Us Weekly has an interesting little tidbit in this week’s issue. Apparently, comedian and actor Jay Mohr gave an interview to Elle Magazine, and in the interview, he made an oblique reference to a former costar who, he says, was a major pill. Just FYI, Mohr did the interview to promote his supporting role in Hereafter, the Matt Damon film (directed by Clint Eastwood). So it’s good to see he’s still working, I guess, even though I used to think he was an a–hole. Here’s the relevant part of the interview:
ELLE: Tell me about your most awkward interaction with a female celebrity.
JM: Being on the set of a movie where the leading woman was unhappy with my presence and made it clear from day one. I hadn’t done many movies, and even though they screen-tested some pretty famous guys, I somehow snaked into the leading role. The actress said, “No way! You’ve got to be kidding me!” Loudly. Between takes. To other actors on set. I would literally go to my mom’s house and cry.ELLE: As luck would have it, I happen to be on the Internet Movie Database right now. The only film that could possibly fit this description is 1997’s Picture Perfect, with Jennifer Aniston. That’s it, right?
JM: I will never, ever answer that.
[From Elle Magazine]
When Us Weekly contacted Aniston’s rep, Huvane had “no comment.” Interesting… I think if it wasn’t Aniston, Mohr would have said so, so now we know: Aniston was an unprofessional bitch to Jay Mohr back in 1997, when they did that towering work of filmdom, Picture Perfect. God, that was a horrible film. Not even Kevin Bacon could save it.
he’s just bitter because his wife looks like Michigan J. Frog.
in all seriousness, I could believe this.
that movie was made during the Friends years, and she probably thought she deserved a bigger co-star.
however, I have also heard from plenty of her (more recent) co-stars who say she is nothing but a joy to work with.
so, maybe she’s matured?…
Jay is going to have to be put into protective custody the hags are gonna get him.
He was so much better looking than her.
I don’t care for him, I think he’s a jerk…therefore I’m glad JA was a bitch to him…sometimes it’s warranted
It may be irrational of me to think so, but I perceive Aniston as a sorta clever but shallow (mile wide, inch deep)person. Very fortunate to have accumulated all that she has.
Oh my, that movie was horrible. But not because of Jay. Nothing could have saved it. It was poorly written, preposterous, unfunny, boring, etc. I don’t understand how it ever made it to the big screen.
This guy looks like a major douche… You don’t have to like all your coworkers. Give me a break!… Jen hate starting at … 2..3..1..
I liked that movie-but mainly because I adore Jay Mohr. A few years ago at Blizzcon he tried to lead an army of gaming geeks down Disney’s main street to take over. It was hilarious.
Whoever the actress that said those things is…is truly very unprofessional.
But I think Elle magazine already knew it would be Aniston because there’s this old interview where he (sort of) suggests it was a pain in the ass to work with her:
9. So you starred in “Picture Perfect” with Jennifer Aniston. With the exception of “Office Space,” what’s more likely to last longer, a movie starring a “Friends” cast member or the last bag of Doritos after a Cowboys party at Nate Newton’s house?
Mohr: I’m gonna have to go with the Doritos. Those movies … they’re just not good. Hey, why don’t you ask me what it was like working with Jennifer Aniston?
OK. Hey, Jay, what was it like to work with Jennifer Aniston?
Mohr: I really loved working with Tom Cruise.
Well Jen was on Friends and famous for her hair and about to date a major A -List star I could believe it. I could see it being it her. He hasn’t worked with anybody who is famous enough that they could be making such demands as who they want cast in a role.
I happen to love Jay Mohr. I do not know for sure if it is her, but, yeah, like Jennifer’s acting is that great?? I think not.
Eve – Thanks for that!
Badmouthing your co-star on the set in front of the other actors? Really classy.
LMAO @ Michigan J. Frog!
What about that time last year when she paid the salaries for the day of the crew on her film so that they could have a long weekend?
Say what you will, but she is not a bad person.,,20290200,00.html
LOL! This is funny. Not that I’m trying to defend JA but how do we know she wasn’t just saying “are you kidding me?” because the script really sucked? Maybe it was an issue of him delivering bad lines in an unfunny way and not about his celeb status?
