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12 Responses to “Jessica Simpson’s dad tried to take over Tony Romo’s career and relationship”

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  1. Jenna says:

    That means Papa is now running Pete’s career. How stupid can Pete be.
    Tony should drop her anyway because he will try again. He just jumped the shark.

  2. phew says:

    Anyone with half a brain can see how “helpful” crazy papa wackadoo has been to his daughter’s careers. Surely Tony isnt going to fall for THAT.

    Of course he wants a piece of 67 million. This guy needs to stay at home like normal parents and let his kids take the spotlight

  3. Kay says:

    I feel so sorry for this girl. She’s either completely unhappy or a big moron for letter her dad get involved in everything she touches.

  4. skins says:

    Daddy should back off. Football season is coming up and that will mean massive headlines for Jessica if she can hold on to Tony. Of course this is the only way that she can get any ink so she better hold on tight. Tony, you are an idiot for letting yourself get into this situation. It will not only affect you, but the team that is paying you all of that money. All of the attention will be a huge distraction for the rest of the team, but I guess as long as your no-talent tabloid-whore girlfriend gets her headlines it will be ok.

  5. elisha says:

    Looks like her feet are chopped off in those pics. She’s so short and not hot.

  6. cc says:

    Sports fans are crazy. Pimpa Joe better leave him alone for the season or there will be an all out sports raid on his ass. 😆

  7. Donaldo says:

    Actually, I hope Romo gets sucked in by Papa Simpson. I hate the Cowboys!!!!

  8. Jody says:

    I’m sorry, I already commented about this look on the links page, but that dress looks like more of a shed than any type of clothing. Also, her neck is squatty all of a sudden–looks like a line-backers, that can’t be too alluring for Tony. Though, I will say the header image is a million times better.

    And I hope to shout Joe isn’t running Pete’s career, since he technically doesn’t have one without the rest of Fall Out Boy, but who knows, now that he’s working the gossip mags circuit, that shit’s a full time job, just ask Paris, Lindsay, and Britney.

  9. Dingles says:

    And that clown used to be a youth pastor. I am reminded for the 4,536th time why I no longer go to church.

  10. Larissa says:

    she looks prego to me! lol
    k…maybe not, but that would be a great move, how come that bastard Joe didnt think of that yet? 😆

  11. Lara says:

    This is so ridiculous/pathetic! Tony Romo is a great quaterback with a wonderful career in front of him. He needs to stay focused on his sport and stay away from the Simpsons! He’s not a D-list celebrity that should be brokering deals with the tabloids to futher his status. He should be on the cover of Sports Illustrated not US Weekly!!!

  12. velvet elvis says:

    Seriously…I thought the Simpson’s 15 minutes were up hours ago. Can somebody loan me a Pepcid AC or something ’til then because I’m having a hard time stomaching them.