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22 Responses to “Anne Hathaway breaks up with her embezzling boyfriend”

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  1. lola says:

    About time too. What took her so long? 🙄

  2. Anna says:

    Yay! Great going Anne, you didn’t deserve such a jerk-off. I hope she’s cured of the bad boys now. He is such a sleazy, classless leech.

  3. Ack! says:


  4. G. says:


  5. Susan says:

    Lover her! Glad she’s gotten away from him.

  6. elisha says:

    I keep thinking that’s Zack Braff.

  7. Cidee says:

    Now DON”T attack me- I am just the messenger- but I have heard for several years that Anne prefers the company of women and was struggling with her hetero lifestyle. Apparently she has shared sapphic love with ex-costar and “out” lesbian Heather Matanzaro (sp?) .

  8. loli says:


  9. Leandra says:

    According to the rumors just about every actor in Hollywood (even the married ones with children) is gay which is totally ridiculous. But anyway, Anne is well rid of this loser. I wonder what took her so long to dump him…

  10. Bodhi says:

    I bet her parents are beyond happy!

  11. vdantev says:

    Huzzah for Anne, she’s too good for him.

  12. Kevin says:

    Good for Anne!! I totally dig her. I have also read that she was gay on a couple of different sites. She’s not gay though,,where is her tat on her “bicept?”

  13. Kristin says:

    Kevin, shut up. I am a lesbian but I don’t have any tattoos, piercings, dyed hair, etc. Quit it with the dumbass stereotypes.

  14. Charlie says:

    Happy to see that everyone is glad she is out of the relationship, of course everyone assumes that she was completely ignorant of his business dealings and never profitted from the lavish lifestyle they enjoyed together. How myopic of everyone.

  15. david10006 says:

    best news all day….She was waaaaay too good for him. One of the hottest women in Hollywood can do a lot better then this douche.

  16. Leah says:

    Charlie, I doubt that people really think that she was ignorant of it all, but it’s easy to understand why she’d be in denial. A 4-year relationship is not something that you can just toss aside and “get over it,” no matter how much of an ass your partner was.

    I am happy for Anne. Unlike other “actresses” her age, she has talent, and comes across as classy and mature. She kinda reminds me of Audrey Hepburn, actually. Anyone else see it?

  17. devilgirl says:

    Thank God she finally came to her senses! He is such a low life con artist, you can see it in his smarmy face.
    It wouldn’t have been long before he would have fleeced her of every dime she has ever made, if he hasn’t taken a lot of her money already.

  18. Nan says:

    yeah, I knew someone like him once. His real Dad blew up an an explosion & his step dad secretly hated him & used him to further a catering business. Made this guy into a path liar. This guy would have turned out fine if his mom would of had the balls to put him up for adoption.

  19. Kevin says:

    Kristin,,,I was spoofing another poster who always says that. nothing nastier than a lesbian with no sense of humor.

  20. NicoleB. says:

    Hi Kevin, I’m a lesbian with a great sense of humor, whatcha got to make me laugh?And although I don’t have any tats on my bicep, I do have one on each shoulder, lol. OMG, Kristin…. I do have dyed hair and piercings, SHIT, I must be a lesbian then. ROTFL. You guys and your cute stereotypes.

  21. Kevin says:

    No Nicole…its “bicept”. That’s the way the guy that originally started that discussion always misspells it. If I say something like that you can bet that I’m quoting another poster with my tongue firmly planted in cheek. As far as the piercings, tats, dyed hair and whatever else people do,,,I couldn’t care less. That’s why we have the greatest country in the world. (despite George W). As long as your not screwing someone else over you can pretty much do as you please. (and sometimes depending on who you are you can screw somebody over and still do as you please).

  22. voconi says:

    ufffff I am hardddd !