Regardless, it’s pretty hilarious…poor Jay!
@ Kaiser:
You’re welcome. But that comes with a price, my dear…*swipes hands together in a malevolent way*
I’ll take the opportunity to request Adrien Brody, Mark Ruffalo and the previously mentioned Omar Sharif for the next HGF.
I have heard this story before and then it was also speculated that it was her. I think he’s a bit of a jerk though and it’s been a few years get over it.
Eve – Noted! Ruffalo already made the list, and I shall give you Brody.
HGF Preview: This week’s HGF will be All-American.
Although I do think such behavior is unprofessional, I also thought at the time he was a major miscast as a romantic lead. Has he played one since?
Oh man, I’m going to be on the road tomorrow. If anybody hears about a giant 20 car pile-up on I-95, blame HGF!
@ Kaiser:
THANK YOU! You know I love you (when you post my favourites, of course — just kidding, I love your posts most of the times)!
Tomorrow I’m taking a really difficult test (at College) and will only be able to check my weekly hotties when I come back home. So, again, thanks in advance.
I’ve always liked Jay Mohr. His goofy face always makes me smile, before he even says anything. He plays douches, but that doesn’t mean he is one. Not that I would know for sure, but just sayin.
I looked over his imdb profile, and he’s had plenty of female costars other than Aniston, but Picture Perfect was early in his career, as he described, and she’s the only costar he’s had who I could picture acting like that. Must be her. She should look back on that behavior with embarrassment. That was really unprofessional. But funny to hear about!
Interesting…I was going to post a picture of Nikki Cox/M.J. Frog, and I came across a LOT of websites that talk about what a jerk/d-bag Jay Mohr is. (not to mention he’s also being called a “joke thief”.)
so, while I fully believe that Aniston could have made those comments, perhaps Mohr was a dickhead and deserved them.
I didn’t think that movie was too bad. I didn’t go to it expecting Academy Award Material. And I think Jay Mohr was appealing in an everyday sort of guy way. Maybe JA just thought she deserved a bigger and better co-star since she was the famous one.
Maybe JA is nicer now since she realizes that she’s the one her co-stars are complaining about being in the movie with since JA equals bad box office receipts nowadays.
Yeah and who says he is telling the truth (though I believe Jennifer is probably a bigger bitch then the media likes to portray her as).
I love him!!! I didn’t think she would be a bitch…thats disappointing. But, she got her karma served to her 😛
This story makes me laugh. What a lot of class all around (not), and a crappy movie to show for it. All I remember about it is JA wearing a silk spaghetti strap dress to the wedding with no bra.
@Blaster that is a nice story but you realize she probably had her rep call People right?
Who knows if this is true or not he seems like a jerk but I remember reading something on Lainey to effect that she was also difficult on the set of Rockstar and Rumor Has It.
I think that at the time she could have been a milder version of Heigl and it got her consigned to rom-com hell .
Whenever I see him my inner frat-boy giggles at ‘MOHR-COX’!!!!!!!!
He did have a rep for being a douche, but berating a co-star in front of the crew is really unprofessional.
I liked Jay in ‘Gary Unmarried’.
Nikki Cox was pretty but she absolutely ruined her face (and lips) with tragic plastic surgery. Also, let’s not forget about those giant, painful looking fake knockers of hers. *Shudder*
Riley, oh yeah! I believe she way bitchier than it seems!
Yeah, it was totally her, doesnt come as a shock to me.
Thank you Eve for the extra info!
How about Dennis Quaid for hgf? – I watched “The Big Easy” the other day and he made me melt. Does anyone else think his wife kimberly resembles Ellen Barkin?
@Kaiser: May we have some Gale Harold for HGF?
He also had a leading role in the movie Cherry Falls with Brittany Murphy in 2000. Can’t picture her being a royal b*tch to him though…may she R.I.P.
I totally believe it’s Aniston. She was at the cusp of her fame back then.
I love Jay Mohr. He was the best thing on Ghost Whisperer. I’m sorry whatsername dumped him to give her new boyfriend who is now dumped…follow that?? a role on the show.
