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14 Responses to “Anne Hathaway’s boyfriend in trouble again”

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  1. Banana Boat says:

    I read a while back she lived with one of her Devil Wears Prada costars for a while as a romantic situation.

  2. lola says:

    He looks like Zac Braff and I don’t like Zac Braff. Ditch the loser Anne.

  3. Kaiser says:

    Follieri is extremely well-connected, isn’t he? I seem to remember him doing some high-profile deal with Harvey Weinstein…

    But yeah, the guy’s a douche. Anne’s career is on track, and dumping wouldn’t hurt. Just say no to skeevy Italians, Anne!

  4. bc says:

    i love zac braff, but you’re right, lola… he does look like zac

  5. Kevin says:

    He looks like the devil,,look at those red eyes!! I totally love love love love love Anne Hathaway,,,shes got the most beautiful eyes and the nicest porcelain skin. (she must use proactive)

  6. devilgirl says:

    He is obviously nothing more than a two-bit con man. Hopefully Hathaway isn’t as dumb as I was with my sleazy con man ex nd paying off his troubles for him. Wise up, you will be broke if you stay with him a minute longer-I am!

  7. vdantev says:

    Famous does not equal smart. 🙁

  8. CB Rawks says:

    That’s exactly what I was going to say! A clean-looking Zach Braff! 😀

  9. You’d be in trouble too if you had to have sex with that doughy thing…

  10. Leandra says:

    Lose that pudgy dough boy on your arm Anne and in the long run, you’ll be so glad you did.

  11. Bodhi says:

    So they have been dating since she was 21? She probably thinks he can do no wrong

  12. neelyo says:

    ‘Nicky Arnstein, Nicky Arnstein’

  13. Jody says:

    Anonymous Realist- I would assume you’re talking about her man, since he’s the one in trouble, so you’re saying Anne Hathaway is doughy? and Hayden is eternally pudgy. wow, so if your bones aren’t jutting out, and your face isn’t concave, you’re pudgy and/or doughy?
    You are no realist, unless of course your reality is a starving third world country.

  14. Ciao. Great job. Non mi aspettavo questo su un Mercoledì. Questa è una grande storia. Grazie!