Johnny Depp fulfills promise and sends hat to young fan

I’m nearly certain that Johnny Depp really is one of the nicest celebrities out there. After his daughter Lily-Rose nearly died from E.coli blood poisoning last year, Depp didn’t just do the easy (yet still amazing) thing of donating money to the hospital as a thank you. Though he did give $2 million, he also did something far less common for someone with a great deal of money – he gave his time. Depp had his Pirates Of The Caribbean costume flown to London from Los Angeles and spent an afternoon visiting the children at the hospital wearing the costume.

Again proving his kindness and follow-through, Johnny sent a 12-year old boy his hat. He promised it to the boy after he met Depp while he was filming “Public Enemies” in Oshkosh, Wisconsin this past April. And he sent things for his four brothers and sisters, too.

The next time Jack Taylor takes his hat off to Johnny Depp, it actually will be Depp’s hat The 12-year-old southside resident received a package in the mail Thursday from Depp’s production company, Infinitum Nihil, containing a variety of “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory” promotional gifts along with a vintage fedora Depp told Taylor he could have when the “Public Enemies” star was in town in April for filming.

“All I really said was ‘Can I have your hat?’,” Taylor, who will start seventh grade at Grace Lutheran Church this fall, said. “And he said ‘When I’m done with it, it’s yours.’ He was actually pretty cool.”

Depp’s agent pulled enough merchandise to ensure Taylor and his siblings… each got a little something from what ranks as one of their favorite Depp movies along with “Pirates of the Caribbean.”

“It’s not exactly the easiest thing to make all five kids happy, but they did a good job. It’s finally nice to see a celebrity being nice and following through on his promises,” [mom] Kris Brand said. “He promised Jack his hat and he followed through. It’s really cool.” Jack’s new hat, a well-worn fedora that’s vintage in appearance, wasn’t the only personal item enclosed with the package. Depp also wrote Jack a short, personal note telling him to enjoy the hat and the cool “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory” stuff and signed it himself.

[From the Northwestern]

Like we couldn’t love Johnny Depp more. I don’t think I’ve heard anything less than good about the man in at least the last ten years. He also saved a group of extras from getting run over by a car while filming Public Enemies. Johnny behaves like all those Tom Cruise urban legends you used to hear about (Tom Cruise rescues a bunch of drowning orphans on his jet ski; Tom Cruise saves a woman on a runaway horse, etc) except that Johnny Depp actually does the awesome things, instead of paying his PR rep to spread good rumors.

Here’s Johnny at the Sweeny Todd premiere. Images thanks to PR Photos.

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23 Responses to “Johnny Depp fulfills promise and sends hat to young fan”

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  1. Bodhi says:

    WHY haven’t the scientists perfected cloning yet? WHY? When they do, I nominate Johnny to be cloned.

    le sigh, he is beyond, well, everything!

  2. daisy42465 says:

    He is GORGEOUS!

  3. Bellatrix says:

    I cannot imagine the difficult task it would be to make a believable movie about his life or even write his biography…

    Depp’s not only (almost) every woman’s dream man (bad boy phase included). Depp has not only dated the most notorious women. Depp’s not only been an extremely gifted and talented actor.
    Depp’s full of heartwarming human love and kindness.

    Superman is overrated compared to this guy!

  4. Kate says:


  5. Shay says:

    oooooooh..huh what? Oh I was staring at the picture.

    He’s an actor, musician, family man, humble and remembers his fans and isn’t crazy and into a cult who could ask for more.

  6. Syko says:

    Well, I could ask for him to be slightly taller, but other than that, and the fact that he is not sleeping in my room at night, he’s perfect.

  7. Larissa says:

    I am metling here ♥

  8. Mairead says:

    Oh you just HAVE to be awkward Syko 😛 😆

    Funnily enough I never got the impression that he was “nice” (well, certainly not until he got to trust a person) but definately one of the most decent people, nevermind celebrity, out there.

  9. Ron says:

    He is a very nice kind man. It amazes me the douchebags running around Hollywood that a b list and below that treat waiters, valets, salespeople, etc like shit. Then you have a serious A Lister like Depp who is so gracious to everyone he comes in contact with. Lessons to be learned….

  10. Mandy says:

    Envy of Vanessa Paradis has got to be the #1 cause of anti-French sentiment in the US. Damn her!

  11. SeVen says:

    Mandy – I agree with that statement so much. Hes physically appealing and his personality makes it soooo much better

    Envy Envy Envy That woman.

  12. Leah says:

    My cousin knows a guy who played Jack Sparrow at Disneyland, and teenage girls were always approaching him while he was in costume and slipping him notes with their phone numbers. In other words, Johnny Depp is so incredible that he serves as a perfect wingman, even when he’s not there!

  13. mollination says:

    Since we apparently haven’t perfected our ratio of “Johnny Depps” to “Adoring female fans”, I’d take even just a day with him….or night.

  14. Anna says:

    Leah, that is such a funny story! A good friend of mine is friends with Johnny and he also has nothing but admiration for the guy. And the wingman phenomena is true: ladies, ahem, cream when Heiner tells all his Johnny stories. I bet it has landed him numerous dates! 😀

    Johnny seems like a great guy. Hopefully the Marion Cotillard trying to steal him away rumours aren’t true – or at least she isn’t succeeding.

  15. G. says:

    I LOVE Jonny Depp to death! His movies are great, he seems like a decent guy, and he cares about his fans. What more could you ask for?

  16. fee says:

    My god i love this man more everytime i see him…….

  17. headache says:

    Lainey has a vid of Vanessa talking about him and I loved him even more after seeing it.

  18. Nan says:

    Johny is part French Canadian Indian, Remember how he used to trash hotel rooms when he dated Kate Moss? Boy needs to drink deluded wine only. I see he figured it out.

  19. Jack says:

    I hope the boy said “please” instead of just asking for the hat! And I hope johnny doesn’t get inundated now with people just ASKING for his things. I have people do that to me, gets wearing. I only gift to the well deserved now. Hope Johnny doesn’t get that too 🙂 He is a very kind and thoughtful man. In part I also think Vanessa has a role to play in his down to earth attitude. I have heard her say how she does this for him too when he forgets a little 😉

  20. hank says:

    He’s not french canadian indian, isn’t he cherokee?

  21. Ally says:

    He’s part cherokee. I don’t think he’s canadian at all.

  22. Kati says:

    oh, why can’t he be mine?

  23. Cletus says:

    I bet he’s a weird dude to hang out with, though. He strikes me as being a little off-center, which is not a BAD thing. Yeah, he’s probably really weird. Cool, but weird.