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34 Responses to “Paris moves in next door to Nicole and Joel”

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  1. geronimo says:

    Could she be any more pathetic?

    On a positive note, I love Paris’s feet. Huge horrible bony clumsy monstrosities. They make me happy.

  2. kate says:


  3. vdantev says:

    Her jealousy is almost palpable. She can’t stand to see her formerly chubby little friend getting the spotlight.

    She looks like a big-lipped orange in these pix.

  4. gg says:

    Cute dress, wrong shoes. Feeling sorry again for Nicole. Somebody slap me.

  5. Anne says:

    She sees that Nicole is getting a lot of positive attention for her new life, so instead of figuring out what she can do to get some good press, Paris starts blabbing about how she wants a baby too, and then moves in next door

    You forgot to mention that lately she’s been photographed wearing floofy tops and dresses that make her look pregnant. What an attention whore.

  6. Anne says:

    I adore that dress though.

  7. AP says:

    Nicky looks great.

  8. jinx says:

    Poor Nicole is trying to start a new life and ditch that diseased Hobag Paris, it’s so sad. She’ll never be able to get away. Watch Nicole forces Joel to move to anyone of the homes they own in LA just to flee the infested one.

  9. Shay says:

    Funny how it seemed like Nicole was trying to live Paris’s life but now the tables have turned and Paris is trying to steal Nicoles life.

  10. Mairead says:

    Perceptive as always gg 😉

    Nicky’s outfit is great though.

  11. daisyfly says:

    Who knew the Succubus was into wearing flowy dresses and was a size 11 pump… If you hear the gates of hell opening up, and the Devil’s minions screaming in glee, be prepared for the announcement that Paris is pregnant.

  12. Shane says:

    paris is a real sicko.

  13. A.J. says:

    Can we please, please, pretty please never have to see/hear from Valtrex Sheraton ever again? She doesn’t deserve any of our attention. Never did.

  14. Codzilla says:

    This bitch is truly hideous, inside and out. I know I shouldn’t allow someone so useless to piss me off like she does, but logic and reason vanish instantly whenever I see pictures and/or read a story about this dumb skank. It’s my own fault, I know.

  15. Because I say So says:

    Hey what’s wrong with big bony feet?? I don’t like her either, but us gals with bigger tootsies are not like Wonk-eye

  16. oxa says:

    I hope that Paris does not breed, she wont have a clue what to do with a real child so it is doomed.

  17. oxa says:

    I wonder if I will bump into her at the Glendale 99c store?

  18. Suuuuuuuue says:

    Biggest tool on earth.Her mother should have her ass beat.

  19. Nan says:

    Reality shows on TV are getting kur-AZY! When is this going to end? When will the pendulumn swing to the other side? When will people like Paris & now Kim go away? When some genius comes up with something like Dynasty as a show. Put your dollar$ there. Recession means fantasy…reality will not do with our current economy. You familiar with the trend?

  20. Snowblood says:

    God, reading all these genuinely disgusted hate-posts I kind of feel a little sad for this woman. Everyone just blatantly hates on her, ow, and you kind of get the sense that she’s finally realising and feeling all the public hatred, but she’s got no idea how to make herself likeable, no clue what it takes to be just a good person, rather than a racist, snobbish, disloyal, emotionally stunted forever spoiled child. Seriously, I do feel bad for her, and I think it’s gotten to a point now where she’s so reviled across the board just fr her character weaknesses of being a desperately empty-feeling incurable attention-seeker who grew up to learn that love and value come from money and sexual attractiveness. It’s obvious she’s got such painfully low self-esteem, and is so hungry to feel the warmth and comfort of sincere human love but she’s got no idea at all how to find it, or attract it, genuine love that is.

    Oh, I don’t know. It must be horrible, to have no dream or passion of your own that you’re actively pursuing or trying to make come true, you know? No need to ever work for yourself, make something for yourself, and no encouragement or discipline from your self-obsessed, absent parents who substitute money and material shit for having to show love and affection, or even having to pay attention whatsoever to you, like you’re invisible, and imagine growing up like that, so your brain becomes hardwired to believe that’s how life is?

    She’s not a fucking murderess or child abusing crack-dealing prostitute, for crying out loud. She’s a lonely, mind-warped, super-rich super-spoiled aging party girl, and I can’t hate on the bitch anymore at this point, I really just can’t. Big feet and all.

  21. paris herpes says:

    They’re both lame fame whores, famous for doing NOTHING! Nicole had a baby, probably the best thing to happen to her since creamed corn and now Paris wants some attention for settling down with that douchebag’s bro, who is also a mega-douchebag. I think my brain just short-circuited from all the doucheyness alive today!

  22. geronimo says:

    @Because I say So:
    Absolutely nothing wrong with large bony feet, per se. It’s only when they’re hanging off the end of PH’s ankles. No offence intended to all the other perfectly fine size 11s out there!

  23. jamesbond says:

    cb, its not nice that ur really bias towards ur comments on paris, thats not what we want to see. why dont u put up neutral comments and we can decide for ourselfs what to think, huh?

  24. Just Sayin says:

    If Paris and Nicole’s relationship has “cooled,” why did they both attend Good Charlotte’s performance together at the Hard Rock in Vegas over 4th of July weekend?

  25. Just Sayin says:

    Also — isn’t this just another planted story to give this duo more publicity?

  26. Just Sayin says:


    You’re right. But disrespect isn’t hatred. Most people just don’t have any respect for her.

  27. vdantev says:

    Snowblood, not one of us owe that skank anything; least of all you owing her a three paragraph defense.

  28. kate says:

    @ snowblood: obviously no one is comparing paris to a child molester or a murderer. the frustration with this spoiled, vapid girl is that is in a position to really do something with her life, and she is doing absolutely nothing. paris parties. that’s all. oh, and drives drunk. oh, and says stupid, racist things. at least her sister seems to be trying to have a career (designing clothes or something?) and has toned it down. paris should do the same and stop being such a tacky famewhore.

  29. BigFoot says:

    Look at the size of her feet!!!!!

  30. Shica says:

    This entry totally nailed it. Paris wants to be Nicole.

  31. Joe Mahma says:

    That chick is disgusting. She has NO identity of her own. She’s trying to emulate Nicole Richie????

  32. anna says:

    UMMM..what did these women contribute to society? ……….herpes? yeh sounds about right.

  33. Lizzie says:

    Some people don’t even deserve to be rich and famous because you keep hearing about their rotten actions. Paris is one good example.

  34. troygirl says:

    You are very kind of heart. A lack of love, discipline, and guidance from one’s parents tends to warp a child.
    Never mind that silly, uneducated hussy-take your kind heart to the nearest non-profit, service organization and help homeless or desperately poor people. Working at service center for those who lack all of life’s neccessities and self repsect is practical, badly needed, and intensely satisfying-i know because when I worked for the biggest
    social service organization in my home county, i received far more than i gave.
    Stay sweet, snowblood.