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37 Responses to “Victoria Beckham thinks she looks “ordinary””

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  1. daisy424 says:

    Now that’s a true attention seeker.

  2. Syko says:

    Imagine spending tens of thousands on a handbag – and getting it in a hot pink color that really won’t go with anything. That’s rich.

    If I ever get one of those handbags, I’ll have to get it in black so I can carry it every day. That’s delusional.

  3. karra says:

    she should look at the people around her and then say “ordinary”

  4. Kristin says:

    That bag definitely goes with that outfit.

  5. Nan says:

    She’s right. Her face is ordinary.

  6. KateNonymous says:

    karra, she probably does look at the people around her and say “ordinary.” She’s not hanging out with anyone who is remotely typical of anything normal.

  7. Raye says:

    She must mean she LOOKED ordinary…..before.

  8. Curlyfry80 says:

    There is absolutely nothing ordinary about her. The way she looks is completely unattractive, very much below the average.

  9. Kayla says:

    I think Posh is probably a really cool peprson to know. She is honest and totally one of a kind and she seems friendly. I think people have the wrong idea about her, she probably is what most think, a rich snob, with her nose in there air. I like her. And I hope she gets that baby girl she wants.

  10. Syko says:

    I like her too, Kayla, she seems sensible enough, and they are very devoted to their kids, and seem to be good parents. I hope she gets her baby girl too. Meanwhile I’m sure she’ll enjoy trying for it with the hottest man on earth.

  11. drm says:

    Kayla: that was a kind thing to say, Posh does get slagged alot. Posh may have said ‘ordinary’ in the British/Aussie/New Zealand sense of the word…over here when we say something is ‘ordinary’ as in ‘I’m feeling a bit ordinary today’ it means a bit below par, ‘that dress is a bit ordinary’ Either way she meant it, she isn’t ‘ordinary’. She does need to put on some weight and I agree that ‘tens of thousands’ of dollars (US dollars mind) for a bag is pretty incredible. But for her and Becks that’s like one of us pulling a fiver out of our wallets. 😕

  12. Ling says:

    Kayla: get over yourself. What indicates that she is “honest” and “friendly”? I mean, it’s fine to hope she is, but why defend her on that basis? You don’t know her or anything about her.

  13. Amy says:

    I think you’re spot on with the Body Dysmorphic Disorder call, Jaybird. Have you seen really close shots of her face? She has a lot of lanugo (hair!) covering her face. More than “ordinary.” She is obviously a functioning ana.

    She made a claim that she only eats handfuls of nuts and stuff like that rather than real meals. That’s basic Anorexia 101. How to conquer your hunger without ever actually eating!

    Sad. 🙁

  14. Tammy says:

    I assume by ordinary, she meant not above average looking. Ordinary. Average. Which is true. She is not exceptionally beautiful and if you didn’t know who she was, you would see her as flamboyant maybe, but not exceptionally good looking (unlike her husband!!)

  15. drm says:

    Ling what indicates that she isn’t? And lets be real the entire purpose of this site is for people to comment on other (more famous) people in a purely speculative manner because really none of us, including the people who work for Celebitchy know anything about these people, which is why its called gossip… 8)

  16. california angel says:

    I don’t think that the security guard finds her ass any sort of ordinary seeing as it seems to have him transfixed.

  17. Megan says:

    She doesn’t have a beautiful face, no, but her extreme dieting and bolt-on boobs make her look different and more glamarous. When she joined the Spice Girls she looked very average.

  18. Because I say So says:

    She was kind of cute in a girl-next-door way before all the surgery. Now her face more closely resembles that of a pig, which further looks ridiculous on her pin-thin body. She’s not average or ordinary in any sense of the word: she’s freakish!

  19. Sue says:

    Her face is average…..but everything else she busted her ass/pocketbook for! She has style-not my taste but style.

  20. Idna says:

    She is correct her face is very average and ordinary. Come on I don’t care how skinny you are! And beauty is not about being skinny. For you will see the 150 pound girl with c boobs with a very beautiful face. And besides Posh is very ordinary. She’s not a great beauty so please stop exaggerating just because she is skinny. NOt all Skinny people are absolutely breath taking you know?

