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38 Responses to “Charlie Sheen and Denise Richards are fighting over their kids again”

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  1. vdantev says:

    Vows don’t mean a thing in Hollywood, get it writing next time.

  2. daisy42465 says:

    Myself, all of my 5 children and 6 grandchildren have had these immunizations with NO problems. I have never met anyone who had ANY problems.

    Does he want these diseases to recur and spread? Wonder how he would handle Lola contracting whooping cough.
    I like him, hate her, but some of his theories are nutty, remember his 9/11 allegations.

  3. CandyKay says:

    I agree with you, Daisy. Childhood diseases are nasty, and if all vaccines were abolished tomorrow, the risk to children would be much higher than any small risk the vaccines themselves pose. My daugther was also vaccinated without problems.

  4. Stretch says:

    I feel sorry for those girls… 🙁

  5. devilgirl says:

    What kind of a fool doesn’t want to vaccinate their children? The vaccinations are poison, well what about the alternative!

  6. Syko says:

    The face on that little girl not only says “unhappy”, it says “spoiled brat”.

    A lot of people think all the vaccinations cause autism. All I know is, my kids all had them with no more serious reactions than a fussy day and perhaps a touch of fever. I would rather my child be autistic than dead.

  7. anon69 says:

    they can’t start school without their vaccinations can they? I have a family member who wouldn’t get their child vaccinated for the same reason and when it came time for daycare/preschool they wouldn’t take her. Guess who hustled her little butt into the doctor to get her vaccinated?

  8. rollingmyeyes says:

    He’s worried about vaccines for his girls – which are healthy – and he’s been with how many prostitutes? Are you kidding me?

    Sorry – he’s a moron.

  9. Roma says:

    The vaccination schedule is much different than it used to be. When I was a kid, there were 10 different vaccines between birth and age 6 and now there are 20. 7 alone are given before the age of 2 months, and that is the equivalent to 70 doses in a 130lb adult.

    I’m no worse for wear from my 10 shots, but I do wonder what the schedule will look like for my kids (when I choose to have them). My intention is to educate myself and choose the vaccinations that seem necessary – perhaps the same ones from my childhood.

    But of course, Denise and Charlie seem to be either all in or all out, and I can’t see either of them educating themselves to make a good decision…

  10. Jody says:

    mmm…I heart watermelon too.

    Maybe that face says…why the hell is this stupid ass flower hanging over my damn face?!

    on a completely separate note, why does Denise have to have such gorgeous hair? The waves are so perfect, what a jerk.

  11. Alicia says:

    God forbid this ever to happen but what is Charlie gonna say when one or both of his girls gets deathly sick with something a vaccine could have prevented? Then what if they were to die? That would all be on the jerk’s head. 👿

  12. devilgirl says:

    Jody, I agree, she has gorgeous hair and it is not weaves or extentions.

  13. Hanna says:

    Can I just say that Charlie Sheen and Denise Richards are at the height of class? Truly classy, elegant, intelligent people.


  14. MSat says:

    Guess what Denise? YOUR KIDS HATE THE RED CARPET. They don’t like cameras in their faces, or crowds, or people shouting at them. No matter how cutely you dress them, no matter how much you smile and parade them around, they don’t like it. Let them stay home, you selfish, fame whoring bitch!

  15. Codzilla says:

    My oldest boy is two and my youngest is 11 months. Many of the vaccinations are consolidated into one shot, so it’s not like they’re getting 20 shots or anything like that. And sure, they cry for about five minutes and as a Mom, I felt horrible at that moment. But knowing they’re protected in the long run easily outweighs the guilt.

  16. Kevin says:

    her dad looks like the crypt keeper’s stunt double.

  17. Dingles says:

    These two “adults” are disgusting and childish. Seriously, when there’s two small children involved, grow the fuck up and settle your problems through communication sans tabloids.

    In between Denise’s pathetic show and Charlie’s all-too-common belief that since he’s a celebrity he must know more than qualified doctors, I don’t know who of these two I hate more.

  18. Not A Sheep says:

    How many of you have researched vaccines?? Really? I have twins that are autistic because of the poisons in vaccines.

    Why do you think that Jenny McCarthy and Jim Carrey had the “green our vaccines” rally in DC? Because they are crazy??

    contrary to popular belief, Vaccines have NEVER been proven to work, they are still a theory.

    And how many people do you know that die from Whopping cough (pertussis)? or how many newborn babies are having sex or shooting up drugs (the most likely way to get hepB)?, or did you die when you got CHICKEN POX – has anyone?

