Bristol Palin wears a gorilla costume on DWTS, sucks at it

46343, LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA - Monday October 18, 2010. Bristol Palin, who is currently on TV's Dancing with the Stars , strolls up to The Mint in LA to celebrate her birthday with girlfriends. Photograph:  Anthony,

Some days I’m very thankful I don’t live for shows like Dancing With the Stars. I’m not trying to judge you people who do watch it regularly, or look forward to it. I get that you’re busy, and that you just want to watch something silly and mindless, perhaps with your family. And watching minor “celebrities” dance is probably one of the least offensive things to watch as a family. So in that instance, no judgment. But – sometimes I really wonder why people keep coming back week after week, month after month to a crap show like DWTS. Take Bristol Palin’s performance last night. It was… um… “TV Theme” night, and Bristol and her partner chose The Monkees. So they dressed up like gorillas. The performance begins around 1:40…

It’s just… embarrassing. I’m embarrassed for her. I’ll defend Bristol about some things, but this is not one of them. It’s not just the gorilla costume, it’s also that she’s a crappy dancer and she didn’t learn the moves. Ugh. Apparently, the judges hated it too, and she got the lowest score of the night. So she might be out this week. Oh, well. I guess she’ll just have to go back to her “full time job” as a dental hygienist. Remarkably, she was able to get time off to do DWTS…? Huh.

46020, WEST HOLLYWOOD, CALIFORNIA - Monday October 11 2010. Following their sexy Rumba, Dancing with the Stars professional Mark Ballas keeps a tight grip on dance partner Bristol Palin as they head to the Mint bar in West Hollywood. Mark was performing with his band at the club. Photograph;  Anthony,

46199, LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA - Friday October 15, 2010. Bristol Palin heads back to her car after her Dancing with the Stars dance rehearsal in Los Angeles. Photograph: James Breeden / Matt Symons,

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41 Responses to “Bristol Palin wears a gorilla costume on DWTS, sucks at it”

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  1. a says:

    she’s boehner orange!

  2. Me1st says:

    UM, not that I am defending watching this show but the show picks their music, they have to work with that. BUT, they shouldn’t have done the gorilla costumes. She isn’t trying hard enough to skate by on mommy’s coattails anymore…she needs to go.

  3. guesty says:

    one of the things that annoys me about her is that she doesn’t even try. she just stands there almost. too stoic.

    & nothing cracks me up more than watching her partner or any of the professional male dancers for that matter, dance really really fast.

  4. Aqua says:

    O.K. I admit I do watch the show when I can.Having said that Bristol needs to go home I appreciate her trying and getting out of her comfort zone,but she really has been on the show for too long.Time for her to go back to Alaska.

  5. sasa says:

    They do not choose the songs themselves, as stated in the article. Just wanted to point that out. The dance was horrible, but you know, she messed up- it happens.

  6. jen says:

    I know she can dance & all, but I’d love to see Bratty Brandi go home!

  7. texasmom says:

    This poor girl had NO charisma, it is so weird because her mom is so magnetic! (Disclaimer, I despise Sarah Palin, but there is no denying she is full of. . .personality.) Bristol is as dull as dishwater. I hope she can find a career that doesn’t involve being in the public.

  8. LOVE ANGELINA says:

    I don’t watch DWTS. However every single pic of this girl in this post is O-M-G straight fugly. I mean my goodness not one decent shot of her. Then that extremely awful video, this post is full of fug and fail for Bristol.

  9. Riley says:

    The only reason I don’t watch DWTS is because i get sucked into crap like Real Housewives of Atlanta and Real Housewives of Orange County, Biggest Loser (though I haven’t watched it yet), and I hate to admit it, the Kardashians. Part of why I watch this crap is because they run these shows over and over and over throughout the week so I can catch them at the gym or when I am vegging out on the couch. Anyway, between my beer consumption and watching this kind of crap, I feel I have very limited number of brain cells so I cannot possibly waste anymore on DWTS, although I have to say, Great Cast this season.

  10. ItsJustMe says:

    I so agree with texasmom! I have often wondered how she could be so devoid of any personality when her mother has this odd charismatic personality. (even though I also can’t stand her and think she is very dangerous and ignorant)

    ON another note I don’t know if it is just the pictures posted but she appears to have gained weight during dwts. Most of the dancers seem to lose weight and get in the best shape of their lives!

