Pregnant man is due in a month

The now famous “pregnant man” Thomas Beatie is due to give birth to his first child in a month. Thomas has had a normal and healthy pregnancy after being artificially inseminated at home by his wife Nancy, who used a syringe they had to get from their veterinarian. Thomas and Nancy went on Oprah in April to discuss his pregnancy, and the mechanics behind it. The pair recently gave an interview to News of the World.

“I feel fantastic,” he said. “I cannot wait to see my baby’s face.” In a tender and intimate moment, Thomas shares a cuddle with wife Nancy—before telling the News of the World of his secret hopes for the future. With four weeks to go, he sensationally reveals the couple are ready to have MORE BABIES after the birth of their daughter.

And as well as posing for these amazing world exclusive pictures, Thomas opens up his family album to show unseen snaps of his life as a teenage beauty queen. Thomas—who changed sex ten years ago but kept his ovaries and womb so he could have children—told us: “I feel on top of the world. I’m 36 weeks now and almost due but I feel fantastic. Every day Nancy and I think about how we just cannot wait to hold our daughter for the first time, to finally get to touch her and see her face. We have her nursery ready and her diapers are lined up in her bedroom. Everything is ready to go.

“We have even picked a name which we both love—although we’re waiting until she is born before we tell anyone. All the people who really know us and love us, our friends and family, have been incredibly supportive. So much so we might even have more children. We will just see what the experience is like with our daughter’s arrival first and then give it some thought.”

[From News of the World]

News of the World has some really interesting pictures of Thomas and Nancy on their website. We can’t post them here because they have exclusive rights, but they’re definitely worth a look. There’s a traditional pregnant belly picture with a shirtless Thomas and Nancy gazing down at his stomach. There’s also a really interesting picture of Thomas in a bubble bath, with his stomach poking out from the water. My favorite is Thomas shaving his face, his elbow resting on his bump.

On Oprah, Thomas’ doctor said he hadn’t taken testosterone in two years. If that’s the case, I’m a little curious about why it is he needs to shave his face. The thing that most struck me when looking at their photos, is that they don’t really seem that odd to me. I can’t explain it. Perhaps is because they seem like such a common, loving couple. Even when you look down, it takes a minute to register that something’s different.

Thomas and Nancy are clearly beyond excited for the birth of their new baby, and the possibility of expanding their family even further. Hopefully he’ll have an easy birth – he is scheduled for a c-section on July 3rd.

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42 Responses to “Pregnant man is due in a month”

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  1. ms.piggy says:

    That is wonderful and I hope they have have a happy and safe birth. I am sure that they could get a show like jon and kate plus 8 from tlc if they wanted however, with all of the attention they may want to relax for awhile. I always wondered why nancy wasn’t the one to get pregnant? I don’t know if they ever said why he chose to do it or not but I always wondered anyone know why?

  2. The Cat says:

    I think in previous posts (and in other news sources) it’s been reported that Nancy can’t get pregnant even though she’s tried before.

  3. Celebitchy says:

    Ms. Piggy – his wife had a hysterectomy after severe endometriosis. She’s not able to have a baby.

  4. Jessica says:

    LAME! It is two people looking for their 15 minutes of fame and they got what they wanted. He is still a she if it can have kids. I don’t get what the fuss is about. Let them go away!

  5. bros says:

    they werent looking for fame Jessica. as they said, they wanted to be the ones totell their own story instead of having the tabloids called by the neighbors or whoever else was staring at them.

  6. elisha says:

    This is very sweet and all, but I don’t really get why it’s news. It’s not like he’s a *real man.

    That’s not what I mean. He’s a real man, but his indoor plumming is all woman. Of course he can be pregnant because he was born a woman and that’s what his insides look like.

    Now, show me a picture of a pregnant man with a man’s outdoor & indoor plumming, and that’s a story. Otherwise, this is just nature doing what it’s supposed to do. It just kinda LOOKS weird is all.

