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11 Responses to “Eva Longoria says she gained weight for her role, so lay off”

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  1. Larissa says:

    am sorry, but what weight gain?lol

  2. Kaiser/ Hippacrat says:

    She looks pregnant to me…
    But hey, what do I know? Or care?

  3. linda says:

    Wow is she tiny! She looks like a little girl in that pic. I think she should eat more! And if she IS pregnant, then God Bless. She’s a cutie.

  4. Leah says:

    Yeah… what weight gain?

    And pregnancy? What if she’s just bloated?
    I can look more pregnant than that when it’s that time of the month for me.

  5. Frenchie says:

    maybe she has been told to gain weight in order to get pregnant

  6. anna says:

    The I want Privacy t-shirt was a line put out by privacy wear. Like, I want more privacy-brand clothes.

  7. scarfeet says:

    I don’t think she’s pregnant, or may be she is 😆

  8. drm says:

    I am with everyone else who said “what weight gain??? where???” I loved the but “as an actress” comment. “Actually I HATE eating…i only do it because I HAVE too…” LOL 😕

  9. Josh says:

    I love you Eva! Keep it up girl, and you are a firecracker on Desperate Housewives, They chose wisely when they chose you to play Gabriele Solice! Beautiful, Beautiful and more Beautiful!

  10. YaYa says:

    Well being from Corpus Christi Texas myself & Hispanic ofcourse…We hispanic women come in all shapes & sizes & she seems comfortable in her own skin..who are we to judge? just because we are used to seeing her in skimpy,tight, or revealing clothing people assume the wrong things,she looks cozy & comfortable in what she has on in those photos,more power to her!!

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