  11. bros says:

    because sarah pailin isnt just charismatic and magnetic. pailin has a narcissistic personality (probably disorder although im not a psychologist). whatever pailin has is pathological, and unfortunately it translates to other lemmings. she is like charles manson but prettier. bristol has thankfully been spared her mother’s pathological narcissism and comparatively looks dull. be thankful there arent 2 of them.

  12. sasa says:

    I think she does have a certain charisma, but not an immediately obvious one. I cracked up on her statements a couple of times. After the monkey dance she said that they used the costumes because she wasn’t very good at the jive and they wanted to make it more fun for the viewers. She also stated that she hates the jive. Flat out like that. I find it very funny.

  13. Jenna says:

    she’s a loser. why is she even getting so much attention? last time i checked, white trash with kids at 16 aren’t the type of people one should look up to, admire, or even give a shit about!

  14. Kayleigh says:

    For her mom being in beauty pageants she sure did not get those looks. She must have that Willis/Moore thing going on.

  15. Cheyenne says:

    Jeez, send her back to her igloo.

  16. Kitten says:

    Uh, really???? I see absolutely nothing charismatic about Sarah Palin. She always comes across as defensive, angry, and at times, downright uneducated. I do think she is an attractive woman, looks-wise, but honestly that’s all she has to offer imo. I guess I equate charisma with a kind of charming, easy-going personality, someone who is funny and likeable. I would not use even one of those words to describe Sarah Palin.

  17. Feebee says:

    On the show she’s touted/announced as a “teen activist”. The word activist usually refers to a passion for a cause you believe in. I find this doubly strange in Bristol’s case but anyhoo. The monkey suit was the least of her problems last night, she flat out forgot her moves twice and then had two or three errors in her timing.

    She is the worst dancer left and without her mother’s gift to get people to vote for her when it’s clearly not the best idea, she will go home tonight.

  18. devilgirl says:

    Gee Love Angelina, don’t hold back on the dislike for her.

    You are usually so nice about everyone, so it is odd that you go full tilt hate on her.

  19. hairball says:

    @kitten: Totally agree with you on Sarah Palin – she’s an embarrassment for women.

    I’ve said nothing about Bristol because initially I felt bad for her when it came out she was pregnant. What a horrible situation. However, she chooses to keep whoring herself out.

    Really?? Would Republican Christians really be bringing in an unwed knocked up teenager to talk about abstinence (gag me) if she wasn’t Palin’s daughter?

    I still thought that was bad, but let it go. Then she does DWTS. I mean, honestly, instead of trying to better herself by going to college she decides to whore herself out and make a complete FOOL of herself.

    She is pathetic, and yes, has the personality of a limp wash rag. WHY does anyone give a f*ck about about this doughy faced, not too bright moron??

  20. aenflex - says:

    she’s an ugly lil thing…

  21. Marjalane says:

    Whfat’s pathetic is that Bristol didn’t tell her asshat partner who thought up this shitastic idea and choreographed the routine, to go f*ck himself! This was as bad as the MIchael Bolton doghouse disaster, and Mark Ballas should have gotten his ass chewed out by the judges for coming up with it.

    And yes, I’ve admitted before that it’s a lame show, but if you want to watch something with your kids….it’ll do.

    Also- for every poster out there that “despises” Sarah Palin, there is one on the other side that despises the Lib choice- can we just leave that out of it?

  22. Alexis says:

    Who’s that ruddy faced, middle aged lady in the last pic? What is that smock thing called she’s wearing over her black t-shirt?

  23. hairball says:

    It’s hard to leave Sarah Palin out of this when the ONLY reason anyone outside of a Wasilla Walmart knows who Bristol is IS because of Sarah Palin.

    I am completely stunned that anyone approves her tv appearances. She is not attractive to make-up for and comes across like a dead towel. ??

  24. Persistent Cat says:

    Wow, that was horrible. Like being dragged to your neighbour’s daughter’s dance recital and watching a parade of sadness and mediocrity.

    The shoes and dress were totally cute, she looked so clumsy and clueless.

