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39 Responses to “Guy and Madonna do have a prenup, might be trying to save marriage”

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  1. xiaoecho says:

    why don’t they just do the temporary separation like mere mortals?

    love her gear

  2. devilgirl says:

    Why is he wanting to save the marriage? If it is for the kids, well it’s a bad mistake. Staying miserable for kids only hurts the kids and who wouldn’t be miserable with her. Lucretia Borgia would be a warmer soul to live with.

  3. drm says:

    In the pic of her in the red satin shorts and t strap heels she looks truly heinous…nice kit on someone ELSE. And what is with her hair!!! She just looks SO bad its hard not to comment on it

  4. Mairead says:

    Being a bit rough on Lucretia there Devilgirl? I mean, there were extenuating circumstances like! ๐Ÿ˜‰

    As regards the pre-nup. It’s likely that there was an agreement, but it still has little status in law if either decides to contest it. The judge can consider it – but there is a difference between that and having to take it into consideration.

  5. Celebitchy says:

    Oh yes Mai – I forgot the detail that prenups aren’t as binding in Britain! Someone commented about that earlier. I’ll have to do more research on that.

  6. vdantev says:

    She could just beat him into submission instead. She’s got the man-arms for it.

  7. devilgirl says:

    @Mairead ๐Ÿ˜† , you are so right.

  8. RAN says:

    ๐Ÿ˜† I agree with xiaoecho (except for the part about her gear ๐Ÿ˜€ ) – just get a trial separation…they’re separate now anyway. But honestly, this marriage was doomed from the start. Wasn’t there some controversy because he didn’t want to marry her or something like that?

  9. Kristin says:

    Wow, so many people hate her.

  10. xxx says:

    She is brilliant but I think she is also very hard to be married to, such a strong willed person.

  11. Kaiser/ Hippacrat says:

    So, it has to be asked… who will get Madonna’s original face in the divorce? Will she get to keep her new cheekbones?

    And what about the London staff’s adjacent mansion?!? Didn’t anyone think about the mansion!!?!?!

  12. MSat says:

    She seems like a controlling, overbearing bitch. It’s her way or the highway. A man like Guy can only take that for so long. I do feel badly for the kids though – I’m sure it can’t be easy having her for a mom.

  13. Kaiser/ Hippacrat says:

    I’m just going to put this out there and see if anyone else picks it up…

    Does anyone else remember all the rumors about Guy Ritchie right before he and MadgeVadge got married? There were stories about illegit kids, affairs he was having with other women while Madonna was preggo with Rocco…

    And then all the stories disappeared. As I look at MadgeVadge’s grisly arms, I wonder if Guy hasn’t always had a little something on the side, and after he got married he just became more discreet.

  14. geronimo says:

    Yes, I certainly remember rumours about Guy in the UK press – other women, but don’t recall any re illegit kids. Michael K over on D-listed mentions this in one of his recent posts about the divorce – says his UK moles are saying it’s an ongoing contributory factor. ?

  15. daisy42465 says:

    I remember reading an article in Vanity Fair years ago about another woman when they were dating. I thought it was odd that she suddenly got pregnant with Rocco. Maybe the pregnancy was a reason to drop the other woman and marry Madonna.

  16. anon69 says:

    โ€œBut at the moment they are both trying to rescue the situation. Em has shown a willingness to patch things up. But because almost all rehearsals for the tour are in New York rather than in London Guy thinks sheโ€™s not sacrificing much.”

    Em? When did she start going by Em? I thought it was Esther.

  17. Syko says:

    Imagine his life.

    “No, no, honey, you don’t have to hug me, that’s okay”

  18. Granger says:

    Just being petty, but seriously, no self-respecting 50 year old should be seen outside the house with barettes like those in her hair.

  19. Persistent Cat says:

    I really have a problem with the line about her being unwilling to give up her music career. What year is this? Women work.

    It’s too bad that a strong woman has to be hated. Maybe in 50 years it will be a little more accepted but I guess for now, if you are strong, you are a bitch who can’t be loved. Oh right, she’s old too. Let’s hate her for that as well.

  20. sue mac says:

    The question I always had is why on her part….the hating is because she doesn’t need a man…..I find both men & women have an issue with that. This guy always seemed like milquetoast to me-not terrible-just not in her league.

  21. drm says:

    It has nothing to do with her being “old”, or having a career. I run a research company, have a PhD and am 42 (not 29 grin). I’m also married and do NOT use my husband’s last name so I hardly fit into the “I hate strong women mold” I AM one. What I think unfortunate is that, to my mind, Madonna has turned into something of a caricature of herself. This assumption (and it is an assumption)is based on interviews and articles that she has given where she comes across and harsh and uncompromising. Could be completely wrong…

    She also looks awful, drawn, ropey and miserable. Her clothes are often absolutely shocking, and no I don’t think she has to dress like an old bag. I feel sorry for her actually. It would be an uncomfortable place to be in to feel you had to fight aging and in doing so yourself so hard…

    She used to be amazing now she’s becoming something of a joke, its sad.