    And even if they do work… they have mercury (yes, still) aluminum, anti-freeze, ether, formaldehyde, aborted fetal tissue, and many other GREAT things as “fillers”

    Yeah, I thought not vaccinating your kids was stupid too… until I actually researched it for myself. Maybe you should do the same. Don’t make ignorant statements about vaccines when you don’t know a thing about them.

    (if you want to research – search google video: “tenpenny” or “vaccination, the hidden truth” )

  19. CB Rawks says:

    You guys are absolutely right. (except not a sheep, who aint too bright)
    And the diseases WOULD all start up again. I can’t believe how many moronic people seem to think it would be cool to expose their babies to polio and such. (One of my idiot sisters in law thinks that way. *Massive eyeroll*.)

  20. CB Rawks says:

    “aborted fetal tissue”

    Shenanigans to the extreme. Unless you mean stem cells, which are indeed awesome and miraculous.

    My brother nearly died of scarlet fever and my cousin is crippled forever due to polio. I think both sets of parents were probably wishing they were able to immunise back then.

  21. Bobafet says:

    The number of children who appear to develop autism after receiving the MMR vaccine is too low compared to those who dont to support conclusive evidence pf a link between the MMR vaccine and Autism. There has been NO conclusive proof of a link.

  22. Amy says:

    @Not A Sheep

    A “Google search” is not medical research. I am very sorry your children are autistic, but there is no scientific proof it came from vaccines.

    There are so many environmental factors at play these days, not to mention that doctors are more apt to diagnose children as autistic than ever before.

    These conspiracy theories all over the Web about the government “poisoning” our children are doing more harm than good.

  23. velvet elvis says:

    Those of you who don’t want to vaccinate your kids should probably talk to some polio victims and tell them how lucky they are that they didn’t have to take a vaccine back them…and mention how you think their iron lung is pretty cool too.

  24. devilgirl says:

    The reasons for vaccinations is to prevent these diseases from becoming epidemic in proportions. Why is polio no longer a factor? Vaccinations. Why is Scarlett fever almost unheard of? Vaccinations. Why are instances of mumps, measles and chicken pox lower today than 30 years ago? Vaccinations. Vaccinations prevent epidemics from happening. Sure, I am all for them improving upon them, making them healthier etc, but lets face it, with all medical treatments there are risks and side effects. Sad but true. I would rather take the chance than go through the alternative.

  25. Codzilla says:

    My mother-in-law’s good friend refused to vaccinate her daughter as a child, and the poor girl contracted measles. Now she’s a severely brain-damaged adult who requires around the clock care.

    Look, every parent has the right to choose whether or not to vaccinate, but implying that those of us who do vaccinate are mindless drones simply doing what we’re told is absurd and offensive.

  26. grace jones says:

    I dont think I have ever seen a pic o her kids smiling.

  27. gg says:

    I’d like to see a school that doesn’t require the shots. Are there any?

  28. devilgirl says:

    As a matter of fact there are. Christian Science schools do not have the vaccination requirement as is the religions belief that God will cure all ills and medicine goes against the dictates of God. I have relatives who are Christian Scientists and have educated their children in those schools. My great Aunt died as a result of her beliefs.

  29. drm says:

    Those poor kids…I agree with the general opinion that the little girls always look miserable, and I don’t mean spoiled brat either. It can’t be much fun for them, what a life really. There are going to be some large counselling bills for those two when they are older. Growing up is hard enough without both parents being completely dialed in to ‘crazy’.

  30. headache says:

    There is no scarlet fever vaccination. My daughter has had it twice in the last 45 days. It’s caused by strep. Antibiotics is the reason people rarely die or go blind from Scarlet fever anymore, not vaccinations.

    As a parent, there are so many things you can worry about. You really could literally not go outside if you spent all your time dwelling on it. You really have to weigh the odds when you are faced with decisions like this.

    I personally feel that the current vaccination schedule is a bit much. Is there proof that a child wouldn’t benefit from getting the adult activity related shots like Hep later in life than early? And I don’t see the reason at all for a chicken pox shot. I mean it’s nice but 400 kids a year die from it. 400! I mean seriously, my kid is more likely to choke to death on pudding.

    But, I’ve weighed the risk (and the headache of getting a medical waiver for school) and I’ve decided that since there is still no definitive causitive link between vaccinations and autism, my children will get all of their shots.

    Just because a disorder presents itself at a certain age, does not mean certain activity causes it. Bipolar disorder often presents in high schoolers, and schitzophrenia in college but no one is blaming the meningitis shot.