  25. Kitten says:

    @Marjalane-I wasn’t bringing up party affiliation, just talking about the idea that some people view Palin as charismatic and I don’t see it. There are charismatic Republican politicians-Mitt Romney comes to mind mainly because he was governor of MA so I guess I was exposed to more media coverage of him out here. I never voted for him but I definitely see why people did-he was a charismatic dude.
    Likewise there are charismatic Dems, like our president and un-charismatic Dems like…well…I can’t think of any but I’m sure there are some out there! 🙂
    I guess some might say Hillary Clinton or maybe John Kerry are uncharismatic?

  26. Roxanne75 says:

    She is so going down the wrong road. She should have stayed out of the limelight. She will be made fun of more and more if she keeps doing things like this.

  27. skibunny says:

    Bristol = Brutal She hasn’t got what it takes to be a dancer. It’s embarrassing watching her lumber around the stage.

  28. Anna says:

    Every couple of seasons the show brings in a “star” with connections to the Republican party, including Tom Delay and sarah Evans. Both were horrible dancers; but the base kept them around until they dropped out.

  29. Tess says:

    If this were Neut Gingrich’s daughter – would we be saying anything different? Other than – why did you leave Mommy in the hospital when she had cancer?

  30. GirlyGirl says:


    she’s a real heifer huh? And where do all these braindead hicks get their money?

  31. whatever says:

    I’m so sick of people hating on DWTS as if they’re intellectuals watching PBS all day. This show is awesome and it does’nt matter that the celebs are D-list(more like Z-list but whatever.)The show is a blast, when the dances are horrific it’s great and when the dances are fabulous it’s great. I’m always surprised how much I like the “stars” that I never would have imaged I’d like in a million years. Not to mention the drama and all the tears. IT’S F***ING AWESOME! I hope it’s on for many years

  32. Maritza says:

    I never miss the show, I believe Bristol will be the next to go. She is not ugly, just a bit chubby that’s all. Florence Henderson isn’t good either but she has a larger fanbase, she’ll stay for awhile longer.

  33. Marjalane says:


    You’re an idiot.

  34. TaylorB says:

    I don’t care which contestant it was, those costumes were a HUGE mistake. I know they all do stupid things for ratings, but it is supposed to be first of all a ballroom dance show, and wearing a gorilla suit, etc. is just idiotic. They deserve to lose, not because of Bristol (granted her dancing kinda sucked) but because her nitwit partner put her in that get up to begin with… Who the hell can dance in a gorilla suit, especially a newbie?

  35. skibunny says:

    This is off topic but since politics has been brought up I have to say I saw Michele Obama(I’m Canadian) on tv the other night! Wow! What a charismatic first lady! She could be the first female president if she so desired.

  36. PennyLane says:

    Having not liked Bristol in the past, since watching her on DWTS I actually find her very humble, and sweet – just likeable in general.

    I think she’s harmless.

  37. Confuzzle says:

    Snooki lost some weight?

  38. lucy2 says:

    My goodness, that top photo is unflattering. And that whole…thing was embarrassing!

    She does seem rather lacking in the personality department.

  39. texasmom says:

    I think she is likable, too, just not very charismatic. (I put myself in the same category, by the way — I’m a perfectly nice person to know in day-to-day life, but I have zero star power, oops, I mean -100 star power!)

  40. My2Cents says:

    oh move over Bristol. No one cares aboutcha babe.
    Just tell me how Audrina went! Im in Australia and they dont show it here (thank god) but I am folling Audrina. How did my girl go? Anyone?

  41. Cprincess says:

    I agree with other posters in that the reason any of us know about the bunch of Alaskan hillbillies known as the Palins is because McCain made the big mistake ( for him) and the big break for Sarah Palin of choosing her to be his running mate…
    Bristol Palin is fair game because she has put herself out there- first of all by apparently becoming the poster child for abstinence ( what a joke!) and now she wants to be famous although to be quite frank she seems to have no personality
    besides coming across as a dumb ass…
    As regards her mother- she is benefiting from from this Tea Party garbage and she now see herself as some kinda new world leader to be although let’s face it there
    is absolutely no substance to her -let’s see her run for president-
    don’t we all love watching a train wreck?
    As regards there being a liberal equivalent of Palin that people on the other side
    can’t stand-oh yeah-who would that be?-the noisy democrat women like Pelosi or
    Clinton-major difference – they know what they’re talking about when they open their mouths….
    I also can’t think of a Republican who has charisma- maybe Newt
    Gingrich, Rush Limbaugh, Glen Beck or Dick Cheney????
    assholes and or criminals all of them ……..