I shouldn’t laugh. But I am. Billy Ray and Tish Cyrus are such a trashy couple and they’re such strange parents, you’ve got to wonder how they made it work for 17 years. They just confirmed to People Magazine that they are filing for divorce. Oh, well. Through another Mullet into the fire, we’ve got a live one!
Miley Cyrus’s parents, Billy Ray and Tish Cyrus, are divorcing after 17 years of marriage, they tell PEOPLE.
“As you can imagine, this is a very difficult time for our family,” they say in a statement. “We are trying to work through some personal matters. We appreciate your thoughts and prayers.”
The couple have five children, including the pop star. Divorce papers were filed Wednesday in Tennessee citing irreconcilable differences.
[From People]
Didn’t The Mullet have a history of screwing around of Tish? And isn’t Tish reliving her glory days as a groupie by encouraging the “famewhore gene” in her children, notably Miley and Noah? Also: I wouldn’t be surprised if Tish was cheating too. I always thought that Tish and Bret Michaels had something going on. I’m honestly hoping this one gets down and dirty. Poor Miley, though. And poor Noah. Noah really might end up the Ali Lohan of the Cyrus family now.
something about her eyes is really… off.
I agree, Jenna. She has a serious case of crazy-eyes.
Too bad they couldn’t have split before procreating.
Jeana, I was thinking the same thing. I can’t even look at that first picture for long without shuddering a bit.
Anyway, this divorce thing sucks. Now they’re probably going to fight over their share of Miley’s fortune.
thought the same thing about her eyes. Also thought they’re definitely moving into Lohan 2.0 territory. Also thought (with no small amount of SHAME) that Billy Ray’s lookin sort of……
Ugh. Yeah. Like, that hair is a crime, but the mouth and the pecs are, um….do-able. Damn, I should shoot myself for those thoughts…..
But yeah – something with the eyes looks like a cartoon. Or like they’re too large and too close together?
Anyway – cue Miley blaming trashy antics on the divorce in 3…2…1…..
Yeah they (her eyes) are too close together. And that poor unfortunate looking Noah…poor baby…
billy ray is not a bad looking man. the wife looks like a plastic surgery nightmare.
Her eyes are HUGE. How strange…
Pretty color though
When I heard this I went to Billy Rays wiki…man he sure was a busy guy 91-92! He has another kid the same age as Miley except that one he forgot about, sad, because he is actually CUTE!!! Actually the kid is H.O.T. (and boy do I feel like a creeper for saying that! I’m 41!)
Anywhoo…who didn’t see this freight train coming?
her plastic surgery is so sad.
Interesting. I shudder to imagine what happens next.
It’s sad. Even if they were dumb parents it was good to see a united family. You cloud blame it all on the whole family. Now, you can’t do that. Of course this divorce will have bad consequences.. I’m worried about Noah. Also, Miley is really out of it, is it because of this?
They split because they disagreed over whether or not to MAKE Miley be a child and not a half nekkid concubine…
Just speculatin’.
Billy Ray has never had the rep of screwing around on her. He was seeing a woman before her, got her knocked up, and then got hooked up with Miley’s mom. She strikes me as the one who’d be screwing around. I think he wants to be to be the good parent, and she wants to be their friend. That can never end well, and is a crappy thing to do to the kids.
What HUGE eyes she has!
@ Jenna
Her eyes are too close together, like not much space in between
I’ve never been a fan of Billy primarily because of that hairy booger under his lower lip and that stupid “Yes, I am cool if you look hard enough” expression he wears in every photo.
Having said that, 17 years of marriage is nothing to sneeze at especially in celebville. I don’t know if it was some wierd “casual” marriage where they simply came home to someone or what but 17 years is a good honest try. I hope they can make the same kind of effort in the divorce.
THANK YOU!!! I KNEW I had read this somewhere on the Internet, before. When everyone started talking about Miley and Bret, I would comment, “You’ve got the wrong female…it’s TISH whose into him!” It’ll all come out soon! Yeah, I believe that these two are totally bangin’!
For a white trash bonanza you should post the video of Audrina’s mother that Radar has up!
Trish very much resembles Bryan masche, I wonder if they’re related somehow.
😆 awesome. Her face is too small for her head. He looks like he’s very much trapped in the closet. Girlfriend needs to come out!