  31. daisfly says:

    Saying that vaccines are the cause for autism since kids who are diagnosed with Autism have had them is no less asinine than saying that water is the cause for cancer, since everyone who has had cancer drank water. The notion that since more kids are being immunized, more kids are being diagnosed with autism is what happens when you take logic and common sense out of an individual and replace it with fear and paranoia. More and more children are being diagnosed as autistic because 1, there are far more recognized categories of autism than 30 years ago, and 2, more doctors are trained to look for the signs. And, like with the sudden rash of kids diagnosed with ADHD incorrectly, more and more children diagnosed as autistic are being given second opinions.

    Parents are rush to think that if their child isn’t doing something at the same time that their other child did, or their neighbor’s child did, it means that said child is autistic, has a learning disorder, etc… THREE parents I know of had their children falsely diagnosed with Autism. Turns out, one child was partially deaf, and simply didn’t respond when you spoke on his left side, one was SHY, and the other had an immuno-deficiency that was corrected with medication and supplements.

  32. abc123 says:

    I just hate it when people wear black sunglasses with brown accessories! You just have to wear brown sunglasses too. Dumb toad!!

  33. Judy says:

    They are also saying that mothers who are bi polar and other mental illensses are more apt to children with Autisim, I am the youngest of 12 and none of us ever had any problems and I never even heard of Autisim until this decade. If people will not vacinate their children then they need to home school them and keep them away from other children. I was born in the 40’s and I remember all too well what happened to kids that did not get the vaccines. I almost died from the German Measles. They are not sure what causes autisim and people are reaching out to blame someone anything for all of this. You cannot blame them they want answers and hope for their kids.But if we stop iummunizing children we are going to go back to the way it once once with so many childrens deaths from diseases that can be controlled.

    Charlie needs to pick his fights better.

  34. Totink says:

    There are a lot of people doing a lot of research all around of globe on this topic. Start educating yourselves before you pass judgment on Charlie.

  35. Doodlebug says:

    I would would love to judge Charlie, but his and his life haven’t been stellar, and my opinion of him is just that–my opinion. You guys must be bored (like me) and can’t wait to get on some blog to talk to everyone on line to ‘listen’ and show us what town has lost its idiot.

  36. Not A Sheep says:

    I guess we cured the Black plague with vaccines too since it’s not around anymore, right? No? How did we get rid of it then?
    Better living conditions… stronger immune systems.

    Polio was already going away when they introduced the vaccine. If you look at the data, it was decreasing and continued to decrease until they introduced the vaccine… then it rose QUITE a bit since people were getting Polio FROM the vaccine. Some states BANNED the polio vaccine because the ONLY cases of polio they had were caused by the vaccines.

    The Pertussis (whooping cough) vaccine, surrounded by controversy: In a recent medical report it was stated that, throughout the world, pertussis remains a major cause of death among infants with an estimated 600,000 deaths annually. Because of a fear of a return of pertussis epidemics, the pertussis vaccine is one of the most strongly supported measures by public health services in the U.S.A.–BUT it is also one of the most controversial.

    The history of the pertussis vaccine in Sweden is one that is seldom publicized. It gives an entirely different point of view from that of the U.S. Public Health Service. Sweden banned the pertussis vaccine in 1979, and yet Sweden now has the second lowest infant mortality rate in the world, while the U.S.A. ranks a very poor 20th.

    No, not everyone that has autism gets it from vaccines. BUT they overload the child —who is already predisposed to having problems getting rid of toxins— with more than they would normally be exposed to.

    And to all the people that are saying that they are misdiagnosing autism… you obviously don’t know anything about it. It is a very large spectrum, with some being mildly effected, to others being severely effected. If you don’t know about it please don’t speak as if you are an expert.

    Google is not the only source of info that I have… I read quite a bit off-line. Maybe you should too.

    “Small is the number of them that see with their own eyes and feel with their own hearts.” Albert Einstein

  37. miriam_grace says:

    Well done Charlie Sheen! This guy has obviously done his research with an open mind. Denise Richards is a stupid, ignorant, selfish bitch who is too lazy to research this important issue herself! I wish Charlie all the best.
    IMO Vaccines don’t work and Herd immunity is a load of Bull Crap!
    The following article sums it up well.

  38. Autism.
    Someone said it is 1 of 60 bith in New Jersey ? There must be a way to defeat it. To prevent it.

    I did it my way.
    I wonder how I may assist other parents with Autistic children ?

    May God Bless You all.