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35 Responses to “Barack Obama says he wouldn’t do Access Hollywood interview again”

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  1. Trashaddict says:

    That’s not really fair to the Obamas. My daughter is in school with Malia and they have been much, much better than other political parents about not exposing their children to the media spotlight. When he was starting to look like a candidate, he showed up at a class potluck, nary a reporter in sight. I have to give them credit for that. Malia is a good, centered kid.

  2. headache says:

    I can’t remember how it’s spelled right now but I am more than certain that isn’t the way you spell pantene girl’s name.

  3. Scarlett says:

    i am impressed. the relaxed attitude makes them seem genuine to me for some reason.

  4. lunachick says:

    Modern day Camelot. I know we won’t see much of the children in the press going forward (if Michelle & Barack have their way) but it was great to see them for this brief interview. They could’ve said anything and derailed the Obama campaign in a moment, but Barack and Michelle were confident enough to go on camera with them, presumably unscripted.

    They’re clearly sweet, bright children and I can only aspire to raise my own as well.

    My best to all of them.

  5. geronimo says:

    🙄 If people want to see cynical motivation in something, they will. He’s hardly pimping his kids out to the media.

  6. kristin says:

    I don’t think the word “and” was mentioned enough in that article lol.

  7. MonicaBee says:

    I don’t understand why this is an issue, at all.

  8. michelle is a brilliant speaker, but com’on that singing was like who let the dog’s out, all in my ear. that was nasty.

    i can see why obama don’t want to do another interview like that again.

  9. CandyKay says:

    What well-raised children they are. Kudos to him and Michelle.

  10. snappyfish says:

    why is this an issue? Did JFK not use Caroline on Macaroni as a ‘prop’. John John peeking out from under the desk in oval office? Jimmy Carter asking Amy for her advice on nuclear proliferation.

    McCain and his family (adopted children and all) have been seen and have spoken to the media now and before.

    I thought they were lovely young ladies. These parents have done a nice job. They should be applauded for rearing well mannered and delightful girls.

  11. Bodhi says:

    CB, its Sasha not Natasha…

    And I agree with snappyfish 😀

  12. Kaiser/ Hippacrat says:

    I thought the interview was lovely, showcasing two beautiful, confident, intelligent, grounded kids. I think the stink from the MSM was that THEY didn’t get the interview.

  13. heehee says:

    Anything ot make someone look bad, they’ll throw it out there. Is that really necessary? And isn’t such an attack the very thing they are so ‘concerned’ that the Obamas would expose their children to… yet they are the ones attacking? INTERESTING.

  14. daisy424 says:

    JFK did that photo op when he was in the White House, not as a candidate. Jackie was away when that happened, she hated the press and didn’t want the children exposed like that.
    I thought the Obama kids seemed well adjusted. But I think it was for the publicity. In order to make him come across as less arrogant and target the blue collar voters he needs to win.

  15. Cinderella says:

    I don’t see the big deal. They are the parents and it’s their choice. I agree that there’s a jealousy factor among networks because any one of them would have loved to score that interview.

  16. PJ says:

    Apparently the birthday girl revealed she’s already planning how she’s going to redecorate her room in the White House! (This is according to Hello! magazine, a British publication)

    This is probably the real reason why the Obamas are taking their kids off the air.

    You never know what a child is going to blurt out to the media.

  17. Meredith says:

    What’s the big deal? They are intelligent young girls and weren’t being exposed or belittled. I have given up watching the news because of stupid shit like this; everything that anyone does or doesn’t do is under constant scrutiny. I can understand that their parents wouldn’t want personal details released by accident by the girls, but I am glad that they chose to sit down with Menounos. Love her!

  18. Lola says:

    This is blown out of proportion by the media as they never hesitate to do. I actually enjoyed the clips. They seem like a nice humble family. All the best to them.

  19. countrybabe says:

    Obama seemd to have a rough week last week altogether, this was just part of it.

    It seems like they sit down with anybody to do interviews, for pop exposure.

    Some other show might have been more appropriate other than this.
    Obama likes to use pop culture, yet he doesn’t want to come across as a celebrity.

    Obama was very uncomfortable in the interview, while Michelle was in her element.

    He should’ve taken the week off like everybody else.

  20. Ron says:

    The right just having nothing to go with now. They have tried playing every card here and nothing is sticking. Their canidate is older than Grandpa Moses and he’s runnning against a rock star. They are grasping at straws.

  21. McKenna says:

    I can’t believe this is even an issue. I agree with Ron, they are grasping at straws. If this is the most damaging thing they can think of to criticize him about, I think that says a lot. It was one little interview, it’s not like they are trapsing their kids all over the country to get the presidency.

  22. daisy424 says:

    Ron;What do you mean by grasping at straws?

  23. GoodScout says:

    Can we PLEASE stop focusing on the unimportant when there are so many issues that have to be addressed as our country goes down the FRIKKING DRAIN!

    When the pundit class starts giving Obama grief about something as meaningless as this, it proves to be they’re biased against him based on their long-term relationship with McSame.

  24. daisy424 says:

    YOUR bias is showing. 😐

  25. Kaiser/ Hippacrat says:

    I prefer to call him “McNasty” – his nickname at Annapolis.

    CB should do coverage on what McNasty calls his wife! Hint: Rhymes with “bollop” and “runt”…

  26. oxa says:

    If your kids are your main priority, do not run for president as that takes u away from them for far too long.

  27. Anastasia says:

    I don’t see what the big deal is, either. And the last sentence of this article is the best point. The news media making a big deal out of it is the weirdest part of it. No one would have even much noticed otherwise.


  28. moonunit says:

    Bodhi, it’s Natasha, her nickname is Sasha

  29. Shane says:

    I was very impressed with these kids.

    The parents have done a good job.

    I still don’t trust Michelle Obama yet though. But nice kids.

  30. drm says:

    Oh right, Michelle Obama is untrustworthy but her kids are GREAT because presumably her untrustworthy nature hasn’t tainted them…

    Great family, amazing man AND woman, nice, articulate kids…and a wonderful politician. The media has NOTHING to go on as far as negativity is concerned so they make garbage like this up.

    GO OBAMA GO and if he succeeds Michelle will have a hell of alot to do with that!

  31. Mairead says:

    So. The media are saying the children’s safety is now in danger because everyone knows that Obama is not allowed to shake the hands of their friends (the fuddy duddy), they like the Jonas Brothers and are privy to the innermost secrets of Obama’s chewing-gum eating habits. 😐

    Oh dear. It’s the apocalypse 🙄

  32. Bodhi says:

    Sasha as a nickname for Natasha? Thats really wierd

  33. dana says:

    this is hilarious! his opponents are really scraping the bottom of the barrel for “dirt”! it’s funny to see all these “intellegent” republicans and conservatives come up with the most asinine and plain out STUPID arguments for why Obama isnt the man for the job. makes me feel smarter everyday!

  34. Di says:

    Those girls are such little cutie pies. This is so cruel to attack their whole family in this way. Who cares of the kids are talking about ice cream. Can we get back to real issues like gas prices and the War?

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