LolaBella – Sure. He’s American.
My vote is Eion Bailey for HGF.
I really like JM. I thought that Bacon and him were really good with Jennifer Aniston.
JM was awesome in Jerry Maguire. So even if JM is a jerk , he’s good at what he does. I find him much more interesting than that Paul Rudd guy.
@Kaiser: Thanks! My girlfriends and I are having a QAF marathon at my house this weekend, so Gale on HGF is the perfect way to start the weekend!
I respectfully request that James Spader be included in an all American HGF. He made my liver melt in SL&VT.
Thanks so much.
Have always heard he’s a jerk, so maybe they just didn’t get along. It’s only his side of the story, and even if she was a total unprofessional bitch to him on set, bringing it up in an interview years later is just as tacky.
@ LolaBella, I actually forgot about Mohr-Cox, what a dick!
I respectfully request an all-Canadian HGF as well. We have many hotties.
If it wasn’t Jen he could have said “No it wasn’t her but I wont say who it was”.
Mohr is supremely talented and a helluva nice guy. He doesn’t have to joke steal, if you’ve never heard him riff off the cuff, then you have really missed some funny stuff. The rumor that JA was bitchy back in the day on sets is ollllld. Supposedly, she grew up and is very gracious to work with now. I guess someone needs to get JM and JA together for some healing and commiserating about starring in that doggy movie.
Who is this guy?
Funny how everyone is riding on Anistons coattails so they can get mentions in the press. Joan Collins anyone? Hhaha
Didnt Jay Moh or whatverhisfaceis try to diss Chelsea Handler and she put him in his place? Yeah thats what I thought.
meh, i don’t see how he’s talented. for some reason, he was often guest commentator for MLB and yeah. not funny. and the movies i’ve seen him in, he could not act.
and i’ve always, always heard he’s a douche. him cheating and then leaving his wife just proves this point further to me.
Jay was great on Ghost Whisperer and Gary UnMarried, but he was looking hella terrible in Hereafter. It was sad. 🙁
I don’t know. . . I’m of the opinion that the best thing to happen to Aniston’s career was her divorce, so I can’t say I’m surprised to hear she’s got an (undeserved) ego.
Hopefully she’s found some humility. You can tell Jay Mohr has – look at what he’s married to!
I’m new here, so apologies if he’s been posted and/or this is not the right place to post, but can you please add Christopher Eccleston to HGF?
Oh, and also, Jay Mohr’s face annoys me. Just thought I’d give my 2 cents…
Jay has personal issues so she may not have liked him for other reasons.
(sliding in a HGF request, too: have you included Christopher Meloni yet? If not – could ya??? Pretty please?!?!?!?)
Bitches have a knack of messing with a man’s psyche forever. Get over it JM.
Hard to say who the bigger jerk is in this one. Can’t really doubt that it’s Aniston he is talking about after that snippet that Eve posted.
But I have always heard that he’s a major jerk and Aniston’s costars always rave about her. No one’s perfect, but that was crappy of her, if there isn’t more to it that he’s leaving out. She would have been in her mid to late 20’s when that was shooting. I was probably a bitch then too, lol.
Didn’t Zack Galifinaskksa or whatever is his name is say something similar about Aniston when he played her husband in The Good Girl? He said something like she was absolutely disgusted to play his wife and she let him and the whole crew know about it. He’s not the most attractive guy but he knew that. It doesn’t mean you should demean the guy in front of other people.
@cc the actor is actually John C. Reilly and yes he told it as an affectionate joke but apparantley she made it clear how unhappy she was to have to do a love scene with him.
She never did do a love scene with J.C. Reilly in that movie (or maybe it didn’t make it past the cutting room). He just put his hand on her boob. She did have to fake the deed with Tim Blake Nelson though. Wonder how she felt about that? lol
Oh how funny, I just found J.C. Reilly’s comments.
“So I climb into the bed, she opens up the sheet and I swear, she had two pairs of sweatpants on, winter socks, a long-sleeved t-shirt,” John says. “Her body is basically like a burka from the neck down.”
