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12 Responses to “Biographer reveals that Britney Spears attempted suicide twice”

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  1. geronimo says:

    Not exactly a shock revelation. Isn’t that more or less what we watched for the last year or so, Brit on a suicide mession? Who will this come as a surprise to?

    It would be different if we hadn’t all witnessed her falling apart in public, and it was something completely out of the blue. Worthy of a book? Not so much.

  2. devilgirl says:

    Those who never hint at suicide are the most likely to do the deed. Those that speak openly of the act are usually not going to do it, it is more or less a cry for help, which Britney obviously has gotten. She was obviously suffering from severe post-partum depression as well from marital troubles which more than likely triggered her total mental breakdown. This book isn’t going to reveal anything new to the reader. We see things written about her every single day, what kind of mystery is there to the girl and her demons left that the public is unaware of. I think the Briney breakdown saga should just go away. It happened, she is getting help, next.

  3. Alexis says:

    Where is the heel of her right shoe in the first photo? I can’t wait untill Britney writes her autobiography in 30 years, that being said I am going to read this book as soon as it is available.

  4. Bodhi says:

    OO! I’d love read the $cientology book!

    Which “old self” is she a shell of? The over sexualized 16 yr.old? The barefoot & pregnant redneck momma? The pink wig wearing, British accent using psycho?

    I’m willing to bet that shes never known who she is

  5. Dingles says:

    Yawn. I wouldn’t care even if she had gone through with it. I have zero pity for people who have everything yet are too lazy to make their own lives worth living.
    Maybe Britney, instead of wallowing in her own self pity, should have hung out in Africa for a couple of months and seen what REAL problems are and gotten some effing perspective. Saying things like “I wish I was dead” would sound pretty damn stupid when you’re surrounded by people who are dying but desperately want to live.

  6. @_@ says:

    >>>Those who never hint at suicide are the most likely to do the deed.<<<<

    Devilgirl, with all due respect, that’s a blanket statement you have no way of knowing statistically. It’s kinda insulting. I’ve known people that have killed themselves, and its only after that you think, “why did he say it like that? was he trying to warn me?” etc.. Seriously, I agree with a lot of the things you say, but that comes across to me as inconsiderate to real sufferers, referring to a ‘cry for help’ as such a minor thing. With that attitude you could have failed to make a difference when someone needed you. I know I’ve learned my lesson.
    Sorry if I sounded rude, wasn’t my intention, honestly. I get sensitive due to those I’ve lost and my own struggles with suicide and depression.

  7. Zoe says:

    Devilgirl –
    “Those who never hint at suicide are the most likely to do the deed” = bullshit.
    I wonder how many people you’ve rolled your eyes at who really needed help.

  8. KLO says:

    I definitely agree with Zoe and @_@

    I’ve known 2 people who committed suicide. Both of them hinted that they would do it, several times. That’s all that needs to be said here.

  9. brit brit says:

    if a man leaves his 6months pregnant girlfriend for you, what would he do to u? kevin federline is the one that made her so sick, and she cannot deal with the pressures of hollywood. if u notice she is always going blond then back to brunette? she wants to be her old self and not bow to the pressure of hollywood.

  10. Jaundice Machine says:

    Suicide is a very serious matter and needs to be handled as such, regardless of how big of an attention whore the individual in question is.

    It’s sad to hear Brit allowed herself to degenerate to the point of suicidal ideation. Her behavior was wildly erratic, but I saw nothing in her highly publicized antics that would indicate that she had suicidal tendencies. I guess a lot of the real soul-melting drama happened behind closed doors. Thank god for that. It really makes you appreciate the impact Daddy Spears has on her.

    I almost feel bad for snickering at her tantrums . . . almost.

  11. paris herpes says:

    ugh milking her agony for all it’s worth. at some point, they need to stop and leave her alone. she broke down for a reason, too much attention-seeking behavior and wanting to be everything got her to want to end it all for herself…too sad…

  12. DD says:

    Dingles, I seriously hate when ppl compare the lives of those in third world countries to shame those that live with severe mental illness/depression.
    It is a serious issue, and it can affect anyone including those in third world countries, and the richest ppl in the world.

    Your words shame those who live with mental illness everyday, it’s not exactly something someone wishes on themselves and I’m glad that you don’t deal with it. You’re one of the lucky ones.