  22. Mairead says:

    I dunno about anyone else, but I wholly admire strong women, with a good work ethic. And on chat shows the older stars are usually the best fun. I just dislike her music, and she always comes across as completely humourless in interviews I’ve read – I know its there in videos and her adopting the nickname Madge, but it she just refuses to be relatable. Sorry, but Marlene Dietrich she ain’t. ๐Ÿ˜

    There’s ways of being strong and self-confident without being a thundering ego, regardless if you’re a man or a woman.
    Take Paul Newman, this is a man who got to the top of his game without suffering fools gladly, and having the “bleedin’ nerve” to demand the makings of salad dressing to be brought to the table because he didn’t trust the kitchen to make it to his taste – and yet he remains beloved; I’ve never heard a bad word said against him (and I used to inhale pot-boiler Hollywood biographies) and he managed to make a successful, international charitable company out of his pernickityness! ๐Ÿ˜†

    I actually don’t agree that she doesn’t need a man, because she’s never struck me as being capable of being celibate for any length of time – and she was only ever a lipstick lesbian at best.

  23. MSat says:

    There’s a difference between “strong” and “unpleasant.” And Madonna jumped from the first to the second, for me, somewhere around the release of her movie “Truth or Dare.” That movie revealed what a self-obsessed, demanding bitch she really is. And Warren Beatty had the best line in that whole movie. They were having an argument and he asked the director to turn the camera off. Madonna, very flip, told them to leave it on, Warren shot back, “Oh of course, leave the camera on, because if the camera isn’t pointing at you, what will you do with yourself?”

    Spot on.

  24. sue mac says:

    Seems to me strong is unpleasant when the person wearing it has a vagina. For instance-Madonna-Hillary Clinton-Cher-Martha Stewart-Katie Couric-Barbara Walters-Whoopie Goldberg-Oprah-blah,blah,blah….Seen it a millon times.It makes you sick. Maybe if she turns up with a penis-all will be right.

  25. PJ says:

    I’m not convinced they’re splitting up but if they do, I’ll bet the big issue is the kids. Guy has been a real hands-on dad and it doesn’t seem that he’d give them up easily, especially Rocco.

    Hey, maybe that’s the real reason why Madonna bought the side-by-side houses in London. She can live on one side, Guy on the other, and they both see the kids.

  26. Because I say So says:

    Women can be strong without being bitchy, but it has to be in a palatable dose. Oprah’s strong, but she does it by honeying her way through the soccer moms and other wives. Madonna has always used her sexuality, which is inherently threatening to men and women alike. I think that’s one reason she’s been vilified to such an extent.

    On that note, I can’t stand her because she’s such a sanctimonious hypocrite. I wonder if Guy wanted to marry her to hitch his star onto hers, never realizing just how catastrophic a move it was. Who can take him seriously as a director? And isn’t he a bit of a joke in the UK?

  27. Anastasia says:

    It’s not like she forced him to marry her. He made the choice and he knew what he was getting into. Madonna’s success isn’t a secret, and the idea of the possibility of being ‘nice’ to attain such success is mythical. When men attain similar success they’re not labeled as ‘bastards’ or ‘self-obsessed’ but if a woman reaches the financial stratosphere, she is a bitch or something equally unpleasant.

    When has anyone read about Madonna’s meltdown? Ever? Anyone? But you read about Whitney,Britney, about Lohan, and most recently, Amy Winehouse (who can’t even manage to record a movie theme due to her drug issues). Madonna, compared to the rest, is the best role model for women in music. She is proof that women don’t have to resort to drugs or drug addled entourages to get ahead. She is her own boss, and this can’t be said for other female starlets who allow drugs to control their lives. It’s easy for people to find something negative to say about Madonna, but the most obvious thing is (conveniently) ignored. So what if she likes her gym workouts? She doesn’t look like a bedraggled junkie.

  28. vdantev says:

    Sue Mac : Seen it a millon times.It makes you sick. Maybe if she turns up with a penis-all will be right.

    I suggest you look closer and I think you’ll see an unsightly bulge over her crotch.

  29. Kaiser/ Hippacrat says:

    Damn. This is a really good conversation. Alright, re “strong women” (Sue Mac)– my problem with women like Hillary Clinton and Oprah is the corportization of victimhood. Hillary turned being a victim into political power, and Oprah has turned victimization into a commodity that can be marketed and sold. It bothers me that they still consider themselves “strong women” while profitting from the exploitation of REAL WOMEN WITH REAL PROBLEMS.