  21. Idna says:

    She is right. She is ordinary in her face. She is not the ordinary typical size. But she is facially ordinary. Brown hair does not make you ordinary.And you will see plenty of Beautiful women who are 150 pnds and much more Beautiful then Posh could be. And what does POSH DO?? I have not figured that out yet? All she does is play rich girl?
    I have always thought Posh was ordinary. Scary and the Blonde chick were always the better looking in the group. 🙂

  22. heehee says:

    The only thing to set her apart form others is her clothes- beyond that, lots of people are plastic and she doesnt necessarily look “beautiful” in the prevailing sense… so she’s right…

  23. gg says:

    That dress and those awful shoes look like she got em at a Florida tourist mall.

  24. lanette says:

    no matter what she says people will criticize her..especially ’cause she is a female and she is rich………..and oh yeah her husband is a hunk..i say go girl!

  25. paris herpes says:

    I wouldn’t say she’s ordinary, most of the time she looks like a pornographic alien with those bolted on DDs of hers. Plus the only time I’ve seen her dressed down she looked absolutely miserable. But then again she doesn’t smile because “it gives her wrinkles”. She has some mega body issues if you ask me.

  26. paris herpes says:

    And those shoes are so FUGLY, why would she spend thousands on a pair that not even a low class Vegas stripper would be is beyond me! (I bet she got them cause they matched that equally FUGLY purse, the color gives me such a headache!)

  27. countrybabe says:

    I didn’t think she had a modest bone in her body. I’m glad she knows the truth when she sees it.

  28. Sue says:

    This particular outfit is less than her best but I would give my left testicle for the rest of her clothes-in particular her accessories….you bitches have no taste.Love marc jacobs!!

  29. Steph says:

    I think for a fembot, she’s actually quite striking!

  30. Benny says:

    She looks like an alien cross-bred with a monkey.

  31. kate says:

    i love posh – i know, i know…but she seems to not take herself too seriously as an “artist” or anything else. kind of refreshing.

  32. hello says:

    I always thought she seemed really nice and funny. I think she’s been pretty down to earth, especially about herself. She makes fun of herself all the time. Ever hear Jessica Alba or Catherine Heigle do that? Ever hear them make ANY joke for that matter?

  33. Hungry Kya? says:

    Ordinary? I’d say more on the piggish side….

  34. Kate says:

    Excluding the Botox and other work done, her face is very plain.

    Perhaps better than Jennifer Garner but very plain looking.

    Other than that, her awful fashion sense and whatever she has done to her body. she is actually quite accurate.

  35. Snowblood says:

    Nan took the words out of my mouth – Posh IS right, she IS totally ordinary. And, so? The only physicality of hers that perhaps is less than ordinary but not quite extraordinary is her unusually slight figure. The skinniness of the bitch is what’s not so “ordinary,” that and her incredible wealth. Other than that, yeah, she owns a fairly unremarkable face and personality, forgettable, even, were it not for the fact she’s so relentlessly publicised.

    I mean – You can’t fault a woman for her self-awareness, now, can you? Really, she called it, not us. And she was right! It’s not a BAD thing, to be ordinary.

  36. czarina says:

    Then why call her a bitch for being self-aware? Why dislike her at all? I don’t understand why people have such a problem with her–if she is too thin, or has body issues, isn’t that something to feel bad for her about?
    She seems devoted to her kids and her husband (since I don’t know her, I’m going by the fact that she is always photographed out with her family and she is always complimenting David in public).
    She TRIES to do stuff–like fashion and music. Whether or not she succeeds, at least she makes an effort.
    In interviews she comes across as funny and interesting.
    What is there to hate her for? Being rich? Being thin? So if she were fat and poor, she’d be likable?
    Nobody ever has a reason for disliking Victoria Beckham except that she doesn’t smile in pictures.
    I don’t LOVE her (I don’t get wildly crazy over any celeb–not even her hot husband!), but I feel defensive on her behalf because there are so many celebs out there who are real creeps (drug addicts, adulterers, drunk drivers, etc.) that it seems unfair to hate Victoria Beckham for no good reason.

  37. Francesca says:

    No she looks like a pretentious pig from outer space.