Benji Madden is getting a tattoo for Paris

Paris Hilton and Benji Madden are going to commit the ultimate relationship crime. He’s getting a tattoo of her image, and they’re telling people about it. If you’re going to get a tattoo as a reminder of your four month long relationship the least you could do is keep quiet about it to avoid future embarrassment.

The socialite, reality TV personality, and sex-tape star reveals that Good Charlotte rocker Madden is planning to have an image of her etched on his heavily-tattooed torso.

But Hilton isn’t allowed to return the compliment.

She explains, “He is going to get one of me but he won’t let me get one. He doesn’t like tattoos on women. He thinks I look pure.”

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Benji likes that Paris looks ‘pure’. I hear there’s a video circulating around where she looks very, very pure while she performs oral sex on another man. Just in case you wanted to see Paris at her most pure.

In case you thought that Paris and Benji couldn’t get anymore annoying, it turns out they want to make beautiful music together. Unfortunately that isn’t a euphemism. Benji is helping Paris record a theme song for her new reality series, My New BFF.

“Benji and I have been working hard on it,” she said. “He’s helping me write the lyrics for the song and then I’ll sing it, too.”

The couple, who’ve been dating for four months, are laying down the track at a studio located, conveniently enough, in her Beverly Hills mansion.

Premiering later this year, My New BFF will follow the former Simple Life star as she chooses a new shopping buddy from 20 contestants.

Hilton also plans to start working on the follow-up to her 2006 debut CD Paris. “I’ll have another album come out, for sure,” she told E! News. “I just don’t know when yet. I only have the summer off, then I’ll be taping another season of BFF. But an album is something I’ll do.”


I can’t believe that Paris thinks her singing career is going to be so successful that it justifies building a studio in her home. Why not just keep the room to store unsold stocks of her hair extension line?

Picture note by Celebitchy: Benji recently shaved his head, probably after some pictures that came out of him without his hat sunning on a deck with Paris. He had a big bald spot that he was hiding under hats, so he decided to shave it off. Good move, Benji!

Benji Madden and Paris Hilton are shown on 6/27/08 at “‘The Good Life’ photographs by Murray Garrett, held at the Photographers gallery” in LA. Paris, Nicky and winners of a competition from Paris’ reality show are shown shopping on Robertson Boulevard on 6/28/08, thanks to WENN.

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21 Responses to “Benji Madden is getting a tattoo for Paris”

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  1. Syko says:

    It’s okay, it’ll hardly be noticeable among all the others.

    Why does this couple make me gag?

  2. Cari says:

    They just need to stop already. There is no way that they are a legitimate couple.

    But for the sake of argument, let’s just say they are. How much more desperate can Paris appear?? Is she jealous of what Nicole has and has to have that too??

    Go away Paris.

  3. geronimo says:

    “He thinks I look pure.”

    I’d love to think Paris rolled her wonk eye and laughed until she wet herself after this comment about herself.

  4. xiaoecho says:

    we never see the Madden twins and Paris and Nicole as a foursome – wonder who the party pooper is/are?

    Benji looks great with a shaved head

  5. gg says:

    I think he looks about nine years old now. I can’t see bitchy Nicole wanting anything whatsoever to do with these two – they’re ridiculous and the guys dress stupider and stupider every picture I see of them. Wonder if they have ever worn normal clothes – ever?

  6. xiaoecho says:

    gg – I has to be Nicole because she was all over Sophie Monk

  7. Jessica says:

    Cari, that is what I have been saying since the beginning of this so called relationship. The dudes are twins!!! HELLO?? Its Nicole and Paris!! Paris is a nut! There is not way they are really together. It has to be some kind of a stunt or something. I am suprised Nicole even hangs out or talks to Paris anymore. You think she would be the first one to see it!! Paris is Single White Female!!

  8. Jack says:

    More proof tattoos are trashy.

  9. Mr. T says:

    BARF, I read this article.

  10. fluffyrabbit says:

    Fake hair
    Fake hair color
    Fake eye color
    Fake tan


  11. saintdevil says:

    He could get a nice design for his Paris-Tattoo at gallery of the absurd.


  12. Bodhi says:

    Vomit. Doesn’t Paris already have a tattoo?

  13. DogRunner says:

    He looks like Boy George.

  14. Zoe says:

    Anyone else think he looks like Uncle Fester?

  15. Jody says:

    I’ll tell you what I notice– he’s a helluva lot thinner. Maybe she made him give up the pot too 😆

  16. Ron says:

    There aren’t words. I’d call them tards, but that would really be offensive to tards everytwhere.

  17. Masha says:

    found this video of paris auditioning. pretty hilarious, enjoy: minimovie dot com

  18. vdantev says:

    Does anyone else imagine the persistent buzzing of flies whenever Paris goes anywhere?

  19. Hollz says:

    Jack, how is this proof tattoos are trashy?…i would think that Paris not having one would work in tattoo favor?

  20. UCK says:

    Remember when he had “SOPHIE” on his wrist hmmm…hes a repeat offender when it comes to tattooing chicks on him….over compesating for something (secretly gay perhaps????)

    Paris…pure…bahahahahahahahahah that whore is as pure as mud bahahahahahhahahahah

  21. Britney says:

    Paris pure? Oh my god it’s like the funniest thing I’ve ever read in weeks rofl