    But Madge is a different case altogether. I actually don’t put her in the same catagory as Hills or Opes, only in that she’s very rich (richer than Clinton). I think people (and I’m including myself) don’t like her because of:
    1. The Kabbalah bullshit.
    2. She doesn’t seem like a very grounded, affectionate mother.
    3. After using sex as a way to get attention, she got our attention and had absolutely nothing to say.
    4. Her music started to suck circa 2001.
    5. All of her fake accents. Girl’s from Detroit, not Jane Austen-ville.
    6. The Gwyneth Bullshit – and by that, I mean the shameless star-fucking.

    I could go on and on. It’s not that she’s a “strong woman” – one of the only things I like about her is the simple fact that she’s a really good businesswoman – it’s that she is a diva, a harpie, a bitch that treats everyone like her entourage.

  30. Mairead says:

    Sue Mac, yes some sectors, like the financial industry it’s still a “big boy’s club” (possibly because they know their wealth isn’t based on the fruits of their labour but bloodsucking trading off others – yeah I said it).

    But elsewhere, I’m not convinced it’s the case that a tough female boss or finacial is a b*tch, but a tough male boss or financial success is seen as wonderful – and isn’t immune to being called a b*stard, douche etc.

    To prove my point – Donald Trump, Sir Alan Sugar and Steve Jobs. Even Bill Gates is a tough little fecker – otherwise why was he No. 1 richest in the world whilst the co-founder of Microsoft was No. 3? Because he insisted on getting the bigger chunk of the profits as he decided to drop out of University to work on Microsoft. That’s some tough negotiating there.

    Female financial successes not branded absolute terrors by all and sundry – Jacqueline Gold (who took over Anne Summers in the early 80s from her very sceptical father) and the founder of Ultimo lingerie.

    Now on women getting to the top is a whole different matter…

  31. geronimo says:

    I’m with everyone on the side of not disliking her because she’s an astute, highly successful business woman. She is, and kudos for that. What puts me off her mainly is how permanently discontented she comes across, despite everything she’s achieved. That, and her lofty pretentions, sense of entitlement and total lack of humour in interviews. I liked her a lot when she didn’t take herself quite so seriously.

    It’s a shame her marriage is ending – I liked them together, and do think they were happy for a lot of the time because they were both willing to compromise – but I think they’ve just finally reached a point of no return.

  32. Lola says:

    I never gave this marriage a chance so I am not surprised, still I like Madonna and it is a shame that her marriage may end soon.

    She has a blog that I enjoy reading, it is actually very humourous.

    Without all the negative things she has been accused of by the posters, I doubt she would be where she is. She has a ruthless streak, and she needs it to keep her head above the water in this business.

    She should ease up a bit on the exercise.

  33. Suuuuuuuue says:

    She is in the same place as men of her stature-who the hell are you going to marry who’s not A-threatened B-gold digging……look at Trump,Murdoch….I spent quite alot of time working out when I rid myself of the last beau.

  34. Lauri says:

    Am I the only one who thinks that the worst part about it is that she wants to move her children to NY, while their father stays in England? Seems to me that she should keep her butt planted in England so the kids can have liberal visitation with him. Yes, I know he’s not her daughter’s father, but he has been in that role for 7 years. Whatever happened to putting your children’s well-being ahead of your own desires?

    And she HAD to know that her relationship was rocky when she adopted that poor little guy from Malawi. Why did she go forward with it? So now he gets to lose another father? NICE.

    But, in her mind I’m sure, it is all about her, nevermind who gets hurt!

  35. Suuuuuuuue says:

    Yes Lauri you are the only one-still living in the 1950’s!!! She has all the money in the world to give ample visitation-as she has proven with her daughter Lourdes.As far as why did she go forward with the adoption?? Man oh man can’t even begin to tell you how many women have babies just before the break-up…Is it smart-no. Common-yeah!

  36. Kaiser/ Hippacrat says:

    Yeah… I don’t think she adopted David Banda to save her marriage, or to provide a loving home to a kid who needed one. I think she did it to get attention, because she wanted a piece of the positive press The Brange was getting. The end.

  37. Mairead says:

    OOoh that’s cold Kaiser!!! ๐Ÿ˜›

    Oh yes – I’d forgotten (mentally blocked) the grandaddy of all bastard tycoons – Murdoch. (And Robert Maxwell, and Aristotle Onassis and Randolph Hearst before him) ๐Ÿ˜†

  38. CJ says:

    He got to be sick of her running him.

  39. ann summers says:

    Who really cares?