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31 Responses to “Lily Cole, 20, caught doing walk of shame outside Jude Law’s apartment”

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  1. CiCi says:

    20? Sigh. I alway thought Jude was too sophisticated for that. Guess not.

  2. gg says:

    Sorry, but Agyness Deyn blows her away in the looks department. This chick looks like one of those freaky dolls that come to life and kill everybody. lol

  3. NHchicky says:

    Agyness Deyn weighs about a pound. I think Lily is adorable, and at least her legs have some shape to them. Instead of Agyness who looks like she hasn’t eaten in weeks.

  4. kimmi says:

    I don’t think Lily is cute either with her large round face and small facial features, but she has nice eyes:)

  5. Kaiser/ Hippacrat says:

    The girl looks like a Muppet, but I have bigger problems with her age. Jude Law has officially become a pervy old dude who hits on young girls at the mall.

  6. Ashley says:

    Since when is 15 years “not much of an age difference??” It was when Katie and Tom, and Demi and Ashton got hitched.  Plus it means he’s technically old enough to be her father, granted that would mean he had a kid when he was 15 but it happens.

  7. Jessica says:

    Something about her reminds me of Christina Ricci… I think it is the eyes and small mouth… Wow!!

  8. Dingles says:

    I’m 21, and sorry, 15 years is a huge age difference. Jude Law has had failed marriages and children and she can’t even legally order a drink yet.

  9. blabbermouth says:

    ►This chick looks like one of those freaky dolls that come to life and kill everybody. lol ◄


  10. Frenchie says:

    @ Dingles: “she can’t even legally order a drink yet”
    Yes,she does because she is english

    I think the difference of age is huge too. “Love, I want to finish my schoolwork before we pick up your kids” + she looks especially innocent

  11. Codzilla says:

    The difference between 20 and 35 is huge, mentally speaking. But I’m guessing Jude likes the young ones because they’ll put him on a pedestal without asking for much in return.

  12. Cassie says:

    What are you people talking about?? Lily looks like some kinda angel. She seems too innocent to be with someone like Jude but then again looks can be deceiving. As to their age difference/maturity levels, well, Jude hasn’t exactly proved himself to be terribly mature, has he?

  13. Jody says:

    20 and 35 are hugely different mentally, like another poster stated. I changed and matured so much just between the ages of 19 and 22, I was two completely different people, and that’s nothing compared to how much I’ve changed at 26…and that’s only 26! How can you say that a man like Jude Law, with his relationship history and large quantity of baggage, dating a girl, who is literally just beginning her venture into the real world, is not something ridiculous?
    Have you just become jaded, and gained a higher tolerance for jackasses, CB? I understand if so, you see so much.

    He likes them young because they don’t ask questions –just getting to be with him (on his schedule, of course)should be more than enough, I’m sure.

  14. lulu says:

    walk of shame! please! my head would be held high>>>>>

  15. Jack says:

    i don’t understand these so called icons. like kate moss too. both plain as old boots! look at the legs on lily, they’re blooming hilarious. I’d give them a 10 in a knobbly knee contest on a promenade, that’s it.

  16. chuddies in a twist says:

    Ok, that chick is damn ugly. Red hair, freckles, white skin, eyes set too far apart is just plain gross! Ewwwwwww!

  17. WTF says:

    So having white skin makes people ugly, you should think before you type.

  18. daisy424 says:

    Joni Mitchell said it beautifully;

    You don’t like weak women, you get bored so quick
    You don’t like strong women ’cause they’re hip to your tricks

  19. Anne says:

    Jude Law classy??? Have you seen the photos of him snogging Kim Stewart? Smarm personified. Lily is adorable, cute like a button. Doesn’t meen she’s smart though and dating/screwing Jude Law pretty much says it all.

  20. Lauri says:

    That is one strange looking woman. And she is a model? How bizarre.

    And yes, he is way, way, way too old to be dating her. Pervy for sure.

  21. leigh says:

    every new story about jude law’s recent hook-ups seems to remind me of matthew mcconaughey’s character in Dazed and Confused.

    “That’s what I love about these high school girls, man. I get older, they stay the same age.”

    yuck. and i definitely agree with the general consensus here that 15 years is a large age gap when one of the individuals is only 20.

  22. Megan says:

    Nowt wrong with an age gap.

  23. abbizmal says:

    She looks like she is 12 years old. Maybe that is her appeal to pervy Jude.

  24. california angel says:

    Seriously, what is with the red-head bashing? I agree with you WTF, however, I have my own agenda having been a redhead my entire life. Not all redheads look the same. For example, I have naturally red hair and no freckles (unless I get a lot of sun) and while I am pale, the Sicilian in me lets me get quite tan when I want to. Anywho, let’s not blame the girl for what she was given to work with and besides, I’m no supermodel dating Jude Law.

  25. Julia says:

    ANd I thought 10 years was a lot. It is a whole decade. 15 years is a big age difference.
    Jude is a balding perv.

  26. Because I say So says:

    what can they possibly have in common?? 😯

  27. kate says:

    she reminds me of the woman who played morticia on the addams family. i say that in a good way: morticia was hawt!

  28. Tania says:

    Ewe! Jude made it with that nasty ass Kim Stewart? Lord have mercy!

    I used to love me some Jude, but he is rapidly becoming just a nasty old perv in my estimation.

    It’s all gone downhill since the Nanny Incident!

    Oh well … Shame.

    This girl is a cutey pie, but much too young for Jude. Grow up Jude!

  29. Kevin says:

    love redheads!!! Shes cute, but just a baby firecrotch.

  30. Amy says:

    Ahem — “20 year-old cherub-faced model?”

    I’m sure that was a typo and you meant to write, “20 year-old CHUCKY-faced model”

    As in the killer doll? Yep.

  31. chloe says:

    i think lilly coles beautiful, this is what a model should look like, unique, innocent and slim, because they emphasize the clothes more, dont have anything against curvy people, just slim models emphasize clothes more and so thats what the models should be, and that is not being rude, its like a wrestler has to be strong, a runner has to be fast, well a model should be slim.
    and i think lilly coles a perfect example of what models should be like.