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24 Responses to “Tom Cruise has bulletproof and bombproof cars”

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  1. daisy42465 says:

    I agree with celebitchy, I would want my husband there too. Doesn’t he look like an elf next to her?

  2. Kevin says:

    Tommy,,,your glib man. Glib I tell you.

  3. Syko says:

    Paranoid much?

    I can’t believe how tiny he looks! You’d think that while they were buying him a wife, they’d have checked the size a little more carefully and gotten one that would make him look big and manly.

    I DESPISE HATE LOATHE how he always has a death grip on her. Does he think she might run? He should consider getting a leash.

  4. geronimo says:

    That pic is hilarious! Are the short trousers supposed to make him look taller? Like he’s growing out of them?

    The bombproof, bulletproof cars are probably more to do with the likelihood of someone taking a pop at him for his offensive views.

  5. Tammy says:

    This picture is funny, although she is not the giant that this makes her appear to be. She is tall, but not that dang tall, it is perspective. I love how they put the buckles on his shoes to try to conceal the lift. Too funny. I agree, why not a nice petite dainty woman to make him appear like the man he likes to think that he is? My dad is average height and prefers leggy tall women too, so who the heck knows. His current wife is around 6′ while he is about 5’10”. Funny.

  6. Diva says:

    That picture made me giggle.


  7. Cris;) says:


  8. snappyfish says:

    she looks 50 in that picture. She should go back to who she is….if he doesn’t like it….enforce the pre-nup and get your life back

  9. lola says:

    Syko calm down. 😡

    I love it when you say he takes his action movie roles seriously. LOL. He needs to protect himself from certain characters on this thread whose names I will not point out because I can’t afford a bomb proof car yet. 🙁

  10. Alarmjaguar says:

    I hate me some Tom Cruise, but I don’t understand the problem with his height — to me someone who doesn’t worry about whether or not his partner is short enough to make him look good is a very confident person. Also, one would hope that people look for compatibility on a personal level, not in terms of how they’ll look in photographs (to be fair, this probably doesn’t apply to TC, but I’m just saying more broadly…)

  11. Syko says:

    I AM calm. Although being told to calm down usually pisses me off, just as scientology in general and white slavery (which is basically what Katie’s gotten into) piss me off.

  12. Banana Boat says:

    Celebitchy- There is nothing wrong with wanting/having your family with you, I agree! Especially a young child like Suri. I would get lonely without my little guy and husband and frankly think it’s odd to not want them to tag along:)

    And I know he is high profile and hey, if he can afford the security, get it. But I read somewhere she often has a Scientologist with her at all times. She had a minder who was a young woman – kind of posed as a friend but there was an article on who she was- a high ranking Scientologist. Haven’t seen her lately actually. But most of the people who work for him, from drivers to body guards are also Scientologists. The lifestyle is alluring from a distance but would get old quickly.
    I cannot even fathom that lifestyle and honestly you can’t miss what you never had. I think now that she has been inducted into this level of affluence she will have a harder time leaving it behind the longer she is with him.

    She’s still pretty but she does somehow look older. And it’s not just the haircut either..

  13. skeptic says:

    i dont believe it. his super scientology powers are supposed to keep him safe. ever seen the videos of the guy who quit scientology after he had a car accident? the church claimed that his OT level would prevent that type of thing from happening.

  14. geronimo says:

    Alarmjaguar – you’re right, no problem for the rest of us. It’s Tom with the problem, always tugging on Katie as if he’s trying to bring her down to his level. I think that’s why she increasingly wears high shoes now. She’s rebelling.

    This pic is funny only because it’s in such sharp contrast to the staged pics of him and Katie where they more often than not appear to be more or less the same height. I know the angle is exaggerated here but there’s still a considerable height difference. It’s a metaphor for the gaping distance between them, regardless of how desperately he tries to imply otherwise.

  15. Cici says:

    a lot of people ask why tom cruise doesn’t select a small girl to show how big he is and they’ve got it all wrong. tom and a tiny girl would only serve to show what a tiny guy he is. when tom chooses a statuesque girl a foot taller it makes him and his “couple image” larger than life, something striking, something that stands out. it becomes his image.

  16. vdantev says:

    You’d think with his heightened OT superpowers, bullets and bombs would bounce right off. He chose Katie because she’s the pretty girl next door we all grew up with to help buoy up his fading star and combat those perpetual gay rumors. It was a marketing move.

  17. Mairead says:

    Intersting point Cici.

    BTW – her legs are fine, it’s those horrid stump-making shoes and the 20 denier tights she has on that are unflattering.

    On the issue of bombproof cars. I don’t think it’s as whacky all that. Ok, Russian businessmen are the primary customers of these type of cars but I’m willing to bet they’re more common that we realise.

    I think it’s just one step forward from many ordinary folk’s insistence on driving widow-maker 4X4s and trucks, not because of any actual need, just that they make them feel “safe” on the road.

  18. breederina says:

    That photo! LOL! It’s a Robert Crumb cartoon come to life. Now if only wee Tool could learn to ride on her shoulder.
    p.s. her legs aren’t bad they’re just not great, definitely NOT in the shorts up to there show them off category.

  19. peach says:

    These celebrities Probably could walk down the street if they really wanted to. most don’t have body Gaurds. Russell Crowe only had them when some terrorists threatened to Kill him, and After that was no longer a threat, he went back to walkiing around like the rest of us. They more attention to themselves WITH Bodygaurds than without them!

  20. Nan says:

    Short men usually have psych problems. You need to steer clear of them. no matter how much money they have.

  21. WTF? says:

    She’s got some serious thunder thighs. Why is she trying to show her twat like Britney and Sharon?

  22. paris herpes says:

    He’s a demented control freak.

  23. poopie says:

    i was thinking the same thing that $cientology MUST have SOME OT LEVEL that would protect you from EVERYTHING. How about a special RING when flashed towards an enemy zapping them out of your way???

    and YES: TINYTOM take your filthy grubby hands off of KatIE NOW ! that would drive me crazy having him hanging onto her allllll the time !

  24. shortguy says:

    Tom better think the way how to make him taller than katie with all his money..