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30 Responses to “Older men on the beach: are they baiting beauties?”

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  1. Megan says:

    I still love Liam Neeson ๐Ÿ™‚ Also WOW at Hugh Jackman’s chest!

  2. geronimo says:

    Bating or bathing? Or ‘bating as in slang ie. masturbating? Beauties we can ‘bate over? Or just bathing beauties?

    Liam Neeson can do whatever he wants to do, shirt or no shirt.

  3. Scott F. says:

    Obviously I can’t make a judgment about the hot factor, but Geronimo is right – Liam Neeson can cover his chest in tar and chicken feathers for all I care. The man is just that fucking talented.

    Hugh Jackman is an asshole – I’m in my mid 20’s and I would have to spend 6 days a week in the gym to get that kind of bulk.

  4. daisyfly says:

    Baiting beauties? That, a whole lotta fuglies, and everything in between.

    Me included.


  5. Ron says:

    Diana Summer? I prefer Donna Summer thanks. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  6. Celebitchy says:

    It’s a play on words: Bathing beauties baiting beauties. Micah had it phrased that way “Bathing beauties or baiting beauties” but I changed it thinking I was making the title more clear. What makes more sense to you guys:
    “Older men on the beach: bathing beauties bating beauties?” Or
    “Older men on the beach: bathing beauties?” or the original
    “Bathing beauties baiting beauties?”
    Or maybe I should just change it to “Older men on the beach”

    Damn I’m confused.

  7. devilgirl says:

    So once a person reaches a certain age and has a body that isn’t pleasant to look at, he should give up going to the beach and enjoying the water and sun and cover himself from head to toe? And then we wonder why people are so frenzied to get botox, surgeries, go on diets, work out like insane folks and develope body image issues. Bitch when they do too much, bitch when they don’t do enough, bitch because they have to age, jeez!

  8. Baholicious says:

    Hugh Jackman in male perfection.

  9. Baholicious says:

    oops, meant ‘is’ male perfection. See, I can’t even type properly looking at him… ๐Ÿ˜‰

  10. daisy42465 says:

    All three look good to me, yummy to gaze at.
    But as I near the 50 year mark, the attraction is more intellectual and talent than just looks.

  11. Celebitchy says:

    I see the problem – I spelled baiting wrong! duh.

  12. Syko says:

    I wouldn’t kick any of them out of bed, but I’d drag Hugh in. He’s gorgeous. I am not sure why having this beautiful body makes him an asshole, though. He’s a big guy, he’s like 6’4″ or 5″ – it would stand to reason he’d be bulky.

  13. Because I say So says:

    I don’t see much difference between Mr. Hamlin and the hotness that is Liam. I’d much rather see Liam and Hugh any day on the beach. Maybe I just don’t get the attraction Micah has to Harry??
    Like the rest of the posters, Liam and Hugh can do freaking wrong, especially on the beach, especially when they’re all wet like that…. ๐Ÿ˜›

  14. MommaK says:

    Of the 3, only Hugh Jackman is attractive in my opinion. But I’ve always thought he was. Even moreso since he’s bulked up again for Wolverine.

  15. sue mac says:

    Hate to disagree but there is no number on damn earth in my head when a fit yum body is walking by…Love the age and decorum deal though-always interesting.

  16. Celebitchy says:

    I have heard Liam is super well endowed too. He looks hot to me.

  17. Mairead says:

    His nickname isn’t “The Big Fella” for nothing you know ๐Ÿ˜‰

    I always thought the bit in Kinsey, when he and Laura Linney goes to the doctor to figure out “what wrong” at the start of their marriage and he asks them how big his manhood is, and she points well off the end of the ruler, was a reference to that ๐Ÿ˜†
    (ok – maybe Kinsey was super-endowed, but it gives me such a giggle to think it was a Leeson joke)

  18. Kate says:

    As much as I love Hugh Jackman, his beard could use a trim! It’s too scraggley (is that a word) to be Wolverine-like! It reminds me of a Sasquatch that just started puberty.

  19. Anni says:

    holy frick…hugh jackman is HOT! now i know why dr. cox hates him :mrgreen:

  20. Erica says:

    I really have no strong opinions on the guys above, but I have to say – Clash of the Titans – Hellz to the yeah!

  21. sue mac says:

    Where’s Pierce?? Now there is some yummies!!

  22. stellapurdy says:

    Liam Neeson – yum, especially after seeing Schindler’s List. He gets a pass well into his 80’s

  23. Syko says:

    Kate, I was thinking that about the beards too…any guy I’ve ever known who had a beard shaped it a little, and definitely shaved his neck..but guys don’t seem to be doing that now, I noticed David Beckham’s is that way too.

  24. Brat-tacular says:

    ok it has to be said. Liam needs to put his shirt on and never take it off again. And Harry just looks like a troll. Gross. Hugh Jackman is amazing, and I’m not a big fan of facial hair but he’s so yummy I can overlook it.. Well, that and his wife & kids. lmao

  25. paris herpes says:

    Hugh Jackman makes me wish that all men over 40 look like that! His chest is HUGE and HAIRY! Maybe a little too hairy but I’ll give is muscles credit where it’s due, YUM!

  26. Syko says:

    Hugh Jackman is not over 40, won’t even be 40 until October. Which is why I wondered about him being included as an “older man”.

  27. Meow! says:

    If you thought Harry Hamlin was hot, check out his son with Bond babe Ursula Andress… PHROAR!!!!! ๐Ÿ˜›

  28. veronica says:

    Jackman is the best!
    Cheers from Chile

  29. Lucinda says:

    Ummm……Liam?..hubba “drool” hubba “drool” hubba “drool”!!! Huge?…”drool” hubba “drool” hubba “drool” hubba!!!
    Hell I’ll take both of em’!!

  30. Lucinda says:

    OMG did I say Huge??? Ummmm…I meant Hugh, honest freudian slip there I guess.