  7. Syko says:

    All psychological stuff aside, all politically correct stuff aside, physically this is a lesbian who had her breasts removed and takes testosterone to grow facial and body hair. Physically he is not a man. He has a uterus and ovaries. Show me a pregnant man who has a penis and then I’m impressed.

    That said, I hope for the best for them both and their daughter.

  8. vdantev says:

    I see a lot of therapy in that child’s future. If it’s a he, then a he by definition CANNOT HAVE ovaries and a womb. The best definition I’ve heard of this creature is a surgically mutilated lesbian.

  9. kate says:

    i believe the law uses genitalia as the deciding factor in determining one’s gender, so technically and legally he is still a woman because he has a clitoris, vagina, uterus etc. i’m not saying people should be reduced to their body parts, but i am curious as to how this is a pregnant “man” when clearly he is a woman who removed her breasts & took testosterone to grow a beard. i really hope they don’t get any kind of show…they need to just be as normal as possible for the sake of the kid.

  10. devilgirl says:

    This is not a Man having a baby, it is a woman having a baby, plain and simple. Just because she wants to be a man and has taken extreme measures to do so does not make her a man. If she can bear a child he is a she. It is not an actual man giving birth.

  11. geronimo says:

    Not meaning to offend but why the naked pics. I know it’s just a body but these are giving it a borderline freakish edge.

    They seem lovely people, and I wish them well etc but, like syko said, this is a woman having a baby and, outside of celebrity-land, most pregnant women don’t feel the need to be photographed naked in the bath for public viewing. I find them disturbing. I don’t know why but I do.

  12. cribby says:

    re: I’m a little curious about why it is he needs to shave his face.

    Im guessing if you take mad hormones for a few years and start shaving, the hairs gonna grow back. Hell, look at my legs. Who needs hormones? 🙂

  13. Larissa says:

    geronimo – I find them quite disturbing too, happy for them but…. 😯
    not a pretty sight, at all

  14. Syko says:

    I also wanted to say that I found the pregnancy striations on his stomach really odd. I’ve never seen a horizontal one! Everyone I’ve ever known, and myself in three pregnancies, got the slight dark discoloration vertically on the stomach, but he’s got a big + on his. Odd.

  15. Cmora says:

    I feel sorry for that poor child. Gives new meaning to “Yo’ Momma wears combat boots!”

  16. Tarnishedhalo10 says:

    I think y’all should stop being so judgemental and let them do what they want to do. Whether you think this person is a man with female organs still or just a “mutilated” lesbian, they are happy, excited, and about to have a new born baby. Why not just wish them well and stop talking about them?

  17. Debsa says:

    A transgendered person is having a baby…

  18. Scott F. says:

    Tarnishedhalo – Because this is a section for comments, also known as ‘opinions’. The title says ‘Pregnant Man is Due in a Month’, so if people don’t think this is really a man, they’re well within bounds to say it.

    Myself, and every man I know, cannot get pregnant. So yeah, this isn’t a man baby!

  19. bros says:

    thank god scott F weighed in with his customary conclusiveness. I almost didnt know what to think until he told us all definitively.

  20. Scott F. says:

    Bros – No prob there! Always willing to nudge that last horse over the finish line, especially when they’re as nice as you are.

    Seriously, what’s more pathetic? The guy that posts his opinions on a celeb site, or the person that follows him around feeling the need to let everyone know he’s a moron?

  21. Because I say So says:

    Congrats to Thomas and his wife, Nancy! Wising you all the best in this very judgmental and religious world! 🙂

  22. Jody says:

    haha, love him or hate him, Scott F. brings what he’s got and doesn’t apologize for it. Anytime I see someone get all salty and try to flip things on him, he comes right back– I love it. Makes my boring ass job go by much quicker!

  23. Michelle says:


  24. Syko says:

    It’s far from nasty. It’s two people in love, having a child together. I just don’t think he should be hyped as a man having a baby when physically he is not a man. I have a problem with the media, not with the relationship.

