Scott Baio and his wife went through hellish health scare with their baby

Let me first state that I think Scott Baio is a complete jerk-off who has been milking his Chachi/Charles in Charge fame for about two decades too many. However, after reading about the nightmare he and his wife, Renee, went through last year, I actually felt kind of sorry for the dude. Their new baby girl, Bailey, was born prematurely, and doctors told the couple that she tested positive for a rare disorder known as glutaric acidemia type 1, which can be fatal and causes seizures, coma and eventually, death.

“Every breath that you take, every thought that you have, every moment that you’re conscious, it’s all you’re thinking about,” Baio told CBB. “The disease is a constant in your brain. It never leaves you.”

The couple married in December, showing no signs that Bailey, who was at the ceremony, might be sick. But, “every time [Scott] would see a child, see a baby, he would just break down,” said Renee. “It was so tough to go through the holidays, our wedding … all the while knowing, our kid may die.”

[From People]

Ten weeks later, after a battery of additional tests, Scott and his wife got the news: the doctors told them that the initial test was a false positive, and that little Bailey was completely healthy.

Testing took 10 weeks, and when doctors told the couple Bailey was completely healthy and in the clear – the result had been a false positive – “we jumped through the ceiling,” Baio said.

Now 7-months old, Bailey is healthy but her parents have a thankful outlook and want to use their experience to help others.

“In a way I’m glad I went through it. Because this sort of thing puts everything else in perspective,” Baio said, adding of the foundation they are establishing, “We know we need to be a voice here, and that’s what we’re trying to do.

[From People]

Wow, that’s a great attitude. I don’t know if I could have reacted in the same way. If a doctor had told me that my baby could die, and then 10 weeks later, told me, “Oops! My bad,” I think I would have gone over the table at the guy and choked him with my bare hands. So hats off to Scott and his wife for handling this so well. And congrats on baby Bailey’s continued good health. You can see another picture of the little tyke on celebrity baby blog – she is a cutie pie!

Scott and Renee Baio and Bailey are shown on 2/22/08 at the “pre-Oscar Silver Spoon gift lounge,” thanks to Splash News.

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7 Responses to “Scott Baio and his wife went through hellish health scare with their baby”

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  1. Nan says:

    That is one of the cutest babies I have ever laid eyes on.So cute she could actually cause strokes in people, i’m sure. Good job to Scott & his wife for putting out such a beautiful baby. The Gerber baby has NOTHING on her.

  2. julie says:

    I was very impressed with the way Scott changed over the two seasons of his show. Kind of gave me hope that other men could change, too, but they have to want it as much as he did. Im so glad the baby is healthy, and she is a cutie pie.

  3. Nan says:

    OMG, I just went on your link to see the baby. Off the hook! So sorry Scott had to be stressed out like that. The baby is perfection.

  4. Nikki says:

    you’re joking right nan?

  5. Nan says:

    Niks, i’m suprised! You do not think that lil baby is perfect? How can you say that? I’m NOT joking. That kid is perfection! Why? You were a better looking baby? Come on now.

  6. JoGirl says:

    Scott’s a total jerkoff, like MSat said, but that baby is adorable!

  7. cabfo3 says:

    My daughter has one of these RARE genetic diseases (maybe 200 cases worldwide for her error). I’ve been hoping for a long time that we could get a celebrity voice. It looks like we have one now (THANKS), and the fact that Bailey isn’t going to suffer from the disease is a true blessing. GA-1 is absolutely awful and I wouldn’t wish these wacky super-restricted protein diets on ANYONE, not counting all the OTHER nasty side effects the GA-1 kids get (like paralysis). Check out (and grab a box of kleenex) to see what our kids go through. I don’t want to see any more emails dishing Scott: it takes maturity and guts to do what they’re doing for GA-1 and other organic acidemias.