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26 Responses to “Lynne Spears says Jamie Lynn is going to be a soccer mom”

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  1. Diva says:

    I thought Jamie Lynne and Casey are living in Mississippi in a little house they bought.

    I’m sure, too, that his family is helping them with the baby. Long term I think helping Britney fully recover is probably something Lynne needs to be giving just as much time to.

    I get this feeling that Jamie Lynne really doesn’t want to be a celebrity anymore. She seems to just want to be “normal” and just be a mom and live a quiet life.

  2. Alicia says:

    Diva, I am under the same impression you are about Jamie Lynne not wanting to be a celebrity anymore. Jamie Lynne probably wants a regular happy life with Casey and have him be the baby’s daddy. 👿 But you know her mother isn’t done milking money outta that child yet aka paternity test. 😈 Jamie Lynne needs to so desperately cling to Casey’s family and stop speaking to her family for a while just until she gets things figured out for herself.

  3. geronimo says:

    Lynne really needs to butt out and leave them alone. Seems like Jamie Lynn got all the maturity in that family.

  4. TIA says:

    Lynne is in la la land. YOUR DAUGHTER IS 17 and had a baby and not married.. WTF???????? You should be so embarrased. Again, 17!!!!! She cant even vote. Shame on you and your ‘Christian’ beliefs.. bible thumper. WIERDO

  5. Because I say So says:

    I hate the assumption that because she is doing what she’s SUPPOSED to do as a new mother that suddenly JL is some kind of role-model. We’re congratulating her on finally being responsible for an irresponsible act– anyone else see the contradiction?

  6. daisy424 says:

    If Jamie Lynn was responsible and very wise as her Mother states, she would never have gotten pregnant as a minor.

  7. geronimo says:

    Oh please. People need to get over this unmarried mother thing. Like millions of teenagers the world over, she got pregnant, had her baby, is now trying to be responsible and build a life for herself and her family.

    JL’s not the one asking for credit here, it’s her greedy, media-hungry mother. SHE’S the one blabbing her mouth off to anyone who’ll listen and grasping at every opportunity to ensure JL remains an on-going source of income. Lynne Spears is the irresponsible one here, not her daughter.

  8. daisy424 says:

    geronimo; I agree to a point, but….
    One of my three daughters got pregnant at 16. I did everything I thought to do to prevent them getting pregnant, among some of the measures were; talked openly about love, sex, STD’s and pregnancy. All of them went in for gyn. appts and I put them on birth control. Six months later one got pregnant on Prom night. She had run out of her pills. Her explaination for not refilling her perscription was; They spent all their money on prom. That was my daughters stupid choice/priority. She never once asked for the money to refill it, nor was I aware of that fact. How was I irresponsible? You can’t always blame the parent.

  9. geronimo says:

    No, daisy, the irresponsibility I was referring to was Lynne’s seeming reluctance to let JL fade into the background and get on with her new life while Lynne can still make money out of her. That’s not someone with her daughter’s best interests at heart.

    Wasn’t referring to the pregnancy thing at all. Not blaming Lynne (or anyone else) in the least for JL getting pregnant. That’s JL and her b/f’s responsibility entirely.

  10. daisy424 says:

    Thanks for the clarification geronimo 😉

  11. phaballa says:

    Ugh. Of course Lynne is jetting off to be with Britney while she puts out another album! Britney is back to being the cash cow now that Jamie Lynn isn’t going to be working for quite a while.

  12. bc says:

    jamie lynn looks old… is it the hair?

  13. Jaundice Machine says:

    Lynne is a liar. She never once took her kids to soccer practice. Unless soccer practice entails head-shots and vocal training. Bitch, please.

  14. MISSY says:

    Lynne “loved” Jaime more when she was Zoey 101, now that she is a stay at home mom, Lynne could care less

  15. Susie says:

    Wow. Once every 16 year old in America reads that article and assumes their own mom is just going to be “thrilled” and “proud” of her for getting pregnant like Lynne is of JL the pregnancy pact club will need their own space in the yearbook for further glamorization.

  16. Larissa says:

    ok…I´ll admit, I am the responsible for all this …Brit´s cracking up, Jamie getting preggers and for the global warming as well!lol
    Blame on me!

  17. countrybabe says:

    I think Lynn’s definition of a soccer mom is out of wack. when I think of a soccer mom I think of somebody who is married, their kids are about school age, they work very little, their husband brings in the dough. This seems a far cry from Jamie Lynn.

    I feel for Jamie Lynn she’s only 16. She was working at 15 and now she’s had a baby. She should have been an adult when these things happened and living the life of a kid now.

    Daisy I agree with you I don’t think it’s always the parents fault. You were responsible with your girls but some parents seemed to be very shocked when these things happen.

  18. Sandra says:

    There are plenty of teenage girls and even grown women who want to get pregnant on purpose-through deceipt- for all the wrong reasons. Just saying…

  19. vdantev says:

    She gave birth to a soccer ball ?

  20. Czar says:

    Jamie Lynn’s decision to raise her baby on Kentwood is definitely a great decision a mother should do. In that way, her baby would grow up to be at peace and away from the bad influences of the showbiz industry. Way to go Jamie Lynn!

    BTW, your baby’s cute! 😀

  21. paris herpes says:

    It’s what Britney should have done, but all that money and mental illness made her worse. She doesn’t know who she is really. At least Jamie will be a little more grounded than she is. And Lynn needs to mind her own business and let Jamie handle the shit with Brit, if not she’s screwed!

  22. Anna says:

    As if any of them have touched laundry or dirty dishes since Britney started raking in the big bucks for the family.

  23. blondemafia says:

    Of course Lynne had to go and see Brit Brit put out a new CD… duh, you always have to coddle the money machine…..

    Lynne is a twit, and it’s good to see JL acting responsibly for now. Time will only tell what is going to happen in this clan.

  24. snappyfish says:

    Jamie should be playing soccer. It was Lynne who should have been a soccer mom instead of whoring her girls out to the entertainment industry in order that they support her and her family.

    This girl is 17. She is a child. This family is completely out of their collective minds.

  25. That’s nice, but soccer mom is not a long term career. What will Jamie do after her child is grown? How will she earn money to survive? Many child stars don’t make it into adulthood.

  26. Alley says:

    I think Jamie Lynn should of followed her heart and keep Maddie Briann out of the spotlight as much as possible!! Poor Baby she is going to grow up and be just like her Mom, or her aunt!
    -Alley 🙁 😐