“And I go, ‘OK, I guess I’ll just get on top of you now’, and she’s like, ‘Can I get the chastity pillow please?’,” John said. “I’m like what the hell is a chastity pillow? And they bring out this big black pillow that she puts between her legs. And from that moment on, I went from Robert Palmer to the Hunchback of Notre-Dame.”
I have to agree with Aniston when I saw that movie I was thinking, “why did they cast him” while I do think he was miscast and there was nothing appealing about him Jennifer should have acted like a professional, there was no need to openly show her dislike of him.
Awww…I love John C Reilly. He’s no looker but he seems sweet. That kind of pisses me off.
And yeah, I agree with the poster who said she may have been bitchy to him back then, but he looks worse still talking about it.
Yeah baby… HGF!!!!!!!!!!!!
J C Reilly is the best. Talented and a really down to earth, nice guy. Anyone who was mean to him deserves nothing good in life. Did she really do this to him?? I had never heard this before but im glad he came out and said something. What a beeeatch!
She gets paid to act so she must be broke-hahahaha! She is the WORST actress.
HGF!! Cannot wait! Thanks Eve for getting us started on that topic and I am so glad that Kaiser is already preparing! Kaiser- be sure to include your oversharing comments that seriously crack me up and I enjoy ALMOST as much as the photos! My favorite is when you have Clive finish..
All I can say is that she’s a pleasure to work with now. People grow up and mature. I’m not her biggest fan because of some of the things she’s said, but I did work on a set with her twice and she was really nice.
@Liana – nicely stated. I remember an interview with Aniston and Mohr from way back then (sad, I know) and Jay was overbearing with her. The interviewer would ask her a question and Jay in his newbie enthusiasm would finish Jennifer’s sentences and try and crack jokes. Maturity is a beautiful thing.
@Really – I second the Clive finish for HGF……good call.
Didn’t Jim Carey tell Howard Stern, she was nice to him, but rude to the crew. Didn’t she diss a fan on the bounty hunter set, getting up and walking away from her. Anbody know what exactly Carey said to Howard.
I don’t doubt she said those things and it wouldn’t surprise me if she was kinda bitchy in general, especially back then when she was riding high on her popularity and was young and fresh. From all that I hear about her today and in recent years, she’s really nice and great to work with.
Jay Mohr seems like a pathetic loser whining about it 13 years later. That movie was released in 1997. Maybe he’s just peeved because she managed to make a career out of being harmless and he ruined his career by being a general ass.
@Vee- I don’t always agree with some of the choices but if Clive’s there at the end, he makes it all better. =)
“So I climb into the bed, she opens up the sheet and I swear, she had two pairs of sweatpants on, winter socks, a long-sleeved t-shirt,” John says. “Her body is basically like a burka from the neck down.”
“And I go, ‘OK, I guess I’ll just get on top of you now’, and she’s like, ‘Can I get the chastity pillow please?’,” John said. “I’m like what the hell is a chastity pillow? And they bring out this big black pillow that she puts between her legs. And from that moment on, I went from Robert Palmer to the Hunchback of Notre-Dame.”
She’s probably just as bitchy as ever she’s just more PR’d than anyone else. I doubt anyone would tell the truth about working with her because of the backlash from the pity party brigade. I thought Jay M was perfect for the role specifically because he wasn’t handsome in a conventional way which was the whole point. For someone that is always crying about being told she wasn’t good looking that was a mean spirited thing to do to JMohr.
There was a writer for show “Friends” that told a story about how Jennifer invited everyone to see “Fight Club”.
He said that when the movie was over Jennifer said that this is the kind of stuff that should be used on the show. He then had to reminder her that “Friends” is a comedy.
I find it funny that people are always making excuses for her.
“He’s a jerk, so he probably deserved it”
The comment isn’t about his behavior, it’s about her ego. She obviously thought he wasn’t good enough to be in the same movie with her. I don’t remember anyone saying he’s a jerk before? Do you have any proof of that? I’d like to hear it. And, I don’t think anyone deserves to get openly dissed. That’s just cold, regardless.
“She’s probably matured.”
Actually, she just spouted the word, “retard,” on national tv and has failed to talk about it. I don’t think that’s a sign of maturity? 😉
“She’s nicer now.”