  25. Shannon says:

    Half of all marriages end in divorce. The results are broken homes, kids who never get to see their parents, depression… If two people can provide a stable, loving environment for a child, who the hell cares what their genders are?

    It’s obvious that these people will love their child and do what’s best for her. That’s more than can be said for a lot of so-called “normal” families.

  26. Kris says:

    If he’s wearing a shirt, he just looks like he has a big beer belly — maybe that’s why JayBird doesn’t think the photos are all that odd.

  27. poodlehopper says:

    I am do delighted that a wanted baby is coming to loving couple. I am not gay, but have persons in my past and future life who are. Parenting is such a great experience and not indicated by sexual perference. How fortunate their daughter is to have two loving, hard working parents.

  28. Louise says:


  29. GrnMt says:

    I am happy that a couple that wants a child is able to have one.

    That said…Thomas is not a Pregnant Man.

  30. Scooter says:

    IT”S NOT A MAN….it’s a chick being a “man Wanna be”

  31. janica_21 says:

    surgically mutilated lesbian…that’s what it is! fame is fame.. if you want to be famous, go and make the most hilarious stuff it in any websites and i assure you someone famous will invite you to guest in their show 😆

  32. MonicaBee says:

    I tend to agree that the sensationalism of the “pregnant man” is overwhelming, but whatever. I also think the belly shots look photoshopped, but maybe it’s because I’m not used to looking at pregnant pictures with no breasts in them?

    That being said, I really am happy for these ladies. I wish them and their daughter all the best life has to offer

  33. daphne says:

    It’s just wrong. You can’t be everything you want in one lifetime…I mean get real!!!Why are people losing it???? Poooooor kid….I hope he runs away and finds new parents somewhere….

  34. Dee says:

    Guess the kid will call him “MADDY” Talk about some gender confusion!
    So who does the kid bring to the mommy and daughter banquet? hmmmmmm

  35. michelle says:

    First of all, Thomas is not a natural man. She was surgically altered in the genitals. But when he kept the ovaries and uterus he’s a woman.

  36. Ysa says:

    It is a women having a baby, just a women that wants to be a man. I wish both a wonderful life with their baby. Everyone has the right to be happy. B 😯 ut, do not post “The first man having a baby” that is misleading.!

  37. TINKERLOVE says:

    This whole story has been a joke, these two wanna-bees are setting up for failure and nobodys going to be hurt but this child.
    Why wouyld this woman thAT WANTED TO BE A MAN WANT TO NOW ACT LIKE THE FEMALE SHE WAS BORN TO BE AND HAVE A BABY?? 😕 I think this is sick and against the bible, how can this baby be fed in an emergency? no tits ❗ They really need to find themselves a life

  38. phoebe says:

    ha yea this is pretty sick. why would she want to be a man, and have a baby. the state of california recognizes thomas as a male. this is going to be one teased kid…

  39. Anto says:

    Michelle: If you want less freedom, it is your freedom to self-abridge yourself by it until your freedom doesn’t invade the other’s one

  40. levi says:

    im happy for them! they just want a normal life with a baby!
    is that a problem?
    i dont think so!
    its none of our business’s and we shud keep our nose’s out reli!
    I know its not a man so i dont know why they are makiing a fuss sayinf its the first man to be pregnant bacause t isnt!
    but its there life and they can do wat they want to do with it reli!
    i think the people who are goin on the internet saying that they hpe the baby dies wen ts born is ridculous! they wouldnt like it if was sed to them would they?
    anywayz im goin bye !

  41. teya says:

    Hi my name is Teya Gardner . I am 11 yrs. old. Your story was instersting to me.I do enjoy listening to the story of your life.It shocked me that people would say rude things about” it’s not right for men to have babies .”I thought it was harsh to say that.I understand the way you and Nancy would feel about that. My mom thinks it’s normal that guys can to have beatiful children like yours. I hope I didn’t say anything that should of got brought up thanks for listening to me
    From,Teya Gardner

  42. teya says:

    Sorry that
    I type to much !!!!!!
    Bye, Teya Gardner !!!