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7 Responses to “David Arquette is getting cuter and doing better work… off screen.”

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  1. Kaiser/ Hippacrat says:

    Nice. Great organization, good work, David.

  2. Kristin says:

    So good to read stuff like this every once and a while. :]

  3. vdantev says:

    Good on David, but cuter? Did they change the definition last night ?

  4. Alexis says:

    He has always been super adorable!

  5. Snowblood says:

    This is a sweet little bit of celeb gossip/info, I love this! And it’s so true, during the summer when school’s out, so many kids have to starve & scrape through without their school-day lunches. I love reading when celebrities spend their “currency of celebrity” on raising awareness and doing good for the world, and YES, you’re right, Micah, he really does look cute here! David Arquette, wow. In the second photo, especially, he looks really good.

    Maybe he’s one of those men who get better looking as they age, rather than vice versa. Some men, and women, too, of course, have that special physical trait about them, where they actually grow more beautiful and intriguing as they age. Plus, when you’re beautiful inside, that’ll tend to come out and make your “outside” attractive, as well.

  6. Dia says:

    So sweet of him to do this but really he can’t do any thing else.
    To bad he wants John Mayer to give up his career and be Jennifer Aniston’s little pet. John would be stupid to live in their 40 year old world.

  7. Zoe says:

    He does look really cute, but god he’s so skinny, someone make him eat that sandwich he’s holding.