You are probably right, but is it genuine? She knows how to play the PR game better, and she knows that bitchy behavior is bad for business.
I’ve always thought her sweetheart routine was fake, so this doesn’t come as a surprise to me. I prefer straight-up bitches like Katherine Heigl over fake frauds like Aniston any day of the week. There’s nothing like hearing a grown woman admit she puts her foot in it and actually apologizes for it. That’s why I like Heigl so much better.
LOL “Chastity pillow”! I’ve never heard of such a thing. Actors really use stuff like that???
Poor John C. Reilly. She didn’t have to be so obvious about how repulsive she found him. That guy can act circles around her. She should have asked him for lessons. What a grade-A BEAAATCH.
Grace, I agree with your suggestion of Eion Bailey for HGF!!!!
It’s bad behaviour when actors dish out anonymous stories like this. Anyway, who is he? He is hardly known beyond America. I do know him briefly from a couple of movies. He is no big deal anyway. Proof of Hollywood nepotism, more than anything else.
I really love Jay Mohr. She sounds like a real pill. Like she’s some great actress? Please. She didn’t have to humiliate someone like that in front of others. What an ego
@Marie: You took the thoughts right out of my head! Totally agree with you (except I’m not a Heigl fan, although I totally get where you are coming from).
You nailed it, really great comment. 🙂
Ellen P wrote: It may be irrational of me to think so, but I perceive Aniston as a sorta clever but shallow (mile wide, inch deep)person.
Aniston: Clever? No. Cunning and Manipulative? YES.
@Kim – or he could have said nothing and got A LOT more press… Ta Da!
And John C. Reilly could have been kidding and been over the top with that.
I think if she was really a bitch more would have come up than one bitter co-star years later and another making a joke.
Didn’t Jim Carey tell Howard Stern, she was nice to him, but rude to the crew.
On Bruce Almighty? I worked that set and she was really cool to the crew.
And I guess it hasn’t occurred to some of you that John C Reilly was perhaps JOKING… he does that, you know.
Again, no longer a fan of hers, I’m actually a little annoyed with her casual use of the “r word” (since she had met and spent time with my developmentally disabled and autistic sister and is on the board of the Lily Claire Foundation) and I’m tired of all the “Jen is fine and having fun dates!!” PR blitz. But I have to say what I saw when working on a set with her. She wasn’t as sweet as Jen Garner or as funny as Maggie Gyllenhaal, but she was fine.
Who is he? And why is his profile so bizarre?
I think it was straight up rude, vulgar and an unprofessional behaviour from the actress part.
And i also think, it’s kind of lame, unecessary to come up publicly with a story that depict someone nasty behaviour nearly 14 years after the act.
Unless there is a crime that need punishement, i always think that bringing up unflattering blasts from the past from anyone never paint you well.
You should be able to move on or at least zipp it and never bring up that kind of incidents from a (former)colleague, even innocently. There is some kind of an unwritten deadline with public recrimination/whining of that sort, in order to not appear lame or a whiner.
Dearest Kaiser,
what about a little Kris Kristofferson for HGF? It might be too late for this week, but next….? 🙂
Am I really the only one to think that John C. Reilly made a JOKE?
Anyone remember this?
I bet she IS nicer now. It’s a part of her girl next door image!
And the thin, spagetti strap dress with no bra does confirm that she just “acts with her nipples” as someone on here once said! Lol.
Now that was uncool.
Aniston is a perfect example of a person whose brain (Huvane), is still operable outside a person’s head. As long as she keeps the brain (Huvane) with her at all time, she’s likely to survive Hollywood for while longer even as she hits Hollywood retirement age. Because by herself, Aniston wouldn’t have made it past making that Leprechaun movie.
He did co-star with Rene Zellweger in Jerry McGuire.
