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18 Responses to “Lily Allen’s trashtastic performing outfit”

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  1. candyass says:

    That outfit really does not flatter her figure. She is not fat but has gained weight and she just needs to learn how to dress her body.

  2. Jack says:

    She’s only young, we all did it πŸ™‚

  3. vdantev says:

    Cindy Lauper?

  4. Cassie says:

    She’s not even fat, she has some kickin’ curves. Embrace them!

    That said, I would forgive the pants if she’d worn a bra and paired it with a better top.

  5. Anne says:

    What’s the point of telling us she’s wearing Louboutins if you can’t see them in the photos!!?? πŸ™‚ That said, that outfit sucks. She’s still a cutey though.

  6. saintdevil says:

    If only it was a kind of “I rock and don’t give a shit what people think of what I wear” fashion statement.

    But paired with Hilton-esque accessoires like Louboutins and Chanel earrings the outfit just sucks. 😈

  7. bc says:

    she’s still adorable. look at that face.

  8. lola lola says:

    True. She has the cutest face!

  9. CeeJay says:

    At least she doesn’t have a paraphernalia den on her head masquerading as a bee hive. πŸ˜‰

  10. shella says:

    I think she is beautiful. She looks like a woman.

  11. Sarah says:

    Foul- The poor girl πŸ™ loosing a baby that young must have really effected her.
    I hater her new hair though but i think she looks better as a size 12. great shape- hourglass. but it must be hard having great curves in like the industry she works in πŸ™

  12. Leah says:

    God-awful outfit, but I agree that she’s totally cute, and looks healthy (except for that damned cigarette!). Does the pink hair remind anyone else of Jem (You know, “Jem is truly outrageous, truly truly truly outrageous!”)? I almost expect her to touch her earring and say, “Showtime, Synergy!”

  13. vdantev says:


    ‘hour glass figure’ does not mean ‘having a big fat ass’- there’s a difference. She’s got nothing up top to balance the down below.

  14. kevin says:

    Why lash out at somebody, if you don’t care, It’s been a long time since anybody heard someone in pop music with an opinion, yeah Lily Allen’s different but I LIKE HER!

  15. just say'in says:

    So many great pictures of Lily Allen;..opening of Harrods winter sale, live in Brazil, shopping around London, she didn’t get this one right, but so many of them are! check them out you’ll forget about this!

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