Oh my, Miley’s going to have to hit the stripper pole extra hard in her next video to pay for this one. By the way- how does one split up their child’s earnings? It’ll be interesting to see how they position their “assets”.
Honestly, who didn’t see these 2 splitting up at some point.
I wonder if Miley growing up and taking charge of her money has anything to do with this. I mean she has kind of distanced herself from Mom/Dad.. I don’t recall she and Dad being photographed together in a long time. I think a marriage takes a hit when the child is the STAR of the family.. then she/he grows up and goes away. Then the the parents are left to wonder who they are now.. and all that time they put into the child’s career and not the marriage. This happens a lot.
Man… I feel for the kids, of course, but now Miley’s got just another similarity to Britney and Lindsay during their climbs to fame. There sure is a pattern to destruction in Hollywood.
She’s a strange looking woman…..
Party in the trailer park tonight!!!!!!!!!!
Call me crazy, but I think Billy Ray is a hot looking dude.
@#19 Jen: “White Trash Bonanza” – there’s a phrase I’m definitely going to use more often! Made of win!
Look how uncomfortable they are next to each other. They look like two strangers trying so hard to keep up the PR facade. (just like Brangelina!) Must be exhausting.
Okay, the wife has seriously freaky anime eyes—but no fat inflated slug-lips? What’s with that? After recovering from the trance induced by her eyes, I looked @ the mouth &… maybe they’re a *bit* puffy, but the work seems unnaturally subtle for a Cyrus.
You guys are right, her eyes are too big and too close together. Her face kind of looks like a knock-off Barbie’s.
I feel bad for the kids, this would be hard enough normally but you know this is going to play out loud and trashy. Let’s hope Miley’s antics up to now have been acting out because of home troubles – I’d hate to think what she’d do next if this is all a surprise.
I see nothing trashy about them, they seemed like a normal marriage to me. Besides 17 yrs is a pretty long time.
I think tish’s eyes look weird because she is wearing colored contacts.
She looks like an alien.
I agree with Jeannified about the Bret thing.
I also think this is why Miley wants to marry Liam like, Right Now.
I think the kids are gonna take it hard. That part sucks.
is that their pet space alien with the HUGE TIME glasses? geez, these two should NEVER have been breeders.
I agree with @Rita.
Anyway @Tamarafabulara I don’t think so. Miley has her mom’s eyes and so Brandi, that is Tish’s child. They are indeed very big, but I think natural.
don’t tell my heart….my achy breaky heart….
I’m sad about this. It was nice to see an intact family unit – the rarity that it is. And why must women always trash other women?!? It makes me ashamed of being female. (You’re gorgeous, Tish. Don’t listen to these vultures.)
You all can’t wait to stomp all over Tish and then hump on Billy Ray!?! You disgust me! (And get ready for some female to do that to you.)
This could explain a lot of Miley’s recent behavior. I had a close friend whose parents also went through divorce around the same age as Miley, and she became very provocative, sullen, “promiscuous”, and acted out in ridiculous displays and plays for attention. Miley just has the rotten luck of being media fodder. Not to say that the divorce/arguing are her only reasons for being an entitled b*tch, but it’s understandable.
And I hate that I am defending her actions and vapidity one bit. Damn you, Billy Ray & Tish!
She does have kinda big freaky eyes but other than that, in the real world shes attractive enough. ya’ll are so mean. Anyways, I hope miley doesnt go as crazy as lindsay and brit. Honestly I dont think shes as unaware of her life choices as lilo and brit. She knows what shes doing i think. idk time will tell
Am I the only one that thinks this lady is pretty?
@kay ‘inbred’..waayyyy funny !
now these two muppet faces can fight over the spoils of their children. ick.
Hahahahahahahaha <3
I’m sorry I wish i could summon up some sympathy for these Hee Haw rejects, but I just can’t.
I agree with K (#42) – it’s either that, or shes just skanky and is going to take advantage of her parents split. “Well, mum said I could wear this outfit out…”
ok, has anyone here seen Repo! The Genetic Opera? OK well there’s a character in it who has these fake eyes, they show holograms of people on command and stuff. THAT’S what her eyes look like. CREEPY!
She looks like a mouse lemur. They are very adorable, but hardly human.
Their marriage no doubt crumbled under the bickering about how much to prostitute Miley for profit and gain.
To the person who thinks Tish is pretty: You have very strange taste. She is by far the oddest looking woman I have ever seen.