This is no surprise to anyone except the gullible brainwashed bimbo fans of hers. I always knew she was a real b*tch, and I cannot understand how so many people are so SNOWED by her fake ‘sweet’ ACT. How the FUQK can people NOT see through her? What the flying FUQK DOES IT TAKE?!???!!!!? First there was calling her own mother a ‘disease’ and not inviting her own disea-er-sorry, MOTHER, to her wedding. Then the ex-friend of hers who wrote that book about how Jen wouldn’t allow her to work with her and got her ‘fired’ from Friends before she started. Now this how ‘uncool’ business, and that vicious and spiteful Vanity Fair interview? And the whole witch hunt she led against Angelina, and the way she has consistently, with Huvane’s help, manipulated the people and public opinion?
Seriously, what does it TAKE, for people to WAKE UP to her phoniness?
WHY do people think she is so ‘sweet’, when there is ample evidence after evidence after evidence that she is a fake, hateful, spiteful manipulative cruel b*tch!
She was never any victim, she was the VILLAIN all along, and the dumb gullible people who actually believe her ‘sweet’ ACT, are the victims.
I am so glad that people are starting to wake up to how they were fooled to believe her FAKE ‘sweetheart’ butter-wouldn’t-melt-in-her-mouth act. She is nothing but a spiteful evil b*tch. As phony as a $3 bill.
Ok, I like Jay Mohr because of Action, one of the most biting and funny shows ever and because he is relatively unknown here in the UK you don’t hear much about him.
But bringing this up again is lame. Yes I can believe JA was a bitch but it would appear she has gotten over herself and is a better person on set now, so move on Jay.
It is very small of him to hang onto something that happened how many years ago?
They have both done some good television work, but they aren’t movie stars. Bottom line, she has been getting paid a lot of money for making bad movies for way too long. Does Hollywood really need to cater to the 5 people who say, “Ooo, Aniston is in a new movie, let’s go see it”? She has 3 new movies in the can, why?
@Heather: Wipe your mouth dear. You’re foaming again.
Some of you people need help, all this anger and hatred for a woman you’ve never met and don’t know personally. It’s disturbing *COUGH*Heather*COUGH*
“I always knew she was a real b*tch, and I cannot understand how so many people are so SNOWED by her fake ’sweet’ ACT. How the FUQK can people NOT see through her? What the flying FUQK DOES IT TAKE?!???!!!!?”
@ heather: step away from the computer.
Couldn’t the movie have been Jerry Maguire and the actress have been either Renee Zellweger or Kelly Preston?
For some reason, I don’t have any difficulty at all imagining it being Kelly Preston.
wow Heather, such vitriol. I actually worked on a set with her and trust me, I wasn’t snowed by how nice she was to the cast and crew. Could it be an act? Sure. Pretty much any behavior can be an act. But I think your post was a bit over the top.
Perhaps you people could say your bs righteous indignation for those who say hateful things about Angelina. Oh, but thats different, isn’t it? Such hypocrisy….
She’s making her *Look, there’s the leprechaun* face in that last pic. I believe it’s on the dvd cover.
I totally believe this story, and feel sorry for Jay.
Jay Mohr was AWESOME in the majorly underrated show “Action”…and I hate Aniston’s rom-coms so Mohr FTW.
where does it say it’s definetly a movie from 1997? thnx in advance
the only reason JA got in the movies is her marriage to the one and one and only Brad Pitt. SHe never made it to A status and never will because she can’t act that well. I used to like her until she pulled that pity party about the divorce and played the cheater card against him. Sherryl Crow came right out and said that JA was already wanting out of that marriage because of him wanting KIDS. Then she had the gall to go on TYV and cry tears and make Pitt look bad?? That did it for me. Making Jollie look like she broke up a marriage that she already wanted out of? She is only famous for who she is sleeping with next.
@Heather: Please do point out one post that comes anywhere near your rabid spewings that is against Angelina and is posted here. Thanks in advance.
You must be joking. I just remember reading stuff here from posters about Jolie as a bad mother/drug addict, who uses her kids for PR, and illegally adopted Maddox while high. In addition to the Michael Jackson stuff. So, there’s A LOT of negativity on both sides. But it’s obvious that you are only keeping track of what Heather writes.
on my local radio station, knbr680 in sanfrancisco, jay mohr told the story of when Jennifer Aniston was displeased with jay being hired in the leading role. he even said jennifer was having a fit about it in front of him and he felt hurt and said he cryed to his mom… so this actually happened