. Eileen says:

    Meh-I’m more interested in the other story next to it on if Amber from Teen Mom will get her child taken away. I hope so! She is a piece of work and now dating a felon on the show and kicking and hitting on her ex!

  5. gigi* says:

    Oh Jesus…enough with all the royal wedding crap!

  6. California Surfer says:

    Dude totally looks like he needs to smoke some weed!

  7. ziggy says:

    perhaps they are in love?

  8. REALIST says:

    William is a nice guy and not a pouty face snob like his dad, but yes, the Windsor genes did kick in. Boo! He looked like his lovely mother for so long!
    Mixed feelings about Kate-she is definitely not of the pedigree that Diana was (from the noble family of Spencer), but then, I think the whole royal hierarchy thing should be scrapped anyway. (I am an American, though). Looks like we’ll have to see what happens with Kate’s Ponzi bro (innocent until proven guilty-will there be any string pulling?)

  9. Roxanne75 says:

    Oh I think he’s so handsome…seems like such a gentlemen…ahh

  10. Mare says:

    Why is it so hard to accept the possibility that maybe they really love each other?

  11. Carrie says:

    Totally shallow, but…

    remember when William was the beautiful one with the Diana genes and pretty much every story was, “Oh, poor Prince Harry, not only is he the younger brother but he’s not even cute.”

    Funny how things have changed. Prince William is looking more and more like his father and Prince Harry just gets better and better.

  12. brin says:

    I don’t blame her….they don’t call her “waitie Katie” because she’s heavy.

  13. Shannon says:

    Eileen I agree- I just watched the last episode of Teen Mom and that girl needs some serious anger management and spousal abuse therapy. I can’t believe she decided martial arts training was a good idea. Her kid does not deserve to be around that.

  14. LindyLou says:

    Yup. He’s a Windsor alright. He used to be so cute too. Oh well, we still have his totally sexy brother to ogle!

  15. p.g. says:

    I wonder if they broke up ages ago and are just friends now, he is hardly ever seen with her anymore?

  16. viper says:

    WHY WONT HE JUST OWN UP AND SHAVE IT OFF! My GOD men holding on to lawned grass looking hair are SAD. I can already see him sporting the brush over look in his 40’s.

  17. Johnny Depp's Girl says:

    I hope they do get married.

  18. REALIST says:

    Me again-oh please be kind to Prince William. I lost my mom, too. Her death of a massive stroke (she was 64, I was 25) was shocking, sudden, and very painful. I know only a tiny bit of what the boys went through, and it must have been unspeakably traumatic.
    I know William showed up at a group meeting of normal folk who had lost either of their parents on the 10th anniversary of Diana’s death and spoke from the heart; I can’t remember what he said, but it was very personal and very touching.
    He may have the Windsor genes on the surface, but he is doing his very best to preserve the legacy of his mother’s reaching out to people in need with true compassion (and actually touching them!).
    I still miss him mom so much; she was human with flaws, and that was part of what made her so beautiful inside as well as outside; not anything like “The Firm”. The boys must think of losing her every single day. Prince Charles tried to step up, but he just can’t be anything like she was as a parent.
    I also wonder about this delay with Kate-having lost his iconic mom at a young age (and Diana was young and beautiful when she died), could any woman live up to Diana in William’s eyes?
    My sincere hope is that the Windsors don’t ruin either one of those boys. As opportunistic as her birth family turned out to be after she died, I was cheering after Lord Althorpe’s speech (a.k.a. “Champagne Charlie) at her funeral and would still cheer all over again.

  19. JulieM says:

    The well oiled Middleton PR Machine, Inc. is at it again, pushing Waity Katie wedding stories. Notice the pattern of “friends” planting stories in the press about her which don’t ever come true. Examples: she was going to study photography in New York last January, but never did. Or she was going to have a photo exhibition in London, but that apparently was canceled also. Then she was going to do more charity work, nope! These stories usually show up after she hasn’t been in the press for a little while. For all I know, they really are secretly engaged, living together in Wales, eating cases of frozen pizza, and will marry whenever. Good-they deserve each other.

  20. Raven says:

    Once he became an adult, Prince William was good looking for about a minute.

    My bet is that there will be a wedding.

  21. Iggles says:

    Ugh. Don’t want him to marry her… Would be lovely if he married another royal, but I’d get behind him marrying a noble too.

    Kate is so blah! As far as commoners go, she’s no Grace Kelly!

  22. benny says:

    No one who married into that family was happier for it. No one.

    What William needs is to marry one of the other remaining royals in Europe who were raised to expect the stress/lackof privacy/community service that will be expected of them. So what if they don’t love each other? Marrying into that family is a JOB; they need someone who is fit for the job.

  23. tango says:

    Right on Benny. I totally agree with you.
    How much longer is Kate going to wait? At this point, she looks desperate. I can get she doesn’t want to feel that the past 7 years have been a waste but she needs to face facts. If William really wanted to marry her, it would’ve been a done deal a few years ago. She needs to move on. And somewhere down the line write a tell all book!

  24. Joe says:

    Each time there is a lull in ‘Kate Middleton News’ out roll the ‘insiders’, ‘contacts’ and ‘people close to the couple’…….Every story never pans out as written either. Is Prince William actually aware of this ‘publicity pattern’ that has emerged over the last few years? Mmmmm…..I just wonder who those ‘insiders/contacts and ‘people’ close to the couple’…can possibly be? This smacks of desperation after the fact by person or persons ‘unknown’. I wonder how the news that Kate Middleton assuming she can park in a ‘Police-Bay’ in Central-London to go shopping, went down with her Majesty? You just don’t do something like that in Central-London in this day and age!

  25. hellen says:

    He’s looking more and more like Prince Edward all the time.

  26. Jo 'Mama' Besser says:

    Sophie seems to be doing alright, but she actually had a life before marrying.

  27. Aurelia says:

    Hey if you think waitey katies bro is scandalous, think back to when uncle (coal miners daughter mother carol’s brother) Barry was busted for being a drug dealer in Majorca!!! Just imagine him and all of classy carol’s fam as part of the royal family. Christ, Fergie was bad enough. Here they go for seconds. God, Carol will probably wear a mini skirt, fluffy feather/netting headpiece, chew gum and get her tits done if there is a royal wedding. Yes, i have dodgey relatives too, but I am not trying to marry into royalty. William sure does love him some of “the common touch”