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30 Responses to “Paris Hilton wears pregnancy-faking dress to spark rumors to deny”

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  1. geronimo says:

    That is a near-perfect headline. Says just about everything that ever needs to be said ever again about PH. It sums up her entire existence. It should follow her to her grave and then appear on her headstone.

  2. Bodhi says:


  3. Ron says:

    Somebody spay her before its too late!

  4. Gena says:

    She looks kind of old in some of those pictures. Too much tanning?

  5. Jody says:

    The episode of South Park where Paris adopts butters was on the other night. I just think if her pet’s were blowing their own brains out, what would a child want to do? Hopefully, just off her, but who knows what evil might lurk. I agree with Ron, spay her now, before the spawn cometh.

    p.s. If you’ve seen this episode, what is the crap she keeps coughing up, it was freaking me out, and does she really do this?

  6. vdantev says:

    ICK, she definitely doesn’t need to reproduce. Maybe we could start a petition or something.

  7. MISSY says:

    This broad is addicted to the limelight, she needs her fix

  8. lola lola says:

    Geronimo said it best!

  9. Jenna says:

    Out of all the dresses that can give the appearance of a pregnancy… she chose that one. What the feck?!
    Ouuu, you nasty 😈

  10. Leah says:

    There are just… no words to describe the stupidity….

  11. Syko says:

    She is a total and utter fool.

  12. Orangejulius says:

    Oh dear. She is not going to age well. Or maybe these are just unflattering pictures.

  13. Because I say So says:

    She is so revolting. I want her to go away already, but here I am commenting on a story about her (sigh) 🙄

  14. velvet elvis says:

    God forbid if this thing ever procreates

  15. Anna says:

    Babydoll dresses make everyone look pregnant. Perfect headline, loved it!

  16. Codzilla says:

    Somebody please deposit this slag and her douche boyfriend into a live volcano.

  17. JoGirl says:

    Jody: That was supposed to be “jizz.” I know, disgusting!

    She’s definitely not pregnant, because her boobs have not gotten any bigger.

  18. anni says:

    ugh. she tries so hard to be like nicole…like, the crazy party girl that had a child and now is this beautiful caring mother everybody loves for having changed and grown up…i really think paris is going to have a kid soon just to be like her. sad. for the child.

  19. whitnehhhh says:

    wtf? who does that? is she just trying to get attention like every other douche out there? HAHA god it makes me laugh. I feel sad for the kidd. =D

  20. poodlehopper says:

    I am tall and slim like she. I did now show until this week and boom I am huge. It can happen when you are around 3 months, going from flat to bump.

    It may well be that she is not taking it. Her photos look genuine.

    That, however, is no reflection of what I think her parenting skills will be. Pregnancy is such a fad right now. I did not start until I was 30. Now I have one on the way and on in college. Surpise!!!!

  21. ayatolla_of_rocken_rolla says:

    The first thing that happens is that your tits get really huge….she still looks like an ironing board!

  22. Anastasia says:

    I’m not normally ever in favor of something as heinous as this, but in Paris’ case, I will make an exception: I wouldn’t be opposed to someone kidnapping her, knocking her out and having a doctor tie her tubes. I would say remove her ovaries just to make sure, but is that too mean? Because tubes can be undone. But if you take out her ovaries, she’ll grow a moustache and beard.

    Hey that would be cool. Ok do the ovaries too. All of it. Ovaries, tubes, uterus. Just give her a complete hysterectomy. Because I’d feel so sad for any offspring of hers.

  23. Anastasia says:

    By the way, she just skipped the laxatives that day and had beer bloat and knew that would do the trick.

  24. Leo says:

    I have never seen a more desperate attention seeker in my life.

  25. Jody says:

    HAHAHA JoGirl, thank you so much for answering my question. I don’t know why I didn’t just assume something crazy like that. Oh South Park…

  26. xiaoecho says:

    JoGirl you nailed it. Nicole Richies’ dumplings gave her away long before a bump appeared

    Anna is right – Babydoll dresses make everyone except concave stomached catwalk models look pregnant 🙄

  27. devilgirl says:

    Please spay and neuter your Paris Hilton’s to stop pet over population.

  28. realdealtigerlil says:

    Words for each of us to live by: Don’t be a fool because a person can fool some people some of the time, but cannot fool all people all the time. 😯

  29. Hate what she represents says:

    She is vomit inducing. She describes herself as a “national icon”, all done with a straight face of course. I just can’t take much more of this worthless piece of white trash. It sickens me to know that one of our real icons, Paul Newman, may not be with us much longer but Paris will be left behind, much like cock roaches after a nuclear holocaust.