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23 Responses to “Sienna Miller’s friends claim she’s not a homewrecker”

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  1. daisy424 says:

    I’d like to hear what Rosetta has to say. Didn’t his wife just have a baby not too long ago? He was denying this affair earlier this month. He is a dog 😡

  2. Kaiser/ Hippacrat says:

    I don’t know, Jaybird. To me, Sienna’s not really the female Mayer, more like the English Jessica Biel. 🙂 Kind of a publicity-creation whose best known for who she dates and walking whatever red carpet, going to the opening of an envelope.

    *And before all of the “ZOMG HOMEWRECKER” bs starts, remind yourself that Getty is the one that’s married, not Sienna.

  3. Kaiser/ Hippacrat says:

    Damn. I think my comment was eaten.

  4. fsdf says:

    Both him and Sienna are trashes.

  5. Blackalicious says:

    Agreed! She deserves the rep. And she must hook up with Mayer. I can see it!
    We need to play a game where we can make 2 celebs date and then watch what happens. Kinda like Mister Potatohead but with relationships: see all the fucked-up-edness that ensues (yeah I know it’s not a work)

  6. Kaiser/ Hippacrat says:

    CB, why was my first comment eaten? Was it because it included the phrase “ZOMG HOMEWRECKER”????

  7. Kaiser/ Hippacrat says:

    Guess not. Alright, I just basically said that, to me, Sienna is like the English Jessica Biel. And that Getty, while really f–ing hot, is kinda sleazy. And he’s the one that’s married, not Sienna.

  8. Celebitchy says:

    Kaiser I dunno! I don’t even see your comment in the moderation queue. You know, it’s probably because you used one of the dating spammer keywords given the subject. Let me look through the spam filter.

    Edit – found it, it went straight to the Spam folder. I don’t know why at all, that’s weird.

  9. photo jojo says:

    All I gots to say to Sienna is what goes around, comes around.

  10. Nat says:

    Very bad karma. What goes around and all that. Feel sorry for the wife and FOUR kids!

  11. Erica says:

    JayBird, I usually love your articles and you had me until the last sentence. Lately all of the homewrecking slut angles are getting to me. Yeah, she sucks. But I still really don’t get why the guys don’t get more heat? These jerks make a choice to leave their wives for other women, if anything they are on equal ground here. Rag equally or not at all, I say.

  12. MSat says:

    If the marriage was over, why did his wife just have a baby 8 months ago? And if the marriage was over, why was there no divorce or legal separation? Why did he try to deny the affair?

    I agree that he is the one who should be called a homewrecker- it was his home and family he willingly destroyed. But all the same, I don’t have any respect for a woman who knowingly enters a relationship with a married man. It shows a clear lack of conscience to get in that situation. All I can hope for is, as someone above said, what comes around goes around and this trashy little slut finally gets hers.

  13. Megan says:

    Basically, don’t get involved with a married man. I don’t care if his relationship is ‘basically over anyway’. Just… leave it. Otherwise people WILL think you’re a home wrecker, whether you had anything to do with it or not.

  14. jinx says:

    Sienna and Getty are dirtbags, so that means she started doing him when his baby was just a month old. Lovely. It’s probably not going to hurt either of their careers such as they are, but it will come back to bite them in the ass at some point. Filthy behavior always has a price.

    I hope Rosetta keeps him from the children, he’s a horrible father.

  15. Syko says:

    I don’t really believe in homewreckers. I think if it’s a happy home, nobody’s going to wreck it.

    That said, I think Sienna’s totally self-absorbed and out to have a good time, and is not too careful about who gets hurt by her actions. Always best to just avoid those married men. Or women.

  16. Persistent Cat says:

    I definitely believe in the term homewrecker. Stuff like this happens. It’s not the best thing to happen but it does. It’s when there are kids involved that I take issue with both parties. Yes, he cheated and he’s scum for that but good God woman, he has young children. You don’t break up families.

  17. Bodhi says:

    I don’t really believe in homewreckers. I think if it’s a happy home, nobody’s going to wreck it.

    Ditto all the way!! The married party CHOOSES to stray/leave/abscond/bail. As far as I know, there is no magic “leave your husband/wife” potion.

    If one half of a married couple isn’t fulfilled by the marriage and chooses the company of another, there are serious problems that existed before the 2nd party became an issue. The demise of a marriage isn’t necessarily (I never spell that right) the 3rd party’s fault. If Getty really was unhappy in his marriage its HIS fault for not straying, not Sienna’s.

    All that being said, Sienna clearly doesn’t give a flying fuck about anyone but herself. At all. And that is a massive glaring flashing character flaw. I’ve no clue how she finds all these idiots to fall in love with her…

  18. gg says:

    Just a posit here: If they live in the States, there really isn’t such a thing as a “legal separation” — somebody leaves the marital home and bam, you’re separated. No papers are needed. But sometimes people are dysfunctional and codependent and keep living together “during the divorce” (not) and drama occurs, they’re both responsible. But he is a PIG.

  19. Bodhi says:

    gg- It really depends on the state of primary residence…

  20. Syko says:

    Well, he married the giant blockhead. Must have liked something about her.

    And I rather doubt Sienna’s all that tight, what with the dozens of visitors.

  21. Bodhi says:

    Again, ditto…

  22. Lauri says:

    They are both sleazoids. Here’s hoping that Rosetta finds herself a really wonderful man in the not too distant future. And here’s hoping the sleazoids get what they deserve, as well (like maybe STDs?)

  23. DLR says:

    “Sienna didn’t break up his marriage,” says the friend. “It’s been in trouble for a year. The truth is, they’ve quietly separated.”

    Yeah, right, last I heard pregnancy lasted 8 to 9 months. If Sienna is not a “homewrecker” then I’m